Lapas attēli
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Washington, February 6, 1912.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a compilation prepared
by the Bureau of Insular Affairs, embracing:

First. All legislation enacted by the Sixty-first Congress of the
United States, March 4, 1909, to March 3, 1911, relating to Alaska,
Cuba, Guam, Isthmian Canal Zone, Hawaii, the Midway Islands,
the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and Tutuila (Samoa).

Second. All treaties and conventions entered into by the United
States during the same period affecting any of the above territory.
Third. All proclamations issued by the President during the same
period concerning any of the above territory.

Fourth. All claims, the payment of which was provided for during
said Congress, which originated during the Spanish-American War or
in any of the territory mentioned.

Fifth. A list of leading cases, with statements and syllabi, which
arose in or relate to the insular and isthmian possessions of the United
States and Alaska, heard and decided in the Supreme Court of the
United States between June 1, 1909, and June 1, 1911.

Sixth. A list of the opinions of the Attorney General of the United
States on questions arising in or in which any of the aforementioned
territory may be interested between June 17, 1908, and March 3, 1911.

Four similar compilations prepared by the Bureau of Insular
Affairs covering the period embraced between March 4, 1897, the
beginning of the first session of the Fifty-fifth Congress, and March 3,
1909, the end of the Sixtieth Congress, have heretofore been issued,
the first as Senate Document No. 105, Fifty-eighth Congress, second
session, the second as Senate Document No. 204, Fifty-ninth Con-
gress, second session, the third as Senate Document No. 47, Sixty-
first Congress, first session, and the fourth as War Department Docu-
ment No. 353. All of these have been received with approbation,
not only by the legal fraternity but by all interested in the adminis-
tration of this Government in our noncontiguous territory, since they
comprise in succinct form all of the data above recited.

I believe that the compilation transmitted herewith will be appre-
ciated not only by the institutions and individuals who have received
the former publications but by those who have more recently become
interested in the subject, and I beg to request that the printing
thereof be authorized by concurrent resolution, the proof reading and
indexing of the same to be done by the Bureau of Insular Affairs,
War Department.

Very respectfully,


Secretary of War.

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Senate Document No. 105, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. comprises:

First. All legislation enacted by the Congress of the United States during the period embraced between March 4, 1897, the beginning of the first session of the Fifty-fifth Congress, and March 3, 1903, the date of the adjournment of the Fiftyseventh Congress, concerning the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the Samoan Islands, Guam, and Cuba, the late Spanish-American War, and the Army and Navy of the United States.

Second. All proclamations issued by the President, and treaties entered into by the United States during the said period, concerning any of the above-mentioned islands, together with the treaty providing for "Lease to the United States by the Government of Cuba of certain areas of land and water for naval or coaling stations in Guantanamo and Bahia Honda," ratified October 6, 1903, and the proclamation of the President, dated December 17, 1903, of the "Commercial Convention between the United States and Cuba."

Senate Document No. 204, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session,


First. All legislation enacted by the Fifty-eighth Congress of the United States, March 4, 1903-March 3, 1905, pertaining to Alaska, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, the Isthmian Canal Zone, the Midway Islands, the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and Tutuila (Samoa).

Second. All treaties and conventions entered into by the United States during the same period which affect any of the above territory.

Third. All proclamations issued by the President during the same period concerning any of the above territory.

Fourth. All claims originating during the Spanish-American War or in any of the territory mentioned, the payment of which was authorized by said Congress.

Fifth. All legislation enacted by the Fifty-eighth Congress pertaining to the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission and to such claims as have been finally adjudicated by it. Sixth. Certain legislation enacted by said Congress affecting the organization and discipline of the Army and Navy.

Seventh. A list of leading cases, with statements and syllabi, which arose in or relate to the insular and isthmian possessions of the United States, and Cuba, heard and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States between January 1, 1898, and December 3, 1906.

Senate Document No. 47, Sixty-first Congress, first session, includes: First. All data similar to that contained in Senate Document No. 204, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, during the period from March 4, 1905, to March 3, 1907, the term of the Fifty-ninth Congress, and the several treaties, modus vivendi, and proclamation, between January 1, 1898, and July 25,1907, showing the relations between the United States and the Dominican Republic.

Second. A list of leading cases, with statements and syllabi, which arose in or relate to the noncontiguous territory and isthmian possessions of the United States, Alaska, and Cuba, heard and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States between January 1, 1907,1 and June 1, 1909.

Third. Official opinions of the Attorney General of the United States rendered during the period from January 1, 1898, to June 17, 1908, upon questions of interest to the noncontiguous territory of the United States and Cuba.

Fourth. A list of the principal officials of the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Tutuila (Samoa), and Cuba on December 1, 1908.

1 No cases bearing on the subjects embraced in this compilation were decided between Dec. 3, 1906, and Jan. 1, 1907.

War Department Document No. 353 contains:

First. All legislation enacted by the Sixtieth Congress, March 4, 1907-March 3, 1909, pertaining to the noncontiguous territory of the United States.

Second. All treaties and conventions affecting any of the said territory entered into by the United States during the same period, and

Third. All proclamations concerning any of such territory issued by the President during said period.

The present volume contains:

First. All legislation enacted by the Sixty-first Congress, March 4, 1909, to March 3, 1911, pertaining to the noncontiguous territory of the United States.

Second. All treaties and conventions affecting any of the said territory entered into by the United States during the same period.

Third. All proclamations concerning any of such territory issued by the President during said period.

Fourth. A list of leading cases, with statements and syllabi, which arose in or relate. to the noncontiguous territory and isthmian possessions of the United States, Alaska, and Cuba, heard and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States between June 1, 1909, and June 1, 1911.

Fifth. Official opinions of the Attorney General of the United States rendered during the period from June 17, 1908, to March 3, 1911, upon questions of interest to the noncontiguous territory of the United States, and Cuba.

Sixth. A list of the principal officials of the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Tutuila (Samoa), and Cuba on December 1, 1911.




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