Legislative Document, 11. sējums,24-26. izdevums

Pirmais vāks
J.B. Lyon Company, 1922

Citi izdevumi - Skatīt visu

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Populāri fragmenti

600. lappuse - How much, if any, of the stock owned by its officers is pledged to the company as collateral? None.
442. lappuse - Appointments and promotions in the civil service of the State, and of all the civil divisions thereof, including cities and villages, ehnll be made according to merit and fitness to be ascertained, so far as practicable, by examinations, which, so far as practicable, shall be competitive...
600. lappuse - None. Total amount of debentures certified: None. Less amount on hand and with agents: None. Total liability for debenture bonds as per statement: None.
441. lappuse - Neither the kind nor the quality or the duration of the service is important. There is not even the requirement of an honorable discharge. Service for a month or a day as cook or as hostler counts as much as service throughout the war, and the winning of a cross of honor. The preference is not confined to callings...

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