Lapas attēli

of last session), the limit of cost of this tender was increased by $10,000, so as to make the total limit of cost $140,00. New bids were invited to be opened October 30, 1906. Only one bid was received; that was for $170,500.

By the act of April 28, 1904, a new tender was also provided for the eleventh (Lake Superior) light-house district, at a limit of cost of $140,000. By the same act $50,000 was appropriated, and the remaining $90,000 was appropriated by the act of March 3, 1905. On July 17, 1906, bids for this vessel were opened. The lowest bid was $155,650, with an alternate bid, omitting electric plant, furniture, boats, etc., of $147,400. The other bids received were, respectively, $188,000, $190,000, $192,000, and $241,450. Advertisement was again made, asking bids, to be opened November 3, 1906, but no bid was received.

A new tender was authorized for the third (New York) light-house district by the act of March 3, 1905, at a limit of cost of $135,000. Bids were advertised for this vessel, to be opened October 30, 1906. Only one bid was received, being for $192,500, with an alternate bid, omitting electric plant, of $188,000.

By the act of March 3, 1906, $40,000 was appropriated to repair the tender Manzanita in the thirteenth (Oregon and Washington) lighthouse district. The vessel was sunk in a collision, and when afterwards raised was found not worth repairing. By the act of June 20, 1906, authority was given to use the unexpended balance of the $40,000 toward the construction of a new light-house tender, with a total cost limited to $150,000. Bids were advertised for, to be opened October 30, 1906, but only one bid was received, being for $186,591.

By the act of June 20, 1906, a new tender was authorized for the twelfth (California) light-house district, with a limit of cost of $150,000. Bids have not yet been advertised for.

Of the five tenders authorized, those in the third, sixth, eleventh, and thirteenth districts are for inspection and supply service, while the one in the twelfth district is for engineer construction and repair service.

When the tenders for the sixth and eleventh districts were authorized by the act of April 28, 1904, it was estimated that the limit of cost fixed for these vessels, $135,000 and $140,000, respectively, was amply sufficient to pay for the cost of their construction and equipment. When bids were advertised for the tender for the third district, and opened in February, 1906, the lowest bid was $136,000, and your committee in reporting the general bill for additional aids to navigation at the last session of Congress estimated that an increase in the limit of cost of $10,000 would be sufficient, and that increase was provided for in the act of June 20, 1906.

The Light-House Board in advertising for new bids to be received on three of these tenders on October 30, 1906, did not limit their efforts to obtain bids by the usual advertisements, but the attention of more than 40 shipbuilding concerns was specifically directed by the Light-House Board to the advertisements, in the hope that there might be competitive and low bidding. The lowest bid received on October 30, 1906, for any of the vessels was $170,500, and it should be understood that this is not for a vessel completely constructed and equipped, for a considerable portion of the equipment is necessarily furnished by the Light-House Board instead of by the contractor.

The early construction of these tenders is absolutely necessary for the service. Light-houses and other aids to navigation are of little value without care and supplies. There would still be a shortage of tenders for the actual needs of the service if these five tenders were already in commission, and their early construction is urgently needed. The increase in the estimated cost of the tenders is not because of an increase of expensiveness in design.

If the bill as reported, making the increase of limit of cost, becomes a law, it is expected that some of the bidders may bid on the entire five tenders, which will be very similar in construction, and that this will result in a lower rate of cost per tender than can be expected where one bidder bids on only one tender. The LightHouse Board is now having constructed, by authority of law, five new light vessels on a bid per vessel of $99,000, while the same bidder had a lowest bid of $112,000 for only one vessel.

In order to protect the Government, it is provided in the bill that the President may direct that the tenders, or any of them, shall be constructed in any of the Government navy-yards within the proposed limit of cost.

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JANUARY 7, 1907.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House and ordered to be printed.

Mr. MARTIN, from the Committee on the Public Lands, submitted the



[To accompany H. R. 22543.]

The Committee on the Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 22543) granting to the town of Pawnee, in Pawnee County, Okla., certain lands for park, educational, and other purposes, having had the same under consideration, respectfully submit the following report:

This bill grants to the town of Pawnee, in Oklahoma, for park, educational, and other public purposes a small tract of land of about 87 acres.

The land granted is a portion of the Pawnee Indian Reservation set apart for agency and school purposes at the Pawnee Agency, adjacent to the town of Pawnee, by act of Congress approved February 8, 1887, as amended by act of Congress approved February 28, 1891. This is but a very small portion of the reserve and is so located that it is of little if any value to the agency for the purposes for which it was intended. This is the only part of the agency reserve that has never been inclosed.

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs, reporting upon this bill to the Secretary of the Interior, said in part:

In a report dated February 15, 1906, the superintendent in charge of the Pawnee schools stated that these lands were not needed for school purposes and that it would not be detrimental to the Indian Service if the tract in question was given to the town of Pawnee. He recommended that if a measure designed to do this was introduced in Congress that the office support it. This office has no objection to the measure. But if it does not become a law a recommendation will be made to the Department urging that the tract be sold, as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was reserved and the proceeds from the sale will become a part of the general fund of the Government.

On February 15, 1906, Hon. George Nellis, superintendent and special disbursing agent at Pawnee, Okla., wrote to the honorable Commissioner of Indian Affairs as follows:

PAWNEE AGENCY, OKLA., February 15, 1906. SIR: At the request of citizens of the adjoining town of Pawnee, I forward herewith copy of a petition signed by the board of trustees, board of education, and other representative citizens which will be presented to Congress by the

Hon. B. S. McGuire, praying that a part of the Pawnee Agency reserve comprising about 70 acres be donated to the town of Pawnee for educational and public purposes. A plat showing the location and extent of land asked for is attached to the petition.

Referring to this matter I have to say that this tract of land is not now and has not for many years been used for agency or school purposes, and that it is not needed by the Government for any such purpose. The amount of land now reserved for the school and agency, including this tract, is 800 acres. If this petition is granted there will be still remaining sufficient land for all necessary purposes.

This tract, containing as it does some rough land and many alkali spots, is not all desirable for agricultural purposes. It has on it a nice lot of young timber, and as it adjoins Pawnee, would make a very acceptable addition to the town for park purposes.

I recommend that the petition be given favorable consideration.

Very respectfully,

GEO. W. NELLIS, Superintendent and Special Disbursing Agent.


Washington, D. C.

It is believed by your committee that the land is of little value for any purpose other than for park purposes and it will probably never be improved and used for such purposes by the Indian agency. Its improvement would require an expenditure of a considerable sum of money, and when improved it is believed the agency will receive as much benefit from it as the town of Pawnee.

Your committee respectfully submit the bill with the recommendation that it do pass.

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