Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising and Allied Fields Law Quarterly, 1. sējumsCallaghan & Company, 1961 |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 43.
121. lappuse
... income would otherwise enjoy under that classification , such benefits may not be available . For example , in some instances earned income is considered " retirement income " and retirement in- come up to a certain amount and ...
... income would otherwise enjoy under that classification , such benefits may not be available . For example , in some instances earned income is considered " retirement income " and retirement in- come up to a certain amount and ...
122. lappuse
... income - tax treatment . To reiterate , so long as many other products of personal efforts are left open for possible capital gains treatment , copy- rights should not be singled out for specific categorical ex- clusion from the capital ...
... income - tax treatment . To reiterate , so long as many other products of personal efforts are left open for possible capital gains treatment , copy- rights should not be singled out for specific categorical ex- clusion from the capital ...
160. lappuse
... INCOME Income from inventions and artistic works is given special tax limitation benefits if the requirements under Sec 1302 of the 1954 Code are fulfilled . It is possible also for profes- sional inventors , writers , musicians and ...
... INCOME Income from inventions and artistic works is given special tax limitation benefits if the requirements under Sec 1302 of the 1954 Code are fulfilled . It is possible also for profes- sional inventors , writers , musicians and ...
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2d Cir absolute privilege action affd amendment App Div artistic bait advertising basis billboard broadcast Cal App2d capital gain treatment capital gains Capitol Records cert Code Columbia Records commercial common-law common-law copyright Cong Congress constitutional contract copy Corp cosmetics court damages decision defamation defendant defendant's disclosure doctor Drug equitable servitude Ettore F Supp fact false Federal Trade Commission films granted held Highway income interest Judge judicial labeling Law Review legislation liability limited ment Mercury Records Metropolitan Opera Misc motion picture musical NE2d note 82 NYS2d Office outdoor advertising patent performance person phonograph records photograph plaintiff provides published qualified privilege question radio reasonable regulation restricted right of privacy SDNY Section Sess So2d statement statute statutory Sup Ct supra note SW2d telecasts television tion tort unfair competition Universal Copyright Convention Waring York