Lapas attēli

harvesta: and, Who will say, that many, in modern times, amongst her writers of prize poems, and tripos poems, and amongst those known to the world as poets, could not have fixed upon one fitted to fill a poetical chair, or to be complimented as a nominal professor r? ?

Has not Alma Mater entered into the sentiments of one, who, though no professor, knew and felt the dignity, to which true poetry aspires?

"Poesy," says he, " is a part of learning, in measure of words, in part restrained, but in all other parts extremely licensed, and doth truly refer to the imagination; which, not being tied to the laws of matter, may, at pleasure join that which nature has severed, and sever that which nature has joined; and so make unlawful matches and divorces of things; pictoribus, atq. poetis, &c. It is taken in two senses, in respect of words or matter: in the first sense, it is but a character of style, and belongeth to arts of speech, and is not pertinent to the present: in the latter it is, as hath been said, one of the principal portions of learning, and is nothing less than that feigned history which may be styled as well in prose as poetry.

"The use of this feigned History hath been to give some shadow of satisfaction to the mind of man, in those points wherein the nature of things doth deny it, the world being inferior to the soul; by reason whereof there is, agreeable to the spirit of man, a more ample greatness, a more exact goodness, and a more absolute variety, than can be found in the nature of things. Therefore, because the acts, or events of true history, have not that magnitude which satisfieth the mind of man, poesy feigneth acts and

• See Bishop Newton's Life of Milton, The biographer admits that Cambridge has produced a richer harvest of poetry than Oxford.


events greater and more heroical: because true history propoundeth the successes and issues of actions not so agreeable to the merits of virtue and vice, therefore poesy feigns them more just in retribution, and more according to revealed providence: because true history representeth actions and events more ordinary and less interchanged, therefore poesy endueth them with more rareness, and more unexpected variation, so as it appeareth, that poesy serveth and conferreth to magnanimity, morality, and delectation a.”

Having, then, in the preceding pages, hinted at a few omissions in our Alma Mater, let us acknowledge her superiorities. In what is greatest she is generally understood to be great. The Marquis de Condamini, treating of Academies, (A. 1755,) objects, "that though there were several academies at Rome for poetry, eloquence, sculpture, and painting, for designing and modelling, there was none, even there, for physic and mathematics, and that throughout all Italy, there was only one for antiquities, and one for the sciences." The academy at Naples was not established till after 1755.


b There are, however, besides, several universities in Italy. The author is speaking only of its academies.






OUR public walks and public buildings are usually made the subject merely of description: it is intended with description to intermix, on the present occasion, a little of literary remark: true, indeed, it is, that the routine of our walks, and gardens, and public edifices, constitutes no part of our Cambridge literature; but what relates to them is concerned both with science and art: and a few literary remarks, in treating of them, may seem not out of order in a UNIVERSITY History.

On contemplating a spot of ground, before it is laid out, we should inquire what it can be made from its natural qualities and capabilities; what it might be made under the direction of a man of genius and taste; and what it ought to be made, in reference to its future designation and inhabitants. Who expects to find the bold points, and striking contrasts, of mountain-scenery, the roaring cascade, or thundering cataract, on a plain? Who raises plantations of oaks in a corn field? or, who, in a park, looks for light espaliers, and parterres of flowers?

But learn to rein

Thy skill within the limits she allows;
Great Nature scorns controul; she will not bear

One beauty foreign to the spot or soil.

Mason's English Garden.

Let us distinguish, too, between gardens and public walks; between a nobleman's pleasure ground, and a spot to be adapted to the health and exercise of students, to academic retreats, which invite to meditation.

A D'Ermenonville, or our own Mason, had they been called, at first, to create beauties on this spot, might certainly have formed some charms, which it now wants: and could they have commanded the Cam, might have done a great deal. I am reminded, too, that Mr. Brown, so much admired for his skill in landscape gardenings, could do wonders on a plain surface, by help of draining

a R. L. Gerardin, Viscounte D'Ermenonville, author of an admirable ESSAY ON LANDSCAPE.

b Author of as admirable a poem, called the English Garden. • Mr. Brown's plan may be seen at the entrance of the University library. He was the particular friend of Mr. Mason, and lies buried in Fenstanton church, a few miles from Cambridge. On his monument is the following inscription, written by Mason.

Lancelot Brown, Esq. died February 6, 1783, aged 67 years.
Ye sons of elegance, who truly taste

The simple charms that genuine art supplies,
Come from the sylvan scenes his genius grac'd,
And offer here your tributary sighs.
But know, that more than genius slumbers here;
Virtues were his which Art's best powers transcend:
Come, ye superior train! who these revere,

And weep the Christian, Husband, Father, Friend.

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