Of elementary treatises on all the principal subjects of the law. The special features of these books are as follows: 1. A succinct statement of leading principles in blackletter type. 2. A more extended commentary, elucidating the principles. 3. Notes and authorities. Published in regular octavo form, and sold at the uniform price of $3.75 per volume, including delivery. Bound in American Law Buckram. 1. Norton on Bills and Notes. (3d Ed.) 2. Clark on Criminal Law. (2d Ed.) 3. Shipman on Common-Law Pleading. (2d Ed.) 4. Clark on Contracts. (2d Ed.) 5. Black on Constitutional Law. (3d Ed.) 10. Jaggard on Torts. (2 vols.) 11. Black on Interpretation of Laws. (2d Ed.) 12. Hale on Bailments and Carriers. 13. Smith on Elementary Law. 14. Hale on Damages. (2d Ed.) 15. Hopkins on Real Property. 16. Hale on Torts. 17. Tiffany on Persons and Domestic Relations. (2d Ed.) Croswell on Executors and Administrators. 18. 29. Ingersoll on Public Corporations. 30. Hughes on Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure. 31. Childs on Suretyship and Guaranty. 35. Black on Judicial Precedents. 36. Tiffany on Banks and Banking. In preparation: Handbooks of the law on other subjects to be an nounced later. Published and for sale by WEST PUBLISHING CO., ST. PAUL, MINN. C5855j HANDBOOK OF THE LAW OF BANKS AND BY FRANCIS B. TIFFANY AUTHOR OF "DEATH BY WRONGFUL ACT" AND HANDBOOKS ON : ST. PAUL, MINN. WEST PUBLISHING CO. 1912 THE object of this book is to present the law of the subject in brief compass, in accordance with the plan of the Hornbook Series. The author has had in view, however, that the subject is one that concerns rather practitioners than law students, and for this reason he has covered many questions in the text and notes that might have been omitted, had the book been intended primarily for law students, and he has made a fuller citation of the decisions than he would otherwise have done. The fundamental part of the law of banks and banking relates to the various transactions between banks and bankers and those dealing with them. The author has not entered upon the field of corporation law, except so far as the law of banking corporations seemed to require special discussion, and he has not dealt with the varying statutory provisions of the different states respecting banking corporations; but he has endeavored to cover the field of national banks and the National Bank Act, so far as it is affected by the decisions. The National Bank Act and other provisions of the federal statutes relating to national banks are printed in an Appendix, with historical and explanatory notes prepared by the editorial staff of the publishers. When treating of questions concerning checks and other negotiable instruments, the author has referred to the Negotiable Instruments Law, and has pointed out the not infrequent changes introduced by it. With a view to making the book, so far as possible within its scope, an index to the cases, the publishers have supplemented the notes by references, prepared by their editorial staff, to the American Digest System, both to the Century and to the Decennial (Key-Number) Digests. These citations will enable any one who consults the book, not only to turn quickly to additional cases upon the particular point to which the note refers, but by means of the Key-Number to command the later cases which may be found in the digests hereafter published. F. B. T. ST. PAUL, JUNE 20, 1912. (7)* |