Art. 4, § 31. Art. 12, § 2. Corporation; stockhold ers' liabilities...... 1098 Compiled Laws 1885. P. 210, chaps. 23, 32, 44, 45, 46, §§ 5, Statutes. 641, 642, 653 1897, March 3, chap. 240, p. 448. Acts relative to stockyards.. ..93, 94, 105 General Statutes 1898. Constitution, 1870. Construction of drains, etc. 640, 641, 653, 654 Chap. 66, §§ 49, 50, 51, 53. CorporaArt. 9, § 9. Power to make and collect assessments.... Acts. 653 $209. 1869, April 16. Lake front act. 442, 444,445 act.. .. .. § 218. tions; shareholders' Kentucky. ...... cies.... Acts. 1099 291 291 306, 417, 419, 423 1855-56, chap. 148. Power of amend- 1872, April 9. Registration of drainage and levee bonds. 640, 642, 643, 654 1873, April 15. Repeal of lake front 444, 445 1879, May 28. State mine inspection. 873,874 1891, June 11, § 1. Combinations in restraint of trade.. 688 1860, Feb. 28, § 1. Incorporation act. 306 1893, July 1, p. 188. Trusts.. ...683, 684, 687, 688,692 1897, June 10, p. 153. Combination in restraint of trade.. 688 1886, May 17. ... 1881, chap. 790, p. 66, § 4. State reg- 874,875 1900, March 306 297,301 1900, March 21. Tax on shares in national bank... 906,908 Statutes 1889. P. 202, chap. 7. Duties of assignee General Statutes 1887. 652 P. 1021. State regulation of railroad 652 § 816. straint of trade.... 688 1899, tit. Criminal Code, p. 618. Trusts.. Criminal Code. $130. Gaming contracts.. Indiana. .. .... .... Burns's Revised Statutes, 1894. § 8560. Assessment of omitted prop 413 297,301 ...291, 292, 296, 297, 301 forcement of rates. ...291, 292, 296, 297, 301 688 §§ 817, 818. State regulation of rail road rates.. 291, 292, 296, 297 625 § 820. Prohibition of greater rates erty....... 207, 211, 212 § 8587. Payment of taxes by executors, guardians, etc. 208, 212 for shorter than for § 821. Duties of railroad commis 1898, July 14. New Orleans water 943 Art. 12, §§ 13, 20. Taxation.......89, 91 Constitution 1890. works investigation 937 § 181. Corporate taxation; exemp- tions Annotated Code, 1892. $ 3744. Exemption from taxation... Acts. 1882, Feb. 23, 1884, March 13, .. . 91 90 88 tion .......87, 88, 91 .. 88 § 8. Railway aid... Erection and maintenance of waterworks system....811, 815 579 1900, March 9. Erection and opera Michigan. tion of waterworks ..........814, 815 Missouri. Constitution, 1865. 609 Art. 6, § 12. Judiciary..... Constitution, 1875. Art. 2, § 2. Taking private prop erty for public use without just com- 826 ... ...... Art. 15, § 1. Creation of corpora tions ........600, 611 ....598, 600, 607-610 Revised Statutes, 1889. 1867, March 27, §§ 33, 34. Regula tion of street rail §§ 1143, 1144, 1150. Regulation of railroads 70 ways...598, 606, 608, 609 1883, June 7, §§ 121, 122. Detroit charter; power over Nebraska. streets 600 .. 2647, 2653. Regulation of P. 838, § 3. Railroad incorporation Chap. 599 General Statutes 1873. |