Indian Health Care: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First Session on S. 556, to Amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC., 4. sējums

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 2003 - 403 lappuses

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379. lappuse - Order is intended only to improve the internal management of the Federal government, and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agenciea, its officers or any person.
361. lappuse - Federally Recognized American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Tribal governments in advocating for the improvement of health care delivery to American Indians and Alaska Natives. We strive to advance the level of health care and the adequacy of funding for health services that are operated by the Indian Health Service, programs operated directly by Tribal Governments, and other programs. Our Board Members represent each of the twelve Areas of IHS and are elected at-large by the respective Tribal...
381. lappuse - Collection of fees, fines, penalties, costs, or other charges from visitors to or patrons of mess halls, post or base exchange concessions, national parks, and similar entities or activities, or from other persons, where the amount to be collected is easily calculated or predetermined and the funds collected can be easily controlled using standard case management techniques; and (ii) Routine voucher and invoice examination.
313. lappuse - For purposes of section 2(2) of the Act of July 5, 15 1935 (49 Stat. 450, Chapter 372), an Indian tribe or trib16 al organization carrying out a funding agreement under 17 the Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act 18 shall not be considered an employer. 19 "SEC. 813. PRIME VENDOR. 20 "For purposes of section 4 of Public Law 102-585 21 (38 USC 812) Indian tribes and tribal organizations 22 carrying out a grant, cooperative agreement, or funding 23 agreement under the Indian Self-Determination...
309. lappuse - Service in providing 18 such health services to such indigent person. 19 "(3) SERVICE AREAS. — 20 "(A) SERVICE TO ONLY ONE TRIBE. — In 21 the case of a service area which serves only one 22 Indian tribe, the authority of the Secretary to 23 provide health services under paragraph (1)(A) 24 shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year suc25 ceeding the fiscal year in which the governing 305 1 body of the Indian tribe revokes its concurrence 2 to the provision of such health services.
301. lappuse - ... (18) a report on alcohol and substance abuse 16 as required under section 701(f). 17 "SEC. 802. REGULATIONS. 18 "(a) INITIATION OF RULEMAKING PROCEDURES. — 19 "(1) IN GENERAL. — Not later than 90 days 20 after the date of enactment of this Act, the Sec21 retary shall initiate procedures under subchapter III 22 of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, to nego23 tiate and promulgate such regulations or amend24 ments thereto that are necessary to carry out this 25 Act.
362. lappuse - Conclusion On behalf of the National Indian Health Board, I would like to thank the committee for its consideration of our testimony and for your interest In the improvement of the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people. If we are...
381. lappuse - ... following is a list of examples of functions generally not considered to be Inherently governmental functions. However, certain services and actions that are not considered to be inherently governmental functions may approach being in that category because of the nature of the function, the manner in which the contractor performs the contract, or the manner in which the Government administers contractor performance. This list is not all inclusive: (1) Services that involve or relate to budget...
355. lappuse - STATEMENT OF HON. LISA MURKOWSKI, US SENATOR FROM ALASKA Senator MURKOWSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. With your permission I would like to submit my opening remarks for the record.
311. lappuse - Education Assistance Act may be ex5 tended to non-Service health care practitioners who pro6 vide services to persons described in subsection (a) or (b). 7 Such non-Service health care practitioners may be re8 garded as employees of the Federal Government for pur9 poses of section 1346(b) and chapter 171 of title 28, 10 United States Code (relating to Federal tort claims) only 1 1 with respect to acts or omissions which occur in the course 12 of providing services to eligible persons as a part of...

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