Lapas attēli

land are prepared by proper intellectual and mo-
ral culture or not, "time, with its ceaseless,
noiseless step, will soon bring them upon the
stage of active life." No man can seriously re-
flect, and feel indifferent to the education of the
children and youth of our land. For, if ever this
country, with its heaven-born institutions crum-
bles into ruins, it will be through the ignorance,
and consequent prostration of the morals of the
Free public schools, in a city like ours, are of
priceless value. If our public men, and those
of influence and wealth, would devote more of
their time to this subject, and less to the misera-
ble strifes and contentions of political warfare,
they would be instruments of vastly more good
in their day and generation.

The system has succeeded, thus far, beyond the reasonable expectations of its most ardent friends. To make it productive of the greatest possible amount of good, requires the hearty co-operation of citizens, trustees, teachers, and Board of Education. Parents, in a special manner should lend their influence and co-operation, to sustain these noble institutions. They should frequently visit the schools-not, however, to censure and rebuke the teacher, and interfere with the needed and wholesome restraint there imposed upon the child, rendered necessary, perhaps, through parental neglect, but to encourage and sustain the teacher, thereby showing, by the best of evidence, that a deep interest is felt in the progress and prosperity of their


Shall we hear the objection to our public schools that there the children of the vicious and


This is the only attempt which I witnessed to into the juvenile day-schools of Great Britain. carry the "training system" of the infant-school The endeavor is made, under this system, not only to inculcate good principles, but also to form good habits-not only to teach, but to train. A child entering from the infant school is prepared for the instruction and discipline of this; his education goes on in the same way and with the same spirit here as in the former school. Other children, entering at six, may have possibly bad habits to eradicate. Experience has proved, however, that they may be trained with the others, only at a greater cost of time and labor. In this system, as in the corresponding infant school system, the play-ground is the 66 uncover. ed school," and the moral training goes on in it; hence the pupils must necessarily be under the superintendence of the master, who notices their aberrations without interfering, unless when absolutely necessary, and makes a school-room lesson of their conduct. The effective character of this training is proved by the fact that one hundred and eighty children of the lower classes of Glasgow were in the daily habit, for five months, of frequenting the play ground of the school, without any injury to the borders planted with flowers, shrubs and fruits.

The course of instruction in the juvenile training-school is to be considered still in a great degree experimental, but the results already obtained are of the most encouraging character.


system discards, in a great degree, all use of books, and substitutes the lively oral method employed in the German schools. It requires the master to be thoroughly acquainted with the subject he teaches, in order to be able to communicate them in the manner exactly suited to the different capacities of the pupils, which he is expected to study.

degraded are assembled, endangering the habits and manners of our children by their own vicious habits-be it so are not the children of some of the most elevated families vicious also "High born vice is more contagious by very many times, and infinitely more hopeless, than the vices of the poor." My experience and observation have taught me, that it is easier to reclaim ten vicious from the lower walks of life, The efficacy of such a school depen is almost than one, who has been educated at the school entirely upon the character of the master, and of fashionable vice. Against the former our during my visit, this truth was fully impressed, children are armed for defence. There are few by seeing it under the charge of the head mas private schools or seminaries in our country that ter, and again under that of an assistant, and have not among their pupils those who exercise by comparing it with the infant school. There corrupting influences far more to be feared or is no teaching so difficult to many instructors as dreaded than the most degrading examples of that by the natural method. For, brought up the poor. Nor is genius or talent the offspring in stiff and artificial habits, they cannot break of cast or condition. But as the richest diamond themselves into those requirel, and descend to is often found the deepest buried in its native | rubbish, so the most brilliant intellect is often discoverable among the children of the most bumble and obscure, (and sometimes even the most degraded) families of our land. Such need but the refining, polishing hand of the skilful teacher to give them the impress of divinity.

Should the Board be charged with extravagant expenditure for the support of the schools, it will be seen that most, if not all, of the towns of New-England, having greatly the advantage in experience, maturity of plan, and preparation, are expending much more in proportion to the number educated. Indeed with all the disadvantages attending the infancy of our system, and the want, in some districts of suitable buildings the past year, our schools have given instruction at a proportionately less expense than those, of any town in New-England from which I have been able to obtain a report.

the level of their pupils. I saw, however, quite enough to convince me that this was a great improvement upon the old system of Scottish schools. The questioning, conversation between the teacher and pupils, singing, and other exercises of the gallery, go on with more spirit when considerable numbers are present than when few are there, and hence are particularly valuable in schools which require instruction to be given by one teacher to many pupils.

Advantage is taken in the arrangement of the school-room to keep such printed moral precepts and attractive representations before the eyes of the children as it may be desired to impress on their memory, care being taken to change the objects from time to time, that too great fami larity may not blunt the sense of curiosity or interest. Order and neatness are inculcated by the proper arrangement of every article of

school-furniture, and by that of their own hats and cloaks.



dred and eighty scholars, from the manufacturing classes of Glasgow, have been in the habit of VOCAL MUSIC is not used solely for cultivating using the play ground for more than an hour the ear or taste, but for producing its appropri- and a quarter every day for two years and a ate moral effects from the character of the songs, half, without damage to the flowers or fruits and as an important auxiliary to order and dis- which it contains. Great attention is paid to cipline, substituting harmony for noise during neatness in the play-ground, that the habits inchanges of position, and promoting regularity. culcated in the school may be carried out here. EMULATION.-The system of changing places It affords, also, opportunities of exemplifying in the class is not approved as a principle, yet a lessons on cruelty to animals, on truth, justice, modification of it is nevertheless in use. It kindness, and other virtues.-[Report on Edu would require very careful experiment under cation in Europe. the actual circumstances of the pupils and teachers of any school, to prove that this mode can be dispensed with. I agree entirely as to the necessity for greatly modifying it, and as to the principle that the motive of emulation is an infePursuant to public notice previously given, rior one. In the present condition of society, the scholars and teachers of the Common Schools however, I do not believe that emulation in in several of the school districts in the town of schools can be entirely dispensed with, if we Ridgeway, viz. District No. 1-District No. 2 would have the youth in them prepared for ac--District No. 5-District No. 10-District No. tive life. Men are esteemed by their fellows in 12-District No. 16-District No. 18-and Disproportion to their intellectual and moral qua- trict No. 20, met in the village of Medina, on lities, and though society is not formally graded Saturday the 4th inst. by placing individuals in the precise order of these qualities, yet every one is aware that some men have greater influence than others, because of higher intellectual and moral attainments; and the desire to stand high in the estimation of others is, at present, one of the strongest, though certainly not the purest, motives to exertion. Self-emulation is a much more noble and safe guide to action, and no doubt may, under judicious management, be rendered a very powerful


The principle of discipline laid down in this school, not to use things which you desire a child should love, as a punishment, is an excellent one, and I regretted to see the practice, in some cases, going counter to it. Corporal chastisement has not been resorted to for two and a half years.


The weather was mild, the day fair, and the sleighing good, the teachers and scholars from the above mentioned Districts, accompanied by their parents, came into the village, with their banners in fine style, and in large numbers, in fact, appearing like an "army with banners." At about 10 o'clock they formed a procession at the village district school house, and marched to the Presbyterian meeting house, preceded by bands of music, (making a most beautiful appearance,) where the exercises of the day were commenced with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Prudden, after which an able and very appropriate address was delivered by E. R. Reynolds, Esq. Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools, in this county, to an audience of not less than a thousand persons. Mr. Reynolds was followed by Col. S. M. Burroughs, to whose remarks, as well as the address, the audience listened with great attention and satisfaction. The exercises were closed with a benediction. It was a most pleasing exhibition, meeting with the approval of, and highly gratifying to all present. Good order prevailed throughout the day. WM. C. TANNER, Pres't.

MORAL AND PHYSICAL TRAINING.-As already stated, the play-ground, or uncovered schoolroom," is considered the place in which moral training is to be accomplished, where the principles taught in the school may be carried into practice so as to become habits. Accordingly, the play-ground is not merely fitted up with the means of exercise, but it is planted, in part, with flowers and fruit, accessible to all, but which are to be enjoyed under the injunction, "smell, see, but touch not." It has been, and is, in part, to this day, the reproach of England Is published on the 1st of each month-Office New

Mr. DENIO, Sec'y.

District School Journal.

State Hall.


For a single copy for one year,....

[ocr errors]

and the United States, that public property is
always injured; that flowers cannot bloom, nor
fruit ripen, unless when enclosed; and in France,
which is considered as offering an exception to
this barbarous practice, I fear that the result is
produced rather by the certainty of detection and
punishment, than from the influence of a higher
motive. Education is the true source of relief
from this reproach; if the child be trained to
respect what belongs to the public, the man will
never injure it. Such views have been decried
as visionary, and the idea that a child could be
so trained has been scouted. But facts prove that
the visionary persons were only a little in ad-
vance of the times, and their training system has
succeeded, and its principles will finally be so ge-
nerally adopted, that to doubt them will be as re-
markable as the idea itself originally appeared.
In this particular school upwards of one hun-interest in promoting its circulation.

Six copies to one address, for one year each, 0 33
100 copies to one address, for one year each,. 0 25

PAYABLE ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. All letters relative to the Journal must be post-paid those containing subscriptions will be sent free on ap. plication to the Postmasters, who are respectfully requested to act as Agents. The lawful postage on the District School Journal, to any place within the state, is but one cent.

The postmasters will on application forward 50 cents in silver, by letter, without charge.

We respectfully request all who are satisfied with the manner in which the Journal is edited, to take some




ALBANY, MAY, 1843.

No. 2.


boarding or temporarily remaining with their friends or connexions, merely or chiefly for the purpose of attending the school-in whatState of N. Vork—Secretary's Office. soever way, whether by labor or otherwise, the expense of their board may be defrayed, and such children hired out to service or labor in the district, and who attend school only incidentally


ADMISSION OF NON-RESIDENT CHILD. and at the option of their employers,-has not


been sufficiently adverted to by trustees or inhabitants of districts generally. S. YOUNG, Albany, March 27, 1843.




The People of the State of New-York represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as fol

SECTION 1. The offices of commissioners and inspectors of common schools are hereby abol ished.

Trustees of school districts are frequently called upon to exercise a sound discretion in reference to the admission or exclusion of the AMENDATORY OF THE SEVERAL ACTS RELATING children of non-residents of their district, into. the district school. They are in no case bound to receive such children; and when their admission operates in any respect prejudicially to the interest of the school, or the convenient accom-lows: modation, or proper tuition of the pupils of the district, it is unquestionably their duty to refuse them admission. If they are received, the trustees may prescribe the terms and conditions, and § 2. There shall hereafter be annually electthese should be made known to their parents ored in each of the towns of this state, at the guardians immediately on their admission. They same time an in the same manner that other cannot be permitted to participate in the public town officer are chosen, an officer to be denomimoney belonging to the district, in reduction of natel "Town Superintendent of Common their tuition bills unless by unanimous consent, Schools," who in addition to the powers and or in the absence of any objection on the part duties hereinafter conferred and imposed, shall of the inhabitants sending to school. If they perform all the duties, and be subject to all the come into the district to board, and are sent to restrictions and liabilities now by law imposed school by the person with whom they board, such upon commissioners and inspectors of common person is primarily responsible for their tuition: schools, except as otherwise herein provided. unless he apprise the teacher or the trustees, It shall be his duty, within ten days after his that he does not intend to become so responsi- election, to execute to the supervisor of his town ble, so that the latter may be enabled to ascer- and file with the town clerk, a bond with one or tain seasonably, to whom to look for payment. more sufficient sureties, to be approved of by These principles are, however, exclusively said supervisor by endorsement over his signa applicable to the case of non-resident childreature on said bond, in the penalty of double the sent to the school from their residence without amount of school money which his town re the district, or coming to board in the district, ceived from all sources during the year prece with the view, or for the purpose of attending ding that for which he shall have been elected, school. Children of non-resident parents hired conditioned for the faithful application and legal out to service or labor of any kind, in the dis. disbursement of all the school money coming trict, are entitled to be regarded in all respects into his hands. In case such bond shall not be as actual residents, for the time being: as com.executel and filed within the time herein preposing part of the family of their employers. scribed, the office of such town superintendent They are, if in the district on the last day of shall be deemed vacant, and such or other vaDecember, to be enumerated for the purpose of cancy shall be filed in the same manner as vadrawing public money; they are entitled to par- cancies in the office of commissioners of comticipate equally with the children of inhabitants non schools are now by law directed to be filled. in such money and the person with whom they Such town superintendent shall be entitled to a live is responsible for their rate bills. The dis- compensation of one dollar and twenty-five tinction, although in many respects a very im- cents for every day necessarily spent in the dis portant one, between the children of non-resi-charge of the duties of his office, to be audited dent parents coming into the district and either

and allowed as other town charges.

§ 3. In the erection or alteration of a school § 8. Certificates of qualifications hereafter district, the trustees of any district to be affect granted to applicants by county superintendents, ed thereby, may apply to the supervisor and shall either be general, in the form heretofore town clerk to be associated with the town super-prescribed under the authority of law, in which intendent; and their action shall be final unless case they shall be valid throughout the district duly appealed from; the compensation of the of the county superintendent granting the certi- · supervisor and town clerk when thus associated, ficate until annulled; or special, in which case shall be the same as that of the town superin- the town in which such applicant shall be autendent. thorized to teach shall be specified; and such certificate shall be in force for a term not exceeding one year.

§ 9. The consent of the town superintendent shall not be requisite to the annulling of any certificate of qualification granted by any county superintendent.

§ 4. The board of supervisors of any county, in which there shall be more than one hundred and fifty school districts, may appoint two county superintendents, or one in their discretion; and at all such appointments hereafter made, the board shall divide the county into two convenient districts, designating the person ap- § 10. The superintendent of common schools, pointed for each district respectively, when on the recommendation of any county superinthere shall be two appointed; but no share tendent, or on such other evidence as may be of the public money shall hereafter be ap- satisfactory to him, may grant certificates of portioned to any county in which a county qualification under his hand and seal of office, superintendent shall not have been appointed, which shall be evidence that the holder of such unless by order of the superintendent of com-certificate is well qualified in respect to moral mon schools. character, learning and ability, to teach any dis. § 5. Any county superintendent may be re-trict school within this state; which certificate moved from office by the superintendent of com- shall be valid until duly revoked by the superinmon schools, whenever in his judgment suffi- tendent. cient cause for such removal exists; and the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by appointment under his hand and official seal, until the next meeting of the board of supervisors of the county in which such vacancy exists. A copy of the order making such removal, specifying the causes thereof, shall be forwarded to the clerk of the board of supervisors, to be by him laid before the board at their first meeting thereafter.

§ 6. The moiety of the compensation of the county superintendent of any county payable by the state, shall not hereafter be paid, except upon the production to the comptroller of the certificate of the superintendent of common schools, that the county superintendent has con. formed to the instructions of the department and also made the annual report required by law.

§ 11. The board of supervisors of the several counties, may audit and allow the accounts of the county superintendents of their respective counties, rendered under oath, for postage on their necessary official communications with the inhabitants and officers of the several districts within their jurisdiction.

§ 12. The trustees of each of the several school districts next hereafter to be chosen, shall be divided by lot into three classes, to be numbered one, two and three; the term of office of the first class shall be one year, of the second, two, and of the third, three; and one trustee only shall thereafter annually be elected, who shall hold his office for three years, and until a successor shall be duly elected or appointed. In case of a vacancy in the office of either of the trustees, during the period for which he or they shall have been respectively elected, the person or persons chosen or appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold the office only for the unexpired term so becoming vacɔnt.

§ 13. Whenever the trustees of any school

rate bill made out by them, prior to the expenditure of the amount therein directed to be raised, they may refund any amount improperly collected on such tax list or rate bill, and amend and correct such tax list or rate bill, in conformity to law; and whenever more than one renewal of a warrant for the collection of any tax list or rate bill, may become necessary in any district, the trustees may make such further renewal, with the written approbation of the town superintendent of the town in which the school house of said district shall be located, to be endorsed upon such warrant.

§ 7. All appeals now authorized by law to be brought to the superintendent of common schools, shall first be presented to the county superintendent of the county, or section of county in which the subject matter of such ap-district shall discover any error in a tax list or peal shall have originated, in the same manner as now provided in relation to appeals to the superintendent of common schools, who is hereby authorized and required to examine and decide the same; and where the district in which the subject matter of such appeal shall have arisen, shall be a joint district, embracing portions of two counties or towns, such appeal shall be brought to the county superintendent of the county or section in which the school house of such district shall be located. The decision of such county superintendent shall be final and conclusive, unless appealed from to the superintendent of common schools within fifteen days after the service of a copy of such decision upon the parties respectively. And an appeal from the decision of the county superintendent to the superintendent of common schools may be made in fifteen days, as now provided by law in relation to appeals from districts, in such manner and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the superintendent of common schools.

§ 14. The annual reports required by law of trustees of school districts, shall be made and transmitted to the town superintendents, between the first and fifteenth days of January in each year, who shall file the same in the office of the town clerk.

§ 15. In making the apportionment of public money, it shall be the duty of the town superintendent to designate the respective proportions of teachers' and library money belonging to each

§ 21. This act shall not take effect until the first day of June next.


district, and to pay over so much as is designa- § 20. The officers heretofore chosen or apted teacher's money, on the written order of a pointed under the thirty-sixth section of chapmajority of the trustees of each district, to the ter two hundred and sixty of the laws of eighteachers entitled to receive the same. No por- teen hundred and forty-one, shall hereafter be tion of the teacher's fund shall hereafter be ap-known and designated by the name of "County portioned or paid to any district or part of a Superintendents of Common Schools." district, unless it shall appear from the last annual report of the trustees, that a school had been kept for the length of time now required by law by a duly qualified teacher, and that no other than a duly qualified teacher had at any time during the year for more than one month been employed to teach the school in said district; and no portion of the library money shall be apportioned or paid to any district or part of a district, unless it shall appear from the last annual report of the trustees, that the library money received at the last preceding apportionment was duly expended according to law, on or before the first day of October subsequent to such apportionment.

§ 16. The moneys directed to be distributed to the several school districts of this state, by the fourth section of chapter two hundred and thirty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall continue to be applied to the purchase of books for a district library until otherwise directed by law; but whenever the number of volumes in the district library of any district numbering over fifty children between the ages of five and sixteen years, shall exceed one hundred and twenty-five; or of any district numbering fifty children or less, between the said ages, shall exceed one hundred volumes, the inhabitants of the district qualified to vote therein, may, at a special meeting duly notified for that purpose, by a majority of votes, appropriate the whole, or any part of library money belonging to the district for the current year, to the purchase of maps, globes, blackboards, or other scientific apparatus, for the use of the school.

§17. The subscription authorized by section thirty-two of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, may be renewed from year to year by the superintendent of commen schools, subject to the restrictions and limita. tions in said section prescribed.

We hope that the extracts we are enabled to

give from these valuable reports, will lead to the republication of them at length in the county newspapers. No information can be more use. ful-none should be more interesting to the people than a faithful account of the condition of

their schools.-ED,


Most of the schools in the county of Broome are composed of neighborhoods of farmers.— Perhaps eight or ten are found in villages of greater or less magnitude. The smallness of the district and its poverty, give the most reasonable grounds, if any are reasonable, for apologies concerning the bad condition of school affairs. There are a number of districts in the different towns, which are too small; but by proper exertion, it is evident that the inhabitants might have better schools than at present. This class of small districts which have to struggle to live, is not large in comparison to the whole. The others have no cause for poor schools, as there is ability sufficient for their* maintenance. Many wealthy individuals declare that they are not immediately interested, hence they take no active part in the support of schools; and what they pay for building or repairing school houses, is dealt out grudgingly, more in compliance with the law, than in the spirt of enlightened patriotism. There are other districts which contain men or standing and influence, who seem to consider themselves free from all responsibility, for instead of contribut ing to support such schools as would educate their own and their neighbor's children, they patronize private schools brought into existence, perhaps, through their own management, or lend their aid to academies which stand in no need of their assistance. Some of these men have influence enough, right and property it may be, to change the political aspect of the town in which they reside. If the same kind of zeal were directed towards improving the district school, there children could be taught there, according to the most approved methods, besides

§ 19. It shall be the duty of the supervisor and justices of each of the towns in this state, on the first day of June next, by writing under their hands to be filed in the office of the town clerk, to designate one of the electors of each town as town superintendent of common schools under this act; and the person so designated shall perform all the duties, and be subject to all the liabilities imposed or conferred by this act on town superintendents, and shall hold his office until the next annual town meeting. § 19. Sections five of chapter three hund-giving to the community around them the equal red and thirty of the laws of eighteen hundrei and thirty-nine, and twelve, of chapter two hundred and sixty of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-one, and all other such provisions of law as are repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed; but nothing in this act con-naries, aided and patronized by the State for tained shall be so construed as to impair or affect any of the local provisions respecting the organization and management of schools in any of the incorporated cities or villages or towns of this state.

opportunity of enjoying the same advantages. But most of the inhabitants are dependent upon district schools for the education of their children; and if this education is considered of any importance, it would seem to follow that they should take a lively interest in such semi.

their especial benefit. The reverse of this, however, is the truth. The singular phenome non of men cheating themselves and their chil dren, may be seen in the management of many school districts.

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