Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising and Allied Fields Law Quarterly, 1. sējumsCallaghan & Company, 1961 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 56.
34. lappuse
... newspaper , journal , periodical in a news - gather- ing capacity , the description of the publication itself allows for wide interpretation . Seven statutes 18 stipulate that be- fore a reporter can claim immunity , the disputed ...
... newspaper , journal , periodical in a news - gather- ing capacity , the description of the publication itself allows for wide interpretation . Seven statutes 18 stipulate that be- fore a reporter can claim immunity , the disputed ...
37. lappuse
... newspaper is proof that it is news and in consequence within the scope of the act . " The New Jersey court has been more strict in applying the grant of immunity . In a libel action against a newspaper and its editor , a local official ...
... newspaper is proof that it is news and in consequence within the scope of the act . " The New Jersey court has been more strict in applying the grant of immunity . In a libel action against a newspaper and its editor , a local official ...
44. lappuse
... newspaper fulfills its responsibility by revealing such situations . It is not equipped or empowered to apprehend or convict the guilty . This business of making a ' fall guy ' out of a newspaper reporter just because he happened to be ...
... newspaper fulfills its responsibility by revealing such situations . It is not equipped or empowered to apprehend or convict the guilty . This business of making a ' fall guy ' out of a newspaper reporter just because he happened to be ...
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