Lapas attēli

Mr. ALLEN. It would actually not be the responsibility of the seller there, but the buyer. However, we believe that under our proposal, the record made of that transaction, that memorandum of safe, invoice, or whatever it is called, which is made in the regular course of business, would be available for inspection, whether it be in the shop of the seller or the music operator buyer. But the responsibility would be that of the music operator.

Senator BURDICK. Perhaps we are not on the same wave length here. If I go into a store and buy a record, on that record today is 2 cents royalty, right now, the mechanical royalty. That is reported by somebody to someplace. Now, if I go into that store again, will that music store ask me whether I am a jukebox operator to charge me additional fees? Won't he have to keep separate records?

Mr. ALLEN. No, sir; he would not.

Senator BURDICK. Why?

Mr. ALLEN. The record and the payment of this royalty would be the responsibility of the music operator.

Senator BURDICK. I understand that.

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir. He would be the one to pay. The seller, the distributor, would have no responsibility either under the bill, section 116 as it is now, or under our proposal. The seller would not be involved in the royalty accounting or paying process.

Senator BURDICK. Then who would be involved?

Mr. ALLEN. The music operators.

Senator BURDICK. Well, you are trying to get away from bookkeeping?

Mr. ALLEN. That is right. Under our proposal, the bookkeeping would be the difference between night and day with the simplicity of it. It would be a reporting by quarter of the list of compositions purchased, one list.

Senator BURDICK. All you would report monthly or quarterly is your list of new purchases and make your payment at the same time? Mr. ALLEN. You list your purchases and make your payment right on the basis of those purchases and that is the end of it. The great difference, as I see it, as we see it in studying this-Mr. Cannon is the one who has run this test for us, which has been very helpful to us to help clear up the problems. The great difference in the committee's administrative provisions regarding recordkeeping, in the committee's 116 as it now reads, is on a phonograph-by-phonograph basis. Our proposal is on an operator basis. He reports all his purchases in one report and, thereby, everything follows from that. The great difference in cost is in the simplicity on one side and the complexity on the other.

Senator BURDICK. If the bookkeeping as provided by this bill is as complicated as you say, and I don't know whether it is or not, it certainly seems to be a gigantic job. If you have to report an inventory every time you move a box or a record, this seems unreasonable to me.

Mr. ALLEN. We hoped we would convince not only this committee but the House committee, but unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to test out and present to them what we presented today. So our great hope rests on our presentation today.

Senator BURDICK. It seems to me this does not help the performing artists, to have a lot of this money go into paperwork. That is just my reaction at the moment.

Mr. ALLEN. I would like to add, Mr. Chairman, I have the greatest respect for the folks who have been working on this over in the Copyright Office. This is a tough thing to write. We know how hard they have worked on it, we worked hard on it ourselves and we have come up with different versions, ourselves based on operators' practical experience and their's on the basis of their study of it. We have been in consultation with them. I hope that, one of these days, our ideas will coincide on the problems of administrative procedures.

Senator BURDICK. Has any thought ever been given to placing a royalty on a per-box basis?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, many times. Of course, this is what is undoubtedly contemplated in the alternative provided in that language in section 116. There are inherent difficulties, as I have stated in my statement, in the per-box basis. It would be the simplest from the operator's point of view because there are fewer number to count when you go on that basis.

It would be very complicated, on the other hand, for the copyright owners. This is more the committee's problem than ours. A single royalty for all copyright owners has the inherent problem of division of royalties among copyright owners and performing rights societies. As I say, that is their problem; it is the committee's problem, too. But this underlies the per-box royalty problem.

Let's put it this way: I do not think it is possible to write a performance royalty of a per-box basis unless there is a top put on it. Senator BURDICK. Unless there is what?

Mr. ALLEN. A maximum, a statutory maximum written into it. This is the "open-end" problem that we fear so very much. But when you go to write a maximum, then you have a problem of division of royalties among copyright owners. We have gone through this several times on the House side. It is a possibility, but one that we have not found out how to use yet.

Senator BURDICK. It is an old equitable principle that when you do not know whom to pay, you pay to the court and the court divides the money.

Mr. ALLEN. This is one of the possibilities that faces us in our considerations. I may be encroaching upon their time on this one, because it is mainly their problem. If you put it in court, then you really might have things tied up for a long time.

Senator BURDICK. I only used that as an illustration. I am not suggesting that.

Mr. ALLEN. Well, if you put it in the hands of a Government trustee, he would have the same problem. We question whether our opponents could get together that effectively.

Senator BURDICK. Have you made a statement here of what your suggestion will give to the composers as compared to their suggestion? Mr. ALLEN. Yes; our royalty at the rate of 2 cents per composition at the time of purchase would come to about $2,160,000 minimum, just like the mechanical fee at the same rate today. So it would work out to about $2 million-plus a year.

Senator BURDICK. What did the committee's elaborate accounting system produce?

Mr. ALLEN. Approximately, using the average box size of 80 records a machine, approximately $9.2 million a year. To that, we say, add $2.5 plus mechanical royalties and you have about $11.7 million.

You add our proposal of $2,160,000 to the mechanical royalty of $22 million, you get about $4.6 million. About $4.6 million would be the total revenues from royalties generated by our industry per year under our proposal.

Senator BURDICK. Your suggestion takes care of the complications of the additional expense for reporting and accounting, but it does not yield the same revenue.

Mr. ALLEN. No; that is right. We think the other revenue is much too high. And here again, we have prepared figures that we are sure will bear us out on this.

Senator BURDICK. Your proposal, of course, would incorporate the 2.5 cents on the mechanical?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes; it would supplement that.

I would like to anticipate just this argument that has been made by performing rights representatives in our discussions. That is, the problems as they see them of enforcement. In this area, we have undertaken to add some revision to our own proposal that we have already submitted to the subcommittee, so as to add to the reporting requirements the additional requirement of furnishing the data to the Copyright Office in a usable way, and making any false statements expressly punishable as a violation of the law.

Senator BURDICK. Like so many of the other ones?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir, that is right, and to make it explicit that the Copyright Office would have all the necessary powers of investigation and enforcement. We are undertaking to do that in our proposal. In a very short time, we should have a rewrite of our proposal for the committee.

Senator BURDICK. Senator Fong?

Senator FONG. Mr. Allen, see if I summarize your statement and your colleague's statements correctly. First you say that if you are forced to live under the provisions of the House bill, you will be either faced with a mountain of paperwork no operator would be able to carry, or you would be forced to negotiate?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes.

Senator FONG. So therefore, to eliminate the great amount of paperwork which would cost a lot of money, you will be forced to negotiate with ASCAP and BMI and the other organizations; is that right? Mr. ALLEN. That is right.

Senator FONG. If you are forced to negotiate with these organizations, you then will be at their mercy, because these are great organizations which have tremendous amounts of income versus a small operator?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir.

Senator FONG. And the average operator operates around 60 juke boxes a year, or somewhere around there. There are no big operators in this business?

Mr. ALLEN. Oh, I am sure there are some. Here is one with 180.
Senator FONG. Is that considered big, 180?

Mr. CANNON. Yes; there are some larger.

Senator FONG. So it is still a small business; is it not?

Mr. ALLEN. It is a small business, any way you look at it.

Senator FONG. Then when you negotiate with ASCAP or BMI, you are negotiating with a provision which has no limitation; is that correct?

Mr. ALLEN. All right, yes.

Senator FONG. In other words, the sky is the limit?

Mr. ALLEN. The sky is the limit on the negotiating table. Therefore, what we need is a statutory alternative to fall back on that is workable. Without that, we are bargaining under duress. With that, we have a free choice.

Senator FONG. If you choose to follow paperwork, then there is a limit as to what you pay?

Mr. ALLEN. That is right.

Senator FONG. If you choose to negotiate, there is no limit?

Mr. ALLEN. That is right.

Senator FONG. It all depends on what the bargaining will bring out? Mr. ALLEN. That is right.

Senator FONG. This money that is received by ASCAP and BMI, you say, is distributed one-half to the publisher?

Mr. ALLEN. This is ASCAP's story. I don't want to tarnish my friends of BMI.

Senator FONG. Why is the publisher coming into the picture? I thought this money was paid to the copyright owner.

Mr. ALLEN. I will be real blunt, Senator. I think the publishers own ASCAP. That is a good question for ASCAP.

Senator FONG. I see. If the money goes to ASCAP, you also make a point that a popular songwriter is at a disadvantage, because he does not get his percentage of the cut, is that right?

Mr. ALLEN. Exactly.

Senator FONG. A man who writes a song puts it on a record, and if the jukebox operator uses the song, he gets just as much percentage as the man who writes a very popular song?

Mr. ALLEN. That is one of the inherent difficulties of the per box license or the blanket license that the chairman was asking me about. It does allow those whose music is not played on juke boxes to share. That is the ASCAP system.

Senator FONG. Now, in your proposal, the popular songwriter would get what he deserves, and the man who does not write a popular song does not get it?

Mr. ALLEN. Absolutely. The royalty would go exactly as the records are bought. We say that the purchase of the record as the basis for determining their royalty is the closest to the actual performance that can be devised as a practical method of determining royalty.

Senator FONG. Then from the standpoint of equity, the payment of a single amount for a record really helps the popular songwriter?

Mr. ALLEN. That is correct. And on that point, I must be very candid here, the committee's section 116 also does this. But the difficulty is the way it is done, it just cannot work as a practical matter. Senator FONG. Because of the paperwork?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir.

Senator FONG. You either do that or go through the tremendous amount of paperwork, and then arrive at a very far place down the road, the amount that is to be paid to each individual composer?

Mr. ALLEN. Right, sir. This has been the nub of our presentation and our discussions with the copyright folks, our opponents, and our presentations in all the committee hearings, that our method is the

closest method to counting actual performance that can be practically operated. This is the closest practical method.

Senator FONG. So you are really fighting the battle of the popular songwriter?

Mr. ALLEN. Oh, well, yes, along with the jukebox operator.

Senator FONG. Now, along with the bill there is a total of approximately $11 million in copyright payments, is that correct?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir.

Senator FONG. Then you are already paying $2.1 million, you say, because of the 2 cents mechanical royalty?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir.

Senator FONG. Then you will be paying $2.5 million if it were raised 2.5 cents per copy?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir.

Senator FONG. And you are willing, your committee is willing to pay 2 cents more per copy?

Mr. ALLEN. Yes, sir; we are if you decide that the people who want this are entitled to it, can prove that they are.

Senator FONG. That would raise how much money?

Mr. ALLEN. It would raise $4.6 million a year. Ours would raise approximately $2.1 million and the mechanical fee, about $2.5 million. Senator FONG. It will raise $2.5 million more?

Mr. ALLEN. Our proposal would raise at least $2.1 million more, to which I would add the mechanical fee of $2.5 million, to give a total of musical copyright royalties derived from our industry.

Senator FONG. I see. And you proposed to do that by keeping your people honest-that is, you propose to do that by having your own people make out vouchers or make out reports the day they purchase these records?

Mr. ALLEN. That is right, and be subject to all the penalties of the law for any default.

Senator FONG. Is there any way you can handle that without leaving it to the honesty of your operators?

Mr. ALLEN. Well, the answer to your question there, Senator Fongremember that the transaction by which we acquire the record which is the basis for the royalty payment is a two-party transaction. There is a third party then whose records could be checked to verify.

Now, one of the objections, and I will just anticipate what I know you will hear Monday, one of the objections is that an operator may not report all the records that he buys and make it hard for them to find. To that I say he is subject to severe penalties, he is subject to investigation. The other party who sold him the records is subject to investigation, and it would not take but just a few real tough prosecutions to serve as a deterrent, if we get right down to the ultimate point.

But we take great exception to the claim that this is an honor system. It is not an honor system. There is a Register of Copyrights who is going to be supervising this thing. As the House committee said, if he finds it does not work, then he will come back and put something more in the law.

But the point I would like to stress is the people who are making this proposal, they want it to be airtight. They do not want to be subject to competition from people who are not complying with the law.

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