Atlantic Reporter, 98. sējumsWest Publishing Company, 1917 |
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action affirmed agreement alleged APPEAL AND ERROR appellee bill Bristol Counties cause Cent certiorari charge claim complainant Conn contract Cooke corporation Court of Chancery court of equity Court of Errors damages death decree deed defendant defendant's demurrer Digests and Indexes dower duty employé entitled equity evidence exception execution executors fact fendant filed fraud held Howard Cooke husband injury issue Jersey Jersey City Judge judgment jurisdiction jury Key-Numbered Digests land legacies liability mandamus matter ment mortgage N. J. Eq N. J. Law Note Note.-For paid parties payment person petition petitioner plaintiff probate probate court proceedings purpose question Railroad Company real estate reason refusal Rhode Island rule statute statute of frauds street superior court Supreme Court taxes tenant testatrix testimony thereof tiff tion topic and KEY-NUMBER trial court trustees verdict wife witness writ