Lapas attēli

both in the pupils and the master, and every where the same kind of instruction.

The most remarkable thing of all is, that they have arrived at this state of excellence in a few years; by means simple in themselves. A short account of this important operation is essential to the right fulfilment of our object.

Thirty years ago, the inferior schools of Holland resembled those of the same class in other countries. Masters, nearly as ignorant as the children they had to teach, succeeded with difficulty to impart, in several years, a slender amount of instruction in reading and writing to a small number of scholars. There was no general superintendence of the schools; the most of them were set up on private speculation: the different religious sects maintained several for their poor, under the supervision of their deacons; but these schools were exclusive ly for the children of the parish; those whose parents did not belong to some particular church were not provided for; the Catholics had no schools of the sort, although so numerous in the country. The result of all these circumstances was, that a large proportion of the young were sunk in ignorance and immorality.

the immediate and perɣading presence of the great Fountain of life, and light, and happiness. To us the moral is one full of interest and instruction. The gardens of Paradise are open to all; the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" is still standing in the midst; and the solemn injunction of the Creator of our spirits, warning us to beware lest we put forth our hands and take and eat of its forbidden fruit, is ever sounding in our ears. Shall this voice continue to be unheeded, and the arts of the tempter still prevail, until the flaming sword of the angel of retributive justice debars us forever from the Eden of our existence? Shall we not rather listen to the voice of God, speaking through nature and revelation; learn to know ourselves, and our whole duty; and cheerfully and intelligently fulfil the purposes and the end of our being, while we daily and hourly reap the rich rewards of wisdom and experience?

To the YOUNG," the innocent in heart and soul," for whom life still blooms in all the freshness and beauty of hope and truth, who bask in the bright sunshine of moral purity and peace, little dreaming of the countless perils which surround them, breathing the ethereal odors of a Paradise they have not as yet forTHE SPRING TIME OF LIFE. feited,-to such, how earnest, how unwearied, should be our constant and most impressive [From S. S. RANDALL'3 "Mental and Moral Culture."] admonition-Avoid the first approaches of the tempter; heed not for a wavering moment his Whence is it that, in the advanced stages of subtle and fatal voice; wrap yourselves in the existence, the "sere and yellow leaf" of our being; sacred mantle of your innocence, and repose in the mind so loves to linger upon the scenes and trustful assurance upon the promises of the associations of life's opening dawn? that the heart Author of your being, the Dispenser of the rich forgets its withering sorrows and its bitter expe- blessings by which you are surrounded-blessings rience, and often and fondly recurs to the elastic you cannot now appreciate, but which once lost energies which prompted the glowing anticipa- can never be recalled. The conditions of pres tions and bright hopes of childhood and inno- ent enjoyment and continued happiness, are cence? The memories thus invoked, come to us clearly unfolded to your mental and moral percep loaded with freshness and fragrance; with a tion by HIM who called you into existence, and vivid impression of happiness and enjoyment, long curiously moulded the constitution of your being. unknown; with the distant echoes of a harmony, While those conditions are faithfully observed, which has ceased to vibrate upon our blunted that existence will prove a constant source of senses; with a soul-subduing gentleness, which pleasure, an unfailing well-spring of improvehas power to unseal the deep sources of feelings, ment, a perpetual concord of sweet and harmowhose destined current the cares and the passions, nious influences. Around and about you, on the anxieties and the sufferings, of worldly expe-every hand, are withered hopes, blasted expec rience have choked and suppressed. None are tations, irremediable sorrow, fruitless remorse, so far beyond the pale of humanity, as to be in-pain, anguish, disease, premature decay, and accessible at times to these soothing and benig- death. Hope not to disobey the voice of God nant influences of our mysterious nature. The conqueror, in his mad career of crime, borne onward by the impetuous waves of passion, and revelling in feverish dreams of ambition, power, and fame; the miser, surrounded by his wealth; the sensualist, by his luxurious appliances; and even the doomed criminal, darkly brooding over his career of guilt, and its fearful retribution; to each and all, the visions of early life, of unsul-in the placid shades of innocence and virtue; lied innocence and undimmed purity of soul, throng upon the mind, insensible though it may be to every other impression of goodness, of beauty, or of truth. It is the feeling which we may imagine our first parents to have experienced in all its intensity, when, after long years of wandering over the arid waste of a world no longer clothed, to their eyes, in its primeval freshness and verdure, they recalled the bright image of the Paradise they had forfeited,-its ever-present delights, its hallowed scenes of quiet bliss, its unceasing strains of celestial harmony, and all the pure and holy influences flowing from

within your souls, and to escape these dire and bitter consequences of transgression. The records of human experience, from the creation of the world to the present hour, furnish not a solitary instance of such an exemption from the penalty denounced by the voice of the Almighty. Venture not, then, upon the fearful and most presumptous experiment. Walk while you may

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commune with the Being whose presence will
surround you at all times, and whose blessing,
"even length of days and life forevermore,
will consecrate and reward your obedience to
his perfect laws.

So live, that when the summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan that moves
To the pale realms of shade, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Chained, to his dungeon; but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasing dreams."



| centuries, expands to such a gigantic trunk, throws out such massive arms, and spreads the shade of its shining green leaves over such a THE common mahogany (called by botanists vast surface, that even the proudest oaks of our Swietenia mahagoni) is one of the most majestic forests appear insignificant in comparison with trees of the whole world. There are trees of it. A single log, such as is brought to this coun greater height than the mahogany-but in Cuba try from Honduras, not unfrequently weighs six and Honduras this tree, during a growth of two or seven tons.

[graphic][merged small]

When we consider the enormous size of a the latter number. They are composed of slaves trunk of mahogany, and further learn that the and free persons, without any comparative dismost valuable timber grows in the most inacces- tinetion of rank, and it very frequently occurs sible situations, it must be evident that a great that the conductor of such work, here styled the portion of the price of this timber must be made Captain, is a slave. Each gang has also one up of the cost of the labor required for trans- person belonging to it termed the Huntsman porting it from its native forests to the place of He is generally selected from the most intelli its embarkation for other countries. The mode in gent of his fellows, and his chief occupation is which this difficult work is accomplished is high- to search the woods, or, as it is called, the bush, ly interesting; and we have, fortunately, the means of giving an account of the process (which, we believe, has never before been minutely described in any publication,) from some statements printed in a Honduras Almanac, which has been kindly put into our hands for this purpose.

The season for cutting the mahogany usually commences about the month of August. The gangs of laborers employed in this work consist of from twenty to fifty each, but few exceed

to find labor for the whole. Accordingly, about the beginning of August, the huntsman is despatched on his important mission. He cuts his way through the thickest of the woods to some elevated situation, and climbs the tallest tree he finds, from which he minutely surveys the surrounding country. At this season the leaves of the mahogany tree are invariably of a yellow reddish hue, and an eye accustomed to this kind of exercise, can, at a great distance, discern the places where the wood is most abundant. He

now descends, and to such places his steps are
directed; and, without compass, or other guide
than what observation has imprinted on his re-
collection, he never fails to reach the exact point
at which he aims. On some occasions no ordi-
nary stratagem is necessary to be resorted to by
the huntsman, to prevent others from availing
themselves of the advantage of his discoveries;
for, if his steps be traced by those who may be
engaged in the same pursuit, which is a very
common thing, all his ingenuity must be exerted
In this,
to beguile them from the true scent.
however, he is not always successful, being fol-
lowed by those who are entirely aware of all the
arts he may use, and whose eyes are so quick
that the lightest turn of a leaf, or the faintest
impression of the foot, is unerringly perceived.
The treasure being, however, reached by one
party or another, the next operation is the fell-
ing of a sufficient number of trees to employ the
The mahogany tree is
gang during the season.
commonly cut about ten or twelve feet from the
ground, a stage being erected for the axe-man
employed in levelling it. The trunk of the tree,
from the dimensions of the wood it furnishes, is
deemed the most valuable; but, for ornamental
purposes, the limbs, or branches, are generally

cleared of brush-wood, they still require the
labor of hoes, pick-axes, and sledge hammers,
to level down the hillocks, to break the rocks,
and to cut such of the remaining stumps as
might impede the wheels that are hereafter to
pass over them.

The roads being now in a state of readiness,
which may generally be effected by the month
This is merely divid-
of December, the cross-cutting, as it is techni-
cally called, commences.
ing cross-wise, by means of saws, each maho-
gany tree into logs, according to their length;
and it often occurs, that while some are but long
enough for one log, others, on the contrary, will
admit of four or five being cut from the same
trunk or stem. The chief guide for dividing the
trees into logs is the necessity for equalizing the
loads the cattle have to draw. Consequently,
as the tree increases in thickness, the logs are
reduced in length. This however, does not al-
together obviate the irregularity of the loads,
and a supply of oxen are constantly kept in rea-
diness to add to the usual number, according to
the weight of the log. This becomes unavoida-
ble, from the very great difference of size of the
mahogany trees, the logs taken from one tree
being about 300 cubic feet, while those from the
next may be as many thousand. The largest
log ever cut in Honduras was of the following
dimensions: Length, 17 feet; breadth, 57 inches;
depth, 64 inches; measuring 5,168 superficial
feet, or 15 tons weight.

The sawing being now completed, the logs are The month of reduced, by means of the axe, from the round or natural form, into the square.

A sufficient number of trees being felled to occupy the gang during the season, they commence cutting the roads upon which they are to be transported. This may fairly be estimated at two-thirds of the labor and expense of mahogany cutting. Each mahogany work forms in itself a small village on the bank of a river-the choice of situation being always regulated by the proxi-March is now reached, when all the preparation mity of such river to the mahogany intended as before described is, or ought to be, completed; when the dry season, or time of drawing down the object of future operations. the logs from the place of their growth comThis process can only be carried on in mences. the months of April and May; the ground, during all the rest of the year, being too soft to admit of a heavily laden truck to pass over it without sinking. It is now necessary that not a moment should be lost in drawing out the wood to the river.

After completing the establishment of a sufficient number of huts for the accommodation of the workmen, a main road is opened from the settlement, in a direction as near as possible to the centre of the body of trees so felled, into which branch-roads are afterwards introduced, the grounds through which the roads are to run being yet a mass of dense forest, both of high trees and underwood. The laborers commence by clearing away the underwood with cutlasses. This labor is usually performed by task-work, of one hundred yards, each man, per day. The underwood being removed, the larger trees are then cut down by the axe, as even with the ground as possible, the task being also at this work one hundred yards per day to each laborer. The hard woods growing here, on failure of the axe, are removed by the application of fire. The trunks of these trees, although many of them are valuable, such as bullet-tree, ironwood, redwood, and sapodilla, are thrown away as useless, unless they happen to be adjacent to some creek or small river, which may intersect the road. In that case they are applied to the construction of bridges, which are frequently of considerable size, and require great labor to make them of sufficient strength to bear such immense loads as are brought over them.

If the mahogany trees are much dispersed or scattered, the labor and extent of road-cutting is, of course, greatly increased. It not unfrequently occurs that miles of road and many bridges are made to a single tree, that may ultimately yield but one log. When roads are

A gang of forty men is generally capable of working six trucks. Each truck requires seven pair of oxen and two drivers; sixteen to cut food for the cattle, and twelve to load or put the logs on the carriages. From the intense heat of the sun, the cattle, especially, would be unable to work during its influence; and, consequently, the loading and carriage of the timber is per. formed in the night. The logs are placed upon the trucks by means of a temporary platform laid from the edge of the truck to a sufficient distance upon the ground, so as to make an inclined plane, upon which the log is gradually pushed up by bodily labor, without any further mechanical aid.

The operations of loading and carrying are thus principally performed during the hours of darkness. The torches employed are pieces of wood split from the trunk of the pitch-pine. The river-side is generally reached by the wearied drivers and cattle before the sun is at its highest power; and the logs, marked with the owner's initials, are thrown into the river.

About the end of May the periodical rains again commence; the torrents of water discharg ed from the clouds are so great as to render the

roads impassable in the course of a few hours, when all trucking ceases. About the middle of June the rivers are swollen to an immense height. The logs then float down a distance of two hundred miles, being followed by the gang in pitpans, (a kind of flat-bottomed canoe,) to disengage them from the branches of the overhanging trees, uutil they are stopped by a boom placed in some situation convenient to the mouth of the river. Each gang then separates its own cut. ting, by the marks on the ends of the logs, and forms them into large rafts; in which state they are brought down to the wharves of the propri

etors, where they are taken out of the water, and undergo a second process of the axe, to make the surface smooth. The ends, which frequently get split and rent by being dashed against rocks in the river by the force of the current, are also sawed off. They are now ready for shipping.

The ships clearing out from Balize, the principal port of Honduras, with their valuable freight of mahogany, either go direct to England, or take their cargo to some free warehousing port in the British Possessions, in the West Indies, or America.-Penny Maguzine.

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NEVER be cast down by trifles. If a spider breaks his thread twenty times, twenty times will he mend it again. Make up your minds to do a thing, and you will do it. Fear not if a trouble comes upon you; keep up your spirits, though the day be a dark one.

Troubles never stop for ever, The darkest day will pass away! If the sun is gone down, look up at the stars; if the earth is dark, keep your eyes on heaven! With God's presence and God's promises, a man or a child may be always cheerful.

Never despair when the fog's in the air!

A sunshiny morning will come without warning. Mind what you run after! Never be contented with a bubble that will burst, or with a firework that will end in smoke and darkness. Get that which you can keep, and which is worth keeping.

Something sterling that will stay When gold and silver fly away. Fight hard against a hasty temper. Anger will come; but resist it stoutly. A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may give you cause to mourn all the days of your life. Never revenge an injury.

He that revenges knows no rest;
The meek possess a peaceful breast.

If you have an enemy act kindly to him, and make him your friend. You may not win him over at once, but try again. Let one kindness be followed by another, till you have compassed your end. By little and little great things are completed.

Water falling, day by day,

Wears the hardest roek away. And so repeated kindness will soften a heart of stone.

Whatever you do, do it willingly. A boy that is whipped to school never learns his lesson well. A man that is compelled to work cares not how badly it is performed. He that pulls off his coat cheerfully, strips up his sleeves in earnest, and sings while he works, is the man for me. A cheerful spirit gets on quick; A grumbler in the mud will stick. Evil thoughts are worse enemies than lions and tigers, for we can keep keep out of the way of wild beasts, but bad thoughts win their way everywhere. The cup that is full will hold no more; heep your heads and your hearts full of good thoughts, that bad thoughts may find no room.

Be on your guard, and strive, and pray,
To drive all evil thoughts away.

Youth's Penny Gazette.


THE modes of building in different countries and in different ages of the world, have resulted in several distinct styles of architecture

Among the ancient Egyptians, it would seem, from the low and massy forms of their edifices, that they were fashioned in imitation of caves -the first habitations of savage man. The temples, of which many ruins remain along the borders of the Nile, seem almost like structures hewn out of the rock; so heavy are the columns, and so low the arches.

The Gothic architecture appears to be an imi. tation of the grove; the roof being supported by pillars, branching upward. The engraving will give some idea of this style of building. It flourished from the year 1000 to 1500, A. D., and was particularly used in the construction of churches, monasteries, and other religious buildings, during that period. In France and Germany there are still to be seen many churches in this style; and though they have an ancient and gloomy appearance, they are very beautiful, and the sombre light within, seems well fitted to a place Among the Greeks, the style of architecture of worship. In England, also, there are many seemed to be suggested by the wooden cabin, Gothic edifices of the olden time, among which supported upon the trunks of trees. Thus the Westminster Abbey, in London, is a fine specilighter and loftier columns supporting their edi. men. In Boston, Trinity Church is somewhat fices, seem to be a leading feature of their build-in the Gothic taste; and at Hartford there is a ings. fine specimen, in the Episcopal Church. There are also several other edifices in this country, of recent structure, which are imitations, in part, of ancient Gothic buildings; but a pure example of this style is hardly to be found, except in Eu rope, and among the edifices of past centuries.

In China, the houses appear to be fashioned after the tent, as if the idea had been borrowed from the pastoral age, when the inhabitants subsisted upon flocks, and dwelt in tents.


A few days since a friend in Springfield, Mass. sent us a copy of the annual report of the school committee of that town. Towards the close of it we found the following very plain language, at which we were at first inclined to laugh out right. On second thought, however, we concluded to be sober in consideration of the cutting truth here told. Some of these remarks might apply to parents who are seldom if ever seen in the Sabbath school where their children go to receive moral instruction.

"Parents, also, manifest too little interest in the successful operation of the schools. The school-room, by some, is never visited, and in some instances this is true where the office of prudential committee is added to the relation of parent. They may feel incompetent to judge of

the character of the school, and therefore, leave the business of visitation to others. But do they not judge of the schools by the reports of their children, and would they not be better prepared to do this, if they should personally visit them? And, granting that they may not be qualified to decide upon the accuracy of the recitations, do they not know that their presence animates and encourages both the teacher and the scholars ? How can a parent feel that he has done his duty to his children, if he never drops in to see how they are passing their time in the school-room? If he is a farmer he daily looks to see how his pigs are thriving, and whether they are comfortably housed; but his children may pass years without his troubling himself as to the quality of their mental aliment, or to the manner in which it is imparted to them. Is not a child of more value than a pig?"

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