The tariff of Sweden-Continued. Fruits and berries, n. e. s.: Fresh..... Articles. Preserved in brandy or vinegar, the weight of cans or bottles included.. When preserved in sugar; classed with Jellies and confectionery. Seeds: Indigo, indigo extract, and carmine of indigo.. NOTE.-Above-mentioned colors, when prepared in oils or otherwise, may be classed with same colors unprepared. All other kinds of colors and dyes, prepared or unprepared, n. e. s.. Dyers' lichen, all kinds.. Dye-woods, in logs or unrasped, all kinds; also all other unprepared plants or parts of plants used for dyeing, n. e. s... Galanga root Calamine (cadmia). Cotton, simple or double, in skeins or upon bobbins: Colored or printed, all kinds... NOTE.-In case it appears doubtful if yarn entered as "Double cotton Mohair and woolen yarn, all kinds: Sail and twine yarns, of all kinds, therein including grass yarn Gasometers, ad valorem Free. Guns, all kinds; weight of gun-cases and other belongings included Parts of guns pay same duty as the material, worked, of which such parts are made. 1 kilog.... 50 Gypsum (plaster of paris).. Gypsum manufactures, n. e. s Free. Glass: Pots, jars, bottles, and flasks, also apothecaries' jars with name blown in Side-lights for vessels, not under 7 millimeters thick nor over 10 square decimeters superficies, with or without frames Free. All other kinds, including decanters and pressed or polished flagons.. When set in gold or silver, to be weighed with and pay same duty as Set in any other material; to pay duty as jewelry goods. Glass-gall or sandiver.... 1 kilog.... .35 1 kilog.... 1.40 Free. The tariff of Sweden-Continued. Articles. Dutiable Duty. Kr. öre. Broken glass.. Litharge.. Grass-mats and grass-rope.. Glaziers' diamonds, mounted; to be classed with Machinery, implements, and tools not specified. Glauber salts. (See Salts.) Globes (geographical). Pomegranates. (See Fruits.) Pomegranate peel.. Slate pencils, mounted or unmounted. Grits, all kinds Grass, n. e. s., unmanufactured.. Colored, hackled, or unraveled Vegetables: Fresh Preserved in brandy or vinegar, the weight of jars or cans included.. NOTE.-Weight of paper-sheets between which gold leaf is laid to be included. 1 kilog.. 2.40 Goloshes, when trimmed with fur, are to be classed with India-rubber Other gutta-percha manufactures, n. e. s., and not belonging to the cate Free. Free. Free. Free. Of wool, hair, felt, or plush.. Resin and resin varnish Hats, fully or partly manufactured: Of silk, half silk, or any other material not mentioned below, also ladies' bonnets, all kinds... Of straw, including s. c. "Panama hats Other kinds, as of chip, roots or leaves, of oil-cloth, oiled skin, and s. c. "sou. westers" 1 piece.... .40 NOTE.-Hats composed of several materials pay duty as if manufactured of the material forming their chief component part. Hat linings, of silk or any other textile when united to another material.... 1 kilog....] Sole-leather and alum-tanned leather, also chamois-dressed hides Free. 1 kilog. .50 1 kilog. .40 1 kilog. 1.20 Free. All other kinds of leather.. Furs: 1 kilog.... .15 .50 Unprepared: Goat, reindeer, seal, elk, deer, kangaroo, roebuck, hare, and sheep Beaver, skunk, chinchilla, marten, mink, sable, black and blue fox, Furs-Continued. Prepared: Goat, reindeer, seal, elk, deer, kangaroo, roebuck, hare, and sheep All other kinds pay same duty as similar furs, unprepared, with Fur manufactures, such as fur coats, muffs, fur collars, &c., pay same duty as Hops... Lobsters.. Beet roots: Raw Cut and dried. Birthwort root... Hair: Horsehair. Other kinds, n. e. s Free. Hair or horsehair manufactures, with or without setting or framing Hair tincture or dyes; classed with Chemico-technical preparations. NOTE. No deduction allowed for weight of boxes or of pasteboard to which hooks are fastened. All other kinds, therein including such silken ones as are partly composed of caoutchouc, India-rubber, or similar materials Insect-powder Instruments: Surgical, mathematical, optical, physical, and nautical, of all kinds, without or with étuis or cases; therein included mounted optical glasses, barometers, and thermometers, also industrial instruments; to be classed with Machinery, implements and tools, not specified. Musical: Free. 1 kilog.. 25 .50 Free. Piano-fortes: Flutes, clarinets, and oboës 1 piece.... .50 Guitars, lutes, violins, violoncellos, contrabassos, french horns, trumpets, Square or upright...... Music-boxes NOTE.-Music-boxes of which the case is made of gold, silver, or tor- Musical instruments not specfied are to be classed with those among the NOTE A.-No more than two bows, two mouth pieces, &c., to be allowed NOTE B.-Instruments which from their dimensions and general con- Iron: Cast: Pig and ballast iron, worthless cannon, shells, mortars, and cannon balls.. Cannon, field-pieces, swivels, and mortars, all unstamped and unbored; Cast-iron articles, n. e. s.: For railway plant or for machinery or parts thereof; to be classed Common goods: a Axles, scales, mortars and pestles, pressing and smoothing irons, The tariff of Sweden-Continued. Articles. Dutiable Duty. unit. Iron-Continued. Common goods-Continued. b Fire-stands, foot-scrapers, padlocks, coffee-mills, copying-presses, Finer goods: a Bas-reliefs, flower-vases, busts, fruit épergnes, baskets, candle- Buttons. japanned or unjapanned..... Shoe nails Wrought or rolled : Anchors, bolts of all descriptions, anchor-drags, chain-cables, chain-stop- Chains, when the iron of which the links are forged is less than 6 milli- Sledges-hammers and anvils; to be classed with machinery, implements, Iron in bars, all kinds, regardless of form or dimensions, therein included Railway material, n. e. s., or parts thereof; to be classed with machinery Railway-bars, with their fish-plates, fish-plate bolts, screw-nuts, and Other screw-nuts and screws; also nails of a diameter of 12 millimeters or over Safes and iron bed-steads, ad valorem Plates, galvanized, tinned or untinned, but not further advanced in Shoe-nails, clipped or cut Nails of 45 millimeters in length or over All other nails and all other hand or factory made wrought-iron goods, When polished or japanned..... Other kinds, with or without a coat of paint... Gilded, silvered, and plated articles; classed with metals, not speci- Iron stain; classed with chemico-technical preparations. .25 1 kilog.... .15 .07 Free. .12 1 kilog.... Cardamon.... 1 kilog.. 1.20 Cards and carding-leather; to be classed with machinery, implements, and tools not specified. Rolled in sheets of 1 millimeter in thickness or over, with or without All other India-rubber manufactures, n. e. s., and which cannot be classed Caviar; includes all fish roo, salted 8. Doc. 231, pt 5-2 1 kilog.. 94 1.80 The tariff of Sweden-Continued. Articles. Chemico-technical preparations, n. e. s., includes albumen, aniline colors, glycer Cinchona-bark Putty and cementing pastes, all kinds Bran, all kinds.. Chlor calcium. Chloride of kalium.. Clothing, n. e. s. : New wearing apparel, or parts thereof, new table-linen, towels, sheets, pillow- NOTE.-Should it be found difficult to ascertain of what kind of cloth oiled ar Wearing apparel, belonging to seamen or travelers, when evidently in use, accompanied by the owner, and not exceeding his personal needs.... Hoofs, classed with Horn, unmanufactured. Gun-caps, weight of boxes included. Acorns, ground or unground... Buttons: Of horn. (See Horn.) Of iron. (See Iron.) Manufactured of more than one material or of a material not provided for.. 1 kilog.... NOTE I. Where buttons of glass, horn, metal, mother of pearl, or jet are only NOTE II.-No deduction to be allowed for weight of pasteboards to which buttons may be fastened or of the boxes containing them. Knives: Penknives NOTE. Knives having other implements or blades besides penknife blades are to be classed with Penknives. Knives for chipping, for the use of seamen or other coarse use..... Table knives and other kinds, u. e. s.; also forks: With handles of silver, Britannia metal, ivory, or walrus tusk. Cobalt ore and cobalt. .50 Coiffures (head dresses) to be subject to the same provisions as Clothing. Free. Raw or refined..... Collodion, classed with Chemico technical preparations. Jellies and confectionery (includes jams and fruits preserved in sugar; also sugar-plums and pastilles).. Preserves, comestibles in hermetically-closed cans or jars, weight of the cans and jars to be included... Copper: Scrap copper or old copper only fit for resmelting; also copper ashes.. Copper-prints, steel and wood engravings; also lithographic and photographic productions, n. e. s.: When unframed. Framed. (See Picture-frames.) Corals, genuine, unworked or worked but unset Set in gold or silver, to be weighed with and pay same duty as the setting. Sausages... |