United States Botanic Garden: Preliminary Report and Memorandum on the U.S. Botanic Garden (and Kindred Institutions) Together with Certain Recommendations Looking Into Ist Improvement as a Scientific, Education, and Aesthetic Establishment

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5. lappuse - York passed in 1891 and amended in 1894 "for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a Botanical Garden and Museum and Arboretum therein, for the collection and culture of plants, flowers, shrubs and trees, the advancement of botanical science and knowledge, and the prosecution of original researches therein and in kindred subjects, for affording instruction in the same, for the prosecution and exhibition of ornamental and decorative horticulture and gardening, and for the entertainment, recreation...
15. lappuse - Other objects worthy of notice will be — The soil and face of the country, its growth and vegetable productions...
5. lappuse - Arboretum for the collection and culture of plants, flowers, shrubs and trees, the advancement of botanical science and knowledge, and the prosecution of original researches therein and in kindred subjects; for affording instruction in the same, and for the prosecution and exhibition of ornamental and decorative horticulture and gardening, and for the entertainment, recreation and instruction of the people...
15. lappuse - Conceiving, if there be space sufficient to afford it, that a botanical garden would be a good appendage to the institution of a university, part of this square might be applied to that purpose. If inadequate, and the square, designated in the plan of Major L'Enfant for a marine hospital, is susceptible of that institution and a botanical garden also, ground there might be appropriated to this use. If neither will admit of it, I see no solid objection against...
8. lappuse - ... are received by Professor JG Jack who for many years now has given field lessons during the spring and autumn months among the collections of trees. In the answers to the letters which come to the Arboretum, as to all museums, asking for information, help and instruction are freely given. The Arnold Arboretum is not a School of Forestry or of Landscape Gardening. It is a station for the study of trees as individuals in their scientific relations, economic properties and cultural requirements...
2. lappuse - The botanic garden may be an independent institution, or it may be connected or affiliated with a college or university. If a department of an educational institution it may have close relation with the teaching program; but in any case it exists for scientific ends and is not to be restricted or diverted by other demands. It is not a landscape or ornamental garden although it may be artistic, nor an experiment station, nor yet a park with labels on the plants. The essential element is the intention...
15. lappuse - ... climate, as characterized by the thermometer, by the proportion of rainy, cloudy, and clear days; by lightning, hail, snow, ice; by the access and recess of frost; by the winds prevailing at different seasons; the dates at which particular plants put forth or lose their flower or leaf; times of appearance of particular birds, reptiles, or insects.
2. lappuse - Botanic gardens are museums 6f living plants which are treated as museum objects, suitably labeled, and are installed to illustrate not only the objects themselves but their relation to other objects. This museum feature, therefore, becomes a direct and immediate function in imparting information to the public. The grouping of plants in...
16. lappuse - Garden site from 1850 to 1933, when the Garden was relocated to its present site. Although the Botanic Garden began functioning as a Government-owned institution in 1842, the records indicate that it was not until 1856 that the maintenance of the Garden was specifically placed under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library and a regular, annual appropriation was provided by Congress (1 1 Stat.
17. lappuse - Moses, to increase the area of the United States Botanic Garden in the city of Washington...

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