Handbook of the Law of Banks and BankingWest Publishing Company, 1912 - 669 lappuses |
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Citi izdevumi - Skatīt visu
HANDBK OF THE LAW OF BANKS & B Francis B. (Francis Buchanan) Tiffany Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 2016 |
Handbook of the Law of Banks and Banking (Classic Reprint) Francis B. Tiffany Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 2017 |
Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
action agent amount authority Bank C. C. Bank of United bank's Banks and Banking bill of exchange Bills and Notes Cent certificate of deposit charge Chemical Nat clearing house collecting bank Commercial Nat contract corporation County Bank courts creditor debt debtor demand depositary bank depositor discharged discount draft drawer duty equitable Exch Farmers Fourth Nat funds held holder in due indorsement insolvent Iowa liable lien loan Mass ment Merchants Metropolitan Nat Minn N. J. Law N. Y. Supp National Bank Negotiable Instruments Law notice of dishonor Ohio St paid paper pay a check payable payee payment person Post presentment received recover rule Savings Bank Second Nat set-off signature statute Tenn tion transaction Trust U. S. Comp Union Nat unless York
Populāri fragmenti
386. lappuse - ... in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, shall be liable in like manner, and to the same extent as the testator or intestate. or the ward or person interested in such trust fund would have been, if he had been living and competent to act, and held the same stock in his own name.
540. lappuse - The taking, receiving, reserving, or charging a rate of interest greater than is allowed by the preceding section, when knowingly done, shall be deemed a forfeiture of the entire interest which the note, bill, or other evidence of debt carries with it, or which has been agreed to be paid thereon.
429. lappuse - That suits, actions, and proceedings against any association under this Title may be had in any circuit, district, or territorial court of the United States held within the district in which such association may be established, or in any State, county, or municipal court in the county or city in which said association is located having jurisdiction in similar cases.
136. lappuse - The acceptor by accepting the instrument engages that he will pay it according to the tenor of his acceptance ; and admits 1. The existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature, and his capacity and authority to draw the instrument; and 2. The existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse.
546. lappuse - B. 35 draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any acceptance, assigns any note, bond, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree; or who makes any false entry in any book, report, or statement of the association, with intent, in either case, to injure or defraud the association...
552. lappuse - Nothing herein shall prevent all the shares in any association from being included in the valuation of the personal property of the owner or holder of such shares, in assessing taxes imposed by authority of the State within which the association is located...
127. lappuse - A check of itself does not operate as an assignment of any part of the funds to the credit of the drawer with the bank, and the bank is not liable to the holder, unless and until it accepts or certifies the check.
541. lappuse - But the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good faith against actually existing values, and the discount of commercial or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same, shall not be considered as money borrowed.
574. lappuse - States or shall bring into the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, from any foreign place...
568. lappuse - If the directors of any national banking association shall knowingly violate, or knowingly permit any of the officers, agents, or servants of the association to violate any of the provisions of this Title, all the rights, privileges, and franchises of the association shall be thereby forfeited.