The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of AmericaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1970 The Code of federal regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. |
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Administration affiliated foreign national agency agent aircraft amended appeal approved assistance authorized bill of lading Board Bureau carrier cation cense Census Committee commodities or technical copy Country Group customs office Department of Commerce designated destination direct investor Director documents employee equipment Export Control Commodity Export Control Regulations export license facility Federal FEDERAL REGISTER filed foreign country foreign trade zone Form granted Group W hearing Import Certificate issued June 11 laration license application ment merchandise modities Office of Export operating paragraph party person port of export positive direct investment procedure provisions purposes pursuant quantity record reexport request Revised revised_ Secretary ship shipment Shipper's Export Declaration specific standard Stat statement submitted Subpart technical data thereof tion Trade transaction transfer of capital trol U.S. Department U.S. exporter U.S. Government ultimate consignee United validated license vessel zone
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17. lappuse - Columbia, from any source other than the Government of the United States, except as may be contributed out of the treasury of any State, county, or municipality...
17. lappuse - ... particular matter in which, to his knowledge, he, his spouse, minor child, partner, organization in which he Is serving as officer, director, trustee, partner or employee. or any person or organization with whom he is negotiating or has any arrangement concerning prospective employment, has a financial interest Shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
18. lappuse - Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.
39. lappuse - Federal property or any interest in such property without consideration or at a nominal consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or in recognition of the public interest to be served by such sale or lease to the recipient, and (5) any Federal agreement, arrangement, or other contract which has as one of its purposes the provision of assistance. (f) The term "program...
412. lappuse - Whoever willfully violates any of the provisions of this subdivision or of any license, order, rule, or regulation issued thereunder; shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $10,000 or, if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than...
17. lappuse - ... and receives in advance a written determination made by such official that the interest is not so substantial as to be deemed likely to affect the integrity of the services which the Government may expect from...
29. lappuse - To the extent required to prevent a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, an agency may delete identifying details when it makes available or publishes an opinion, statement of policy, interpretation, or staff manual or instruction.
384. lappuse - Each agency shall also maintain and make available for public inspection and copying current indexes providing identifying information for the public as to any matter issued, adopted, or promulgated after July 4, 1967, and required by this paragraph to be made available or published.
456. lappuse - Title 6 [Reserved! Chap. SUBTITLE A Office of the Secretary of Agriculture SUBTITLE B Regulations Relating to Agriculture I Consumer and Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices) , Department of Agriculture II...
17. lappuse - Nothing herein or in section 203 prevents a special Government employee from acting as agent or attorney for another person in the performance of work under a grant by, or a contract with or for the benefit of, the United States provided that...