Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the Year Ending ..., 29. sējumsState of Iowa, 1907 |
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A. M. trip Albia & Centerville Ames & College Anamosa & Northern Assistant general freight Atchison Board of Railroad Burlington & Quincy Cedar Rapids Chicago & North-Western Chicago Great Western City Illinois Central Code of Iowa Colfax Northern Crooked Creek Date of last Davenport Dodge Dubuque & Sioux Falls & Northern Falls Great Northern feet Fort Dodge freight agent Iowa Central IOWA CENTRAL RAILWAY Iowa Falls Island & Northwestern Island & Pacific Junction Louis Manchester & Oneida Mason City matter was taken Miles of line Milwaukee & St Minn Minneapolis & Omaha Minneapolis & St Minnesota & Pacific Moines Union Muscatine North Newton & Northwestern North & South Paul Railway Postoffice address proposed viaduct Railroad Commissioners railroad companies Rock Island Santa Fe Seventh street shipments Shortage of cars Sioux City Illinois Sioux Falls Tabor & Northern Topeka & Santa trackage rights Union Pacific viaduct Willmar & Sioux