Imported by land or sea-Continued. Articles. Rate of duty. Hats, &c.-Continued. Boys', youths', and men's hats, with a calico or other foundation or Hats known as dress hats (on and after 4th September, 1879) Men's felt hats and women's untrimmed felt hats of any size, and Hops. Ink, printing, colored Jewelry (except cameos and precious stones unset), viz: Rings of gold, finished or unfinished, but without cameos or precious stones set therein. All other jewelry of gold, unfinished, mounted, or in parts, but without cameos or precious stones set therein, not otherwise specified. Chains of gold, unfinished (except machine made chains for fringes)... All other jewelry, whether manufactured wholly or in part, not otherwise enumerated. Jute piece goods: Not exceeding 3 feet in width Exceeding 3 feet in width Lead: Sheet and piping Lithofracteur.. Live stock: Cows, oxen, heifers, bulls, steers, calves over six months old (ex- Horses, mares, geldings, colts, and fillies not in saddle or harness. Malt.. Matches and vestas: Wooden matches For every gross of boxes containing in each box 100 matches or 30s. per dozen. 488. per dozen. 6d. per pound. 48. per dwt. troy. 38. per dwt. troy. 18. per dwt. troy. id. per yard. 28. 6d. per cwt. 58. each. Do. 6d. each. 6d. And so on per gross of metal boxes for each additional 100 vestas 18. 3d. additional. For every gross of paper, small round tin, or other boxes contain- 18. ing in each box 100 vestas or under. For every gross of paper, small round tin, or other boxes contain- And so on per gross of boxes for each additional 100 vestas or part Iron (except for trunks and grindery) Oatmeal. Oils: Mineral, refined, of which the point of ignition is above 80° Fahr., Including castor or cod liver when refined or for medicinal pur- Onions. Opium, including all goods, wares, and merchandise mixed or saturated with opium, or with any preparation or solution thereof, or steeped therein, respectively. Note, letter, writing, fancy, and blotting, with cut edges.. Pearl and Scotch barley Pickles 28. 18. additional. 38. per cwt. 128. per cwt. 38. per 100 pounds. 6d. per gallon. Quarts, 28. per dozen; pints, 208. per ton. 28. per 100 pounds. 40s. per ton. 2d. per pound. 108. per cwt. 58. per 100 pounds. Sporting (except fine powder imported in packages containing in bulk not less than 25 pounds weight each). Blasting 408. per ton. 128. per gross. 25 per cent ad valorem. 10s. per ton. 3d. per pound. 1d. per pound. Provisions including vegetables-salted, dried, or preserved in brine 58. per cwt. (except fish not otherwise enumerated). Rice.. Saddle-trees: Riding Harness.. Salt (except rock salt). Shot. Snuff. Soda crystal Spirits or strong waters of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' hydrometer, and so in proportion for any great r strength than the strength of proof. Spirits, cordials, liquors, or strong waters, sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained by Sykes' hydrometer (including all alcohol diluted or undiluted with water or other menstrum, and containing in solution any essence, essential oil, ether, or other flavoring or other substance, whether of natural or artificial origin). Hardware, undressed (except undressed logs of any length of the size of 9 inches square or larger). Laths Shingles.. Rough spokes and felloes (except hickory) and sawed pickets Tobacco (except sheepwash, including tobacco soaked on the landing thereof from the importing ship, or on delivery from the warehouse, in turpentine, oil, or other fluid, in the presence of some officer of cus. toms, so as to render it unfit and useless for human consumption). Manufactured Unmanufactured Twine (except sewing or seaming of hemp, cotton, or flax).. Parasols and sunshades (plain) up to 18 inches in length of ribs, in- Umbrellas over 18 inches, fancy parasols or sunshades under 181 inches in length of ribs, including covers made up wholly or in part of cotton, woolen, or other material, not otherwise specified. Umbrellas over 18 inches in length of ribs, of silk or silk mixtures, and parasols and sunshades of all sizes of similar materials, including covers made up wholly or in part. Varnish, including lithographic... 28. per gallon. Vinegar, not being acetic acid or crude vinegar, aromatic, or raspberry 6d. per gallon. Wine: Sparkling Woolpacks. Articles of apparel, whether wholly or partly made up (except hosiery): Aprons, breeches, coats, capes, cloaks, costumes, collars, cuffs, sleeves, and sets, crinolines, camisoles, dresses, furs made up, frocks, fronts, infants' hoods and hats, infants swathes and bibs, jackets, knickerbocker suits or portions of suits, leggings, mantles, muslin, and net scarfs, night dresses, pants, pelisses, petticoats, pinafores, rutiles, robes, shirts of all kinds, skirts, stays, shawls, trousers, tunics, vests, wristbands, men's, women's, and children's underclothing, ties, scarfs, neckerchiefs, and all articles used for the like purpose. Imported by land or sea-Continued. Articles. Articles of artificial human hair manufactured, viz: Head dresses, hair Bonnets (except straw, chip, willow, tape, and braid, untrimmed). Caps Copperware, not otherwise enumerated Frilling and ruffling... Furniture, including second-hand furniture (see exemption list) Machinery, not otherwise enumerated (except machinery for carding. Mats Medicines, patent or called patent, not containing spirits, being medici nal preparations or compositions recommended to the public as proprie tary medicines, or prepared according to some private formula or secret art, as remedies or specifics for any disease or diseases or affections whatever affecting the human or animal body, or being subject to a stamp duty in the country from whence they are exported. Musical instruments (Including second-hand), being pianofortes, organs, and all parts thereof, and harmoniums, including pianoforte actions made up (except action-work in separate pieces, including rails and keys). Rate of duty. 35 per cent ad valorem. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Plaitings of all kinds...... Paper and cardboard boxes (not containing goods ordinarily imported therein). Do. Do. Do. Ruchings Saddles and harness, leatherware or articles made up of leather, or any manufacture of which leather is the most valuable part, including whips of any description, and trunks and portmanteaus. Do. Do. Wickerware.. Imported by land or sea-Continued. Articles. Woodenware, including bellows, picture frames, and wooden hames, turuery (except billiard balls in the rough); staves, shaped or dressed and casks, and finished timber not otherwise enumerated (except artists' materials, engravers' boxwood, shafts and poles in the rough, ash oars, gilt moldings and beadings used in the manufacture of picture frames of wood or other materials, but not ornamental composition moldings in the white, not gilt). Agricultural implements (see exemption list).. Blacking.. Brownware and tiles Carpeting and druggeting. Clocks Fireworks.. Furniture oil and paste Gloves Rate of duty. 25 per cent. ad valorem. 20 per cent. ad valorem. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ground coal and charcoal (see exemption list) Hosiery (except of cotton, linen, and elastic silk stockings for surgical purposes or otherwise specified). Leather: Calf and kid. Patent and colored fancy leathers. All other leathers (except crust or rough-tanned hog-skins, calf and goat and sumac-tanned sheep). Cut into shapes, including elastic-side uppers and Wellington legs, clogs and pattens. Manufactured stationery, including account-books, printed checks, billheads, and other printed or ruled paper, blotting pads, sketch-blocks, manifold writers, albums, and all kinds of jewel, dressing, and writing cases (excepting pens, pen-holders, pencils, percil-cases, and slates). Marble and stone, wrought (except slate slabs not wholly manufactured, lithographic stones, and stones for milling and grinding purposes). Matting of all kinds. Oilcloths and other floor cloths. Oilmen's stores (except essential oils and essences not containing alco- Plated and mixed metal ware (except door-handles, locks, shaft-tips, All manufactures containing silk (except pongees, hatters' silk plush, Silks in the piece known as pongees Tents and tarpaulins.. Washing, baking, and Seidlitz powders. Watches Woolen blankets or blanketing, rugs and rugging. Woolen piece goods, being vestings, trouserings, coatings, and shirtings, containing wool; broadcloths, witneys, naps, and flannels. All dress piece goods containing wool.. Aërated or mineral waters Combs..... Gold and silver leaf Grease, anti-friction.. Seeds, canary. Do. Types, brass, type-holders, ornamental rolls and line fillets, for bookbinders. Do. Oilmen's stores not otherwise enumerated (except isinglass, uncut) Springs, sofa, chair, and other furniture.. EXPORTED BY LAND AND SEA. Timber, known as redgum (on and after September 1, 1880). 10s. per 100 sup. ft. ARTICLES EXEMPT FROM DUTY. The undermentioned articles shall be exempt from duties of customs on importation into Victoria by land or sea, namely: All minor articles of mixed or undescribed materials used in the making up of apparel, or of boots and shoes, or of hats, or of saddlery, or of umbrellas, or of parasols, or of sunshades, and all surgical instruments or appliances, provided that such minor articles or surgical instru ments or appliances are enumerated in any order of the commissioner, and published in the Government Gazette; all packages, second-hand, in which ships' stores have been imported; all packages in which goods are ordinarily imported, not otherwise enumerated; ships' fittings; passengers' baggage, being cabin furniture and personal luggage; and second-hand furniture accompanying any passenger which has been in such passenger's own use, up to fifty pounds in value, and which is not imported for sale; ground animal charcoal; all carriages and other vehicles used in the conveyance of passengers or goods across the frontier which have been registered with the officers of customs nearest the place where such carriage or other vehicle may ply or pass, and in such manner as the commissioner may by any order from time to time approve; works of art; fresh olives and candle nuts; and, from the thirtieth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, until the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, inclusive, agricultural instruments known as reapers and binders. PETER LALOR, Commissioner of Trade and Customs. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS, December 18, 1879. NEW ZEALAND. NEW ZEALAND TARIFF. REPORT BY CONSUL GRIFFIN, OF AUCKLAND. I have the honor to report that an act of Parliament was passed (see copy inclosed) on the 24th of last September making material alterations in the customs and excise duties of New Zealand. The new law went into effect on the 1st of October, 1881. Hitherto the custom duties of the colony have been imposed chiefly with a view of raising a revenue rather than for the purpose of encouraging home manufactures and industries, but it appears from the changes recently made that the Government is now very favorably inclined toward the policy of protection. For instance, heretofore bacon and hams were admitted free, but now a duty of 2 pence (4 cents) per pound is charged upon them. It is thought that this tax will drive American hams and bacon from the market. The New Zealand hams and bacon are of fair quality, but they do not begin to compare in excellence and flavor with those from the United States. Indeed, American pork is so much liked here that some time will elapse before New Zealand merchants will cease to import it. The hogs raised in the provinces of Canterbury and Otago are corn fed, which, of course, improves the quality of New Zealand pork, but the art of curing hams and bacon is not yet fully understood in this colony. The best New Zealand hams that have come under my observation were cured by I. T. Green and I. Gilmor & Co. Their wholesale price is from 6d. to 7d. (13 to 15 cents) per pound. This is fully 8 cents per pound lower than the American hams. Jams and jellies.-An extra duty of 13 pence (3 cents) per pound has been levied on jams, jellies, and marmalade. It is believed that this was done to encourage fruit-growing and the manufacture of jams and jellies. Maize.-Maize is also heavily taxed; the duty charged on that article now is 9 pence (18 cents) per 100 pounds, equal to about 10 cents per bushel. This tax is hailed with great satisfaction by the settlers of Opotiki and the east coast, and some argue that the duty should be doubled and trebled, so as to place importers at a still greater disadvantage. Fancy and scented soaps.-Amongst the articles which appear to be strongly protected are fancy and scented soaps. The duty on them was formerly 15 per cent. ad valorem, but it has been raised to 25 per cent. ad valorem. Several firms have been engaged for many years in manufacturing toilet soaps, notably M. Bardsley & Son and McLeod Brothers, |