Adams, Eq...... Add. ... Abbott's United States. Abridgment. Adams (N. Н.) Adams' Equity. Am. & Eng. Ry. Cas. American and English Ang. Car. Angell on Carriers. ways. Ang. Ins........... Angell on Insurance. Limitation of Actions. Ann. .. porations. ... Queen Anne (as 8 Ann. c. 19). Addams' Ecclesiastical Re- Ann. Code......... Annotated Code. ports. Addison (Pa.) .. Addison on Contracts. ........ Addison on Torts. Adol. & E......... Adolphus and Ellis' English King's Bench Re ports. Adol. & E. (N. S.).. Adolphus and Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports, New Series. Aik. Dig........... Aikin's Digest of Laws (Ala.) Aikens ... Aikens (Vt.) A. K. Marsh....... A. K. Marshall (Ky.) Ala. Alabama. Alb. Law J........ Albany Law Journal. Allen (Mass.) Allison's Am. Dict.. Allison's American Diction- .... ary. Ambler's English Chancery ister (U. S.) Am. Bakr. Reg..... National Bankruptcy Reg- ports. Am. Dec.... American Decisions. Am. Ed............ American Edition. Am. Enc. Dict...... American Encyclopedic Dic Am. Eng. Enc. Law. American and English En tionary. cyclopedia of Law.. Arnold on Marine Insur .. .......... Law Reports. Appeal Cases (D. C.) .. Appellate Division (N. Y.) Archbold's Criminal Pleading. .. Archbold's Law of Nisi Arizona. . Arkansas. Arnold's Marine Insurance. Ashmead (Pa.) . Atkyns' English Chancery Reports. ... Atlantic Reporter. . Bailey (S. C.) Bailey American Law Register, Ballinger's American Law Register, Am. Law Rev...... American Law Review. ports.. Am. Lead. Cas..... American Leading Cases (Hare & Wallace's). Amos & F. Fixt.... Amos and Ferard on Fix tures. Am. Reg......... American Law Register. .. Baldwin (Ů. S.) Codes & St....... Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Bankr. Act........ Bankruptcy Act. Barb. Cases (U. S.) Barb. (Ark.)....... Barber (Ark.) tice. Barn. & Adol...... Barnewall and Adolphus' Barn. & Ald....... Barnewall and Alderson's Am. & Eng. Enc. cisions in Equity. American and English Encyclopedia of Law. 3 WDS. & P. (iii) |