Lapas attēli

Provisions that become obsolete before the revision date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find the text of provisions in effect on a given date in the past by using the appropriate numerical list of sections affected. For the period before January 1, 1964, the user should consult the "List of Sections Affected, 1949-1963" published in a separate volume. For the period beginning January 1, 1964, a "List of CFR Sections Affected" is published at the end of each CFR volume.


A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate volume, revised semiannually as of January 1 and July 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS. This volume contains the Paralle! Table of Statutory Authorities and Agency Rules (Table I), and Acts Requiring Publication in the Federal Register (Table III). A list of CFR Titles, Chapters, and Parts and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.

An index to the text of Presidential documents appears at the end of each compilation of Title 3, The President.

The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index is based on a consolidation of the "Contents" entries in the daily Federal Register.

A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.


For a summary, legal interpretation, or other explanation of any regulation in this volume, contact the issuing agency. Inquiries concerning editing procedures and reference assistance with respect to the Code of Federal Regulations may be addressed to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408 (telephone 202-523-5517). Sales are handied exclusively by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

ERNEST J. GALDI, Acting Director, Office of the Federal Register.

April 1, 1980.


Title 17-COMMODITY AND SECURITIES EXCHANGES is composed of two volumes. The first volume containing Parts 1 to 239, comprises Chapter I-Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Chapter II-Securities and Exchange Commission. The second volume containing Part 240 to end contains the remaining parts of Chapter II-Securities and Exchange Commission. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission as of April 1, 1980.

For this volume Karen W. Stewart was Chief Editor, assisted by Dean L. Smith. The Code of Federal Regulations publication program is under the direction of Martha B. Girard, assisted by Robert E. Jordan.

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if any changes have been made in these regulations since the revision date of this book without reading the FEDERAL REGISTER every day? If so, you may wish to subscribe to the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected.).

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The LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected) is designed to lead users of the Coc'e of Federal Regulations to amendatory actions published in the Federal Register, and is issued monthly in cumulative form. Entries indicate the nature of the changes.

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Federal Register Index $8.00

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Indexes covering the contents of the daily Federal Register are issued monthly in cumulative form. Entries are carried primarily under the names of the issuing agencies. Significant subjects are carried as cross-references.

A finding aid is included in each publication which lists Federal Register page numbers with the date of publication in the Federal Register.

Note to FR Subscribers: FR Indexes and the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected) will continue to be mailed free of charge to regular FR subscribers.

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Regulations appear as agency documents which are published daily

in the Federal Register and codified annually in the Code of Federal Regulations

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The Federal Register, published daily, is the official publication for notifying the public of proposed and final regulations. It is the tool to use to participate in the rulemaking process by commenting on the proposed regulations. And it keeps people up to date on the Federal regulations currently in effect.

The Federal Register contains many reader's aids-Highlights, Grant Information, list of hearings and Sunshine meetings-which simplify the user's job.

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) contains the annual codification of the final regulations printed in the Federal Register. Each of the 50 titles is updated annually.

Subscription Prices:

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