Michigan Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan, 74. sējumsMichigan. Supreme Court, George C. Gibbs, Randolph Manning, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, William Jennison, Elijah W. Meddaugh, Henry Allen Chaney, Hovey K. Clarke, William Dudley Fuller, Hoyt Post, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper Phelphs & Stevens, printers, 1890 |
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acres action affirmed agent Alcona county alleged Alpena amount appears April 12 asphaltum assessed assignment assumpsit attorney Auditor authority bill Canfield cause certiorari CHAMPLIN charge circuit court circuit judge citing claim Cockell commissioner common counts complainant contract counsel damages decree deed Defendant brings error defendant's Detroit duty equity evidence fact February 15 filed Grand Rapids held highway horse injury interest James Davenport judgment jury Justices concurred Knights of Labor land liable lien liquors logs lumber mandamus ment Montcalm county mortgage N. W. Rep negligence notice opinion owner paid parties payment person plaintiff probate proceedings purchase question Railroad reason received record recover refused register of deeds replevin respondent sell sold Stat statute street suit Sweet testified testimony thereof timber tion township trial verdict Wayne county witness writ