THE Parliamentary History OF ENGLAN D, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD. ΤΟ THE YEAR 1803. FROM WHICH LAST-MENTIONED EPOCH IT IS CONTINUED "THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES." PRINTED BY T. C. HANSARD, PETERBOROUGH-COURT, FLEET-STREET: FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, & BROWN; J. RICHARDSON; BLACK, 1811. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 THE present Volume embraces the Period from the Accession of King George the First, in the month of August 1714, to the Meeting of the Sixth Parliament of Great Britain (being the Second of the said King's Reign) in the month of October 1722. The Materials have been principally collected from the following Works: 1. The Journals of the House of Lords: 2. The Journals of the House of Commons: 3. The Political State of Great Britain, by Mr. A. Boyer; of which Chandler's History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, during this period, is a careless Abridgment: 4. The Historical Register: 5. Timberland's History and Proceedings of the House of Lords: 6. Tindal's Continuation of Rapin's History of England: and, 7. Mr. Coxe's Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole; together with the valuable original Correspondence and authentic Papers contained therein. The whole of the very important Proceedings, relating to the fatal South Sea Project, have been detailed with great accuracy: and it is confidently presumed, that the Reader will find in the following pages, the fullest and most complete History of that disastrous Scheme, from the first Proposition of the South Sea Company to Parliament, in January 1720, to the passing of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against the Directors of the said Company, in July 1721, that has hitherto appeared. February 1, 1811. |