TREATIES OF NEUILLY AND SÈVRES, THE TREATIES BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GERMANY, AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY RESPECTIVELY, AND THE TREATY OF LAUSANNE, THE CONVENTION RESPECTING THE REGIME MAPS COMPILED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS EDITION BY LT.-COL. LAWRENCE MARTIN GEOGRAPHER OF THE INSTITUTE OF POLITICS NEW YORK CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE 1 8-257-24 TREATY BETWEEN THE ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED Powers CONVENTION CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE of GREEK AND TURKISH POPULATIONS, signed January 30, 1923 DECLARATION RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUS- TICE IN TURKEY, signed July 24, 1923 . PROTOCOL Relating to CERTAIN CONCESSIONS GRANTED 1044 . 1044 Figure VOLUME II 10. Bulgaria, illustrating the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine (with insert map comparing Thrace, between Adrianople and the Aegean Sea, with part of New England southwest of Boston) Page Facing 653 11. Turkey, illustrating the Treaty of Sèvres, (with insert map showing, in black, areas lost by Turkey). On the insert map, Libya, Egypt and Cyprus are indicated by stipple and Ada Kaleh by a dot,—these four areas having retained a measure of Turkish sovereignty up to the present time. The right half of the insert map shows eastern United States on exactly the same scale as the area in Asia Minor, Arabia, and northern Africa which is shown in the left half Facing 789 12. Detailed map of western Turkey, showing the Zone of the Straits, the Territory of Smyrna, and the archipelago of Dodekanesia as provided for in the Treaty of Sèvres .. Facing 799 13. Detailed map of eastern Turkey, indicating the extent of the Turkish portion of Armenia, according to President Wilson's boundary decision under the Treaty of Sèvres 14. Turkey, illustrating the Treaty of Lausanne Facing 815 Facing 959 15. Mandates in Arabia, indicating the present disposition of the former Turkish possessions given up under the Treaties of Sèvres and of Lausanne (with insert map comparing Arabia graphically with the United States) Facing 966 16. Detailed map of western Turkey, illustrating the demilitarization of Thrace and the Straits, and the disposition of the Archipelago of Dodekanesia as provided for in the Treaty of Lausanne . . . Facing 1023 No1E. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has no objection to the reproduction of these maps in books, magazines, or newspapers. It is requested, however, that if any of them are reprinted, an acknowledgment to the Carnegie Endowment and to the editor of the maps be printed as a part of the legend, and that copies be sent to the New York office at 407 West 117th St. |