Lapas attēli

Public Law No. 196, 61st Congress, approved June 1, 1910. An Act to

regulate the height of buildings in the District of Columbia..

Public Law No. 329, 61st Congress, approved December 30, 1910. An Act

to amend the Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of


Public Law No. 156, 62d Congress, approved May 20, 1912. An Act to

amend the Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of


Public Res. No. 3, 65th Congress, approved May 22, 1917. Joint Resolu-

tion to grant authority for the erection of temporary buildings at the

headquarters of the American Red Cross, Washington, District of


Public Law No. 153, 66th Congress, approved March 1, 1920. An Act to
regulate the height, area, and use of buildings in the District of Colum-
bia and to create a Zoning Commission___

Public Res. No. 56, 67th Congress, approved May 11, 1922. Joint Resolu-

tion authorizing the transfer to the jurisdiction of the Joint Committee

on the Library certain reservations in the District of Columbia for use

in connection with the Botanic Garden____

Public Law No. 202, 68th Congress, approved June 6, 1924. An Act provid-

ing for a comprehensive development of the park and playground system

of the National Capital----.

Public Law No. 203, 68th Congress, approved June 5, 1924. An Act to

authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to accept

certain land in the District of Columbia dedicated by Charles C. Glover

for park purposes--

Public Law No. 262, 68th Congress, approved June 7, 1924. An Act to

amend an Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of

Columbia, approved June 1, 1910_-.

Public Law No. 295, 68th Congress, approved December 13, 1924. To pro-

vide for the examination and registration of architects and to regulate

the practice of architecture in the District of Columbia.......

Public Law No. 445, 68th Congress, approved February 21, 1925. To amend

the Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of Columbia,

approved June 1, 1910----

Public Law No. 469, 68th Congress, approved February 25, 1925. Authoriz-

ing the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army to accept a certain

tract of land from Mrs. Anne Archbold donated to the United States for

park purposes--.

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Public Law No. 275, 69th Congress, approved May 22, 1926. An Act pro-

viding an additional wing to the District Jail_.

Public Law No. 298, 69th Congress, approved May 26, 1926. To provide

for the acquisition of property in Prince William County, Virginia, to be

used by the District of Columbia for the reduction of garbage..

Public Law No. 311, 69th Congress, approved May 28, 1926. To provide for

the condemnation of land for the opening, extension, and widening of

streets in the District of Columbia_.

Public Law No. 425, 69th Congress, approved June 25, 1926. To transfer

jurisdiction over the United States reservation numbered 248 from the

Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital

to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia__

Public Law No. 481, 69th Congress, approved July 3, 1926. Relating to the

Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital____

Public Law No. 535, 69th Congress, approved January 5, 1927. To provide

for enlarging and relocating the United States Botanic Garden___

Public Law No. 542, 69th Congress, approved January 13, 1927. To author-

ize the construction of a nurses' home for the Columbia Hospital for

Women and Lying-in Asylum----

Public Law No. 665, 69th Congress, approved March 1, 1927. To authorize

the construction of new conservatories and other necessary buildings for

the United States Botanic Garden____

Public Law No. 776, 69th Congress, approved March 3, 1927. Authorizing

negotiations for the acquisition of a site for the farmers' produce market_

Public Law No. 801, 69th Congress, approved March 4, 1927. To authorize

the refund of $25,000 to the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-

in Asylum__

Public Law No. 5, 70th Congress, approved January 13, 1928. An Act

authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to acquire certain lands within

the District of Columbia to be used as sites for public buildings_-_-

Public Law No. 66, 70th Congress, approved February 24, 1928. To amend

section 5 of the Act to provide for the construction of certain public


Public Law No. 404, 70th Congress, approved May 16, 1928. Authorizing

the erection for the sole use of the Pan American Union of an office build-

ing in Washington, District of Columbia_.

Public Law No. 453, 70th Congress, approved May 21, 1928. To provide for

the acquisition of certain property in the District of Columbia for the

Library of Congress--

Public Law No. 497, 70th Congress, approved May 24, 1928. Amending the

Act providing for a comprehensive development of the park and play-

ground system of the National Capital____

Public Law No. 573, 70th Congress, approved May 29, 1928.

notice to owners of land assessed for benefits by the

demnation juries in the District of Columbia---

Public Law No. 586, 70th Congress, approved May 29, 1928. An Act to

amend the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926--

Public Law No. 641, 70th Congress, approved December 20, 1928. To pro-

vide for the appointment of an additional justice of the Supreme Court

of the District of Columbia____.

Public Law No. 644, 70th Congress, approved December 21, 1928. To pro-

vide for the submission to the Congress of preliminary plans and esti-

mates of costs for the construction of a building for the Supreme Court

of the United States___

Public Law No. 646, 70th Congress, approved December 22, 1928. Author-

izing the National Capital Park and Planning Commission to acquire

title to land_

Public Law No. 648, 70th Congress, approved January 10, 1929. To provide

for the acquisition of a site and the construction thereon of a fireproof

office building or buildings for the House of Representatives.

Public Law No. 833, 70th Congress, approved February 27, 1929. To au-

thorize the consolidation and coordination of Government purchase, to

authorize the erection of a public warehouse for the storage of Govern-

ment supplies--.

Public Law No. 856, 70th Congress, approved February 28, 1929.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Public Law No. 867, 70th Congress, approved March 1, 1929. To provide

for the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia for the use of the

United States--

Public Law No. 873, 70th Congress, approved March 1, 1929. To provide
for the construction of a children's tuberculosis sanitorium__
Public Law No. 890, 70th Congress, approved March 1, 1929. To amend
chapter 15 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia_

Public Law No. 1016, 70th Congress, approved March 4, 1929. An Act

authorizing the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia and the

construction thereon of two modern high-temperature incinerators for

the destruction of combustible refuse_.

Public Law No. 1036, 70th Congress, approved March 4, 1929. An Act

to provide for the enlarging of the Capitol Grounds__

Public Law No. 26, 71st Congress, approved December 20, 1929. To pro-

vide for the construction of a building for the Supreme Court of the

United States__

Public Law No. 85, 71st Congress, approved March 31, 1930. An Act to

amend the Act to provide for the construction of certain public


Public Law No. 144, 71st Congress, approved April 18, 1930. To amend
the Act to provide for the construction of a children's tuberculosis

Public Law No. 175, 71st Congress, approved April 29, 1930. An Act to

amend an Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of

Columbia, approved June 1, 1910---

Public Law No. 231, 71st Congress, approved May 16, 1930. To regulate

the height, exterior design, and construction of private and semipublic

buildings in certain areas of the National Capital__

Public Law No. 290, 71st Congress, approved May 29, 1930. To amend the

Act to provide for the acquisition of certain property in the District of

Columbia for the Library of Congress_—.

Public Law No. 354, 71st Congress, approved June 13, 1930. To provide

for the construction and equipment of an annex to the Library of


Public Law No. 392, 71st Congress, approved June 19, 1930. Authorizing

the Smithsonian Institution to extend the Natural History Building and

authorizing and appropriation therefor__

Public Law No. 414, 71st Congress, approved June 23, 1930. Authorizing
the purchase by the Secretary of Commerce of additional land for the
Bureau of Standards of the Department of Commerce_.

Public Law No. 416, 71st Congress, approved June 23, 1930. To amend the

Act to provide for the enlarging of the Capitol Grounds_

Public Law No. 440, 71st Congress, approved June 26, 1930. To provide

better facilities for the enforcement of the customs and immigration


Public Law No. 459, 71st Congress, approved June 27, 1930. To authorize

the Secretary of the Treasury to accept donations of sites for public


Public Law No. 467, 71st Congress, approved June 28, 1930. To amend

section 355 of the Revised Statutes to permit the Attorney General to

accept certificates of title in the purchase of land by the United States in

certain cases..

Public Law No. 532, 71st Congress, approved July 3, 1930. To authorize

the Secretary of the Treasury to extend, remodel, and enlarge the post

office building at Washington, District of Columbia_.

Public Law No. 608, 71st Congress, approved February 6, 1931. To enable

the Secretary of the Treasury to expedite work on the Federal building


Public Law No. 671, 71st Congress, approved February 16, 1931. To amend

the Act to provide for the construction of certain public buildings,

approved May 25, 1926-_-

Public Law No. 700, 71st Congress, approved February 20, 1931. To

authorize the Secretary of Commerce to purchase and to construct

buildings and facilities suitable for radio research investigations_____

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Compiled by

GILMAN G. UDELL, Superintendent

Document Room




For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $3.00

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