Lapas attēli

cheaply done by the railway company than through any other agency; therefore your committee has provided for the repayment of such expenditures made and to be made by said company subsequent to that date. It will be necessary by additional levees in the rear of the first levee and by cross levees to fortify and support the levees immediately on the banks of the stream, so as to prevent a renewal of the crevasse at other points lower down the river, the break now causing the damage being the second one that has occurred.

Your committee have prepared a substitute for the original bill, omitting the provisions as to the formation of a new irrigation district or project; leaving such subjects to be considered, if at all, under the existing reclamation law. The necessity of relief is very urgent, and from 6,000 to 10,000 people are living in the region involved. Your committee therefore recommend that the bill be amended by adopting the substitute and that the same do pass. Amend as follows:

Strike out all below the enacting clause and insert the following: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars, to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a system of levees on the banks of the Colorado River in the Republic of Mexico and the Territory of Arizona as may be necessary for the protection of the public lands of the United States: Provided, That the sum so appropriated shall be repaid to the Treasury from the reclamation fund in five equal annual payments.

SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to arrange through the proper channels for negotiation with the Government of the Republic of Mexico for authority on the part of the United States to build and maintain the said works, and no part of the sum herein appropriated, except so much as may be necessary to carry out such negotiations and necessary investigations, shall be available until the Republic of Mexico shall have granted authority for the building and maintenance of such works by the United States, and assurances against the further unprotected opening of such levees on the west bank of said river in Mexico as would jeopardize property in the United States.

SEC. 3. That of the sum appropriated in this act an amount, to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior in his discretion, may be used to repay in whole or in part, as may be equitable, the money actually expended by private agencies subsequent to December twentieth, nineteen hundred and six, on works for the sucessful turning of the course of said river from the channels in the direction of the Imperial Valley.

The writer is of the opinion that the bill should go further and authorize the creation of a reclamation district or project, with authority to operate the same through Mexican territory. Under existing law it is at least doubtful whether the project could be carried out under the reclamation act without such Congressional sanction. as is provided in the original bill.

Should the Secretary of the Interior be authorized to make repairs and restore the river without authority to require that the existing reclamation works should be made over to the Government, the effect might be to, by indirection, contribute aid to the California Development Company, which could then take toll for the use of the water. If the authority to create such reclamation district should be given, the Secretary could protect the Government fully.

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January 22, 1907.-Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.

Mr. MANN, from the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, submitted the following


[To accompany H. J. Res. 207.]

The Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, to whom was referred the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 207) declaring Sturgeon Bay, Illinois, not navigable water, having considered the same, report thereon with amendment and as so amended recommend that it pass.

The bill as amended has the approval of the War Department, as will appear by the indorsements attached and which are made a part of this report.

Amend the bill, as follows:

In lines 11 and 12 strike out the following: "but dams and bridges may be constructed across the same."

[Second indorsement.]


Washington, January 5, 1907.

Respectfully returned to the Secretary of War. The object of the accompanying joint resolution (H. J. Res. 207, 59th Cong., 2d sess.) is to take portions of the east and west forks of Sturgeon Bay, in the State of Illinois, out of the list of navigable waters of the United States, in order that dams and bridges may be constructed thereover without reference to the Federal laws.

A copy of this resolution was referred to the district engineer officer, and he reports that the portion of the bay proposed to be eliminated has never been considered navigable, in fact. In view of this, I know of no objection to the favorable consideration of the resolution by Congress.


Brig. Gen., Chief of Engineers U. 8. Army.

[Third indorsement.]

January 7, 1907.

Respectfully returned to the chairman Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, inviting attention to the foregoing report of the Chief of Engineers United States Army.


ROBERT SHAW OLIVER, Assistant Secretary of War.


JANUARY 23, 1907.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed.

Mr. WADSWORTH, from the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following


[To accompany H. R. 24815.]

The Committee on Agriculture having had under consideration the estimates of appropriations required for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, respectfully submit the accompanying bill (H. R. 24815) and report as follows:

The amount appropriated by this bill for what is known as the ordinary and regular routine work of the Department of Agriculture is $7,635,790 and the amount carried by the act for the current fiscal year (exclusive of $3,000,000 for meat inspection) is $6,560,440, an increase, for the same objects, of $1,075,350.

The following increases in existing statutory salaries have been allowed:

Chief of Forest Service (Forester), $3,500 to $4,500.

Chief of Bureau of Chemistry, $3,500 to $4,500.

The increase in the salary of the Forester is justified not only by long and faithful service of the present incumbent of that office, but by the greatly increased work put upon him by the transfer of the Government national forests to his care and administration.

The increase granted to the Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry is also justified by reason of long and faithful service and by reason of greatly increased and responsible duties put upon him in the enforcement of the pure-food law.

Also the following:

Chief of Bureau of Entomology, increase from $3,250 to $3,500. Cashier and chief clerk, Division of Accounts and Disbursements, increase from $1,800 to $2,000.

Assistant Chief, Bureau of Statistics, increase from $2,200 to $2,500. Director of Office of Public Roads, increase from $2,500 to $2,750. The duties of these officers are constantly increasing with the continuing growth of the Department, and the committee there

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feel justified in granting these small increases in salaries in recognition of good service.

All other additions and increases in the statutory rolls of the Department are accounted for by the natural growth of the routine and ordinary work of the Department, and particularly to the great additional amount of work imposed upon the Department on account of the enforcement of the pure-food act, and are chiefly transfers from lump sums to statutory rolls.

The following increases in the lump sum appropriations have been allowed:

Weather Bureau.-$25,000. For establishment and equipment of from 3 to 5 additional stations.

Bureau of Animal Industry.-$85,000. For reconstruction and repair of buildings at the several quarantine stations.

Bureau of Plant Industry.-$81,100. To take over tobacco work formerly done by the Bureau of Soils, and for enlarging and increasing the demonstration work, especially in the Southern States.

Forest Service.-$370,160. To provide a "working capital" for the improvement and development of the resources of the national forests. The National Government having taken over the care of the national forests it behooves it to develop them as a business proposition and make them a source of profit, as is done with the government forests of the countries of continental Europe.

It is estimated by the Forester that in ten years the revenue from the national forests will equal $6,000,000, while the expenses of management and administration ought not to exceed $4,900,000; which would leave a balance of something over $1,000,000 to be annually turned into the Treasury of the United States. The Forester believes this estimate of receipts is extremely conservative and he is sanguine they will be exceeded.

Bureau of Chemistry.-$504,080. This increase is due solely to the fact that the enforcement of the pure-food act devolves upon this Bureau of the Department of Agriculture.

Bureau of Statistics. $10,000. For the employment of additional special agents deemed necessary by the Secretary of Agriculture to insure greater efficiency in the work of the Bureau.

Office of Experiment Stations.-$51,300, divided as follows: $4,500 for new duties imposed by the act of March 16, 1906; $19,000 to extend to the Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico experiment stations the same financial support as is accorded by act of Congress to the experiment stations in the States and Territories generally; $27,800 for irrigation and drainage investigations, to meet the constantly growing demands for that work.

The following emergency appropriations have been allowed:

Cotton boll weevil investigations, $190,000, of which $150,000 is for the use of the Bureau of Plant Industry and $40,000 is for the use of the Bureau of Entomology.

For preventing the spread of the gypsy and brown-tail moths, $150,000, to be used by the Bureau of Entomology.

From a very small experimental beginning this work was practically started with an appropriation of $82,500 carried by the current Agricultural appropriation act, and results already accomplished under that appropriation justify the hope that by a still more vigorous

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