Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

Pirmais vāks
Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths
R. Griffiths., 1824
Editors: May 1749-Sept. 1803, Ralph Griffiths; Oct. 1803-Apr. 1825, G. E. Griffiths.

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Populāri fragmenti

366. lappuse - E'en on the fools that trampled on their laws. But he (his musical finesse was such, So nice his ear, so delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art; And every warbler has his tune by heart.
476. lappuse - That when the arts and sciences come to perfection in any state, from that moment they naturally, or rather necessarily, decline, and seldom or never revive in that nation where they formerly flourished.
410. lappuse - How came the world's gray fathers forth To watch thy sacred sign ! And when its yellow lustre smiled O'er mountains yet untrod, Each mother held aloft her child To bless the bow of God.
409. lappuse - Triumphal arch, that fill'st the sky When storms prepare to part, I ask not proud philosophy To teach me what thou art...
503. lappuse - Le temps n'a pas encor bruni l'étroite pierre, Et sous le vert tissu de la ronce et du lierre On distingue... un sceptre brisé. Ici gît. ..Point de nom! demandez à la terre ! Ce nom, il est inscrit en sanglant caractère Des bords du Tanaïs au sommet du Cédar, Sur le bronze et le marbre, et sur le sein des braves, Et jusque dans le cœur de ces troupeaux d'esclaves Qu'il foulait tremblants sous son char.
21. lappuse - An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains; Especially of Those Found in the British Strata: Intended to Aid the Student in His Inquiries Respecting the Nature of Fossils and Their Connection With the Formation of the Earth (London, 1822).
392. lappuse - Batavian Anthology; or Specimens of the Dutch Poets; with remarks on the poetical literature and language of the Netherlands, to the end of the seventeenth century.
477. lappuse - I mean those qualities of the air and climate, which are supposed to work insensibly on the temper, by altering the tone and habit of the body, and giving a particular complexion, which, though reflection and reason may sometimes overcome it, will yet prevail among the generality of mankind, and have an influence on their manners.
106. lappuse - Blend in fantastic strife ; Ah ! visions less beguiling far Than waking dreams by daylight are ! Night is the time for toil ; To plough the classic field, Intent to find the buried spoil Its wealthy furrows yield ; Till all is ours that sages taught, That poets sang, or heroes wrought.
8. lappuse - Distinctions of colours are of his ordination. It is he who gives existence* In your temples, to his name, the voice is raised in prayer; in a house of images where the bell is shaken, still he is the object of adoration.

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