Hearings, 1. sējums

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40. lappuse - State in which said lands are situated, to be expended as the State legislature may prescribe for the benefit of public schools and public roads of the county or counties in which such grazing lands are situated.
23. lappuse - That leases to nonprofit organizations for park or recreational purposes may be granted at reduced or nominal considerations in recognition of the public service to be rendered in utilizing the leased premises: Provided further, That preference shall be given to Federal, State, or local governmental agencies, and licenses...
337. lappuse - In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed...
23. lappuse - ... when the Secretary of the Army determines such action to be in the public interest, and for such periods of time and upon such conditions as he may find advisable: And provided further.
23. lappuse - The Chief of Engineers, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Army, is authorized to construct, maintain, and operate public park and recreational facilities...
331. lappuse - ... hydroelectric energy to which Canada is entitled for average annual usable hydroelectric energy and dependable hydroelectric capacity respectively. 3. Energy to which Canada is entitled may not be used in the United States of America except in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2). 4. The bypassing at dams on the main stem of the Columbia River in the United States of America of an amount of water which could produce usable energy equal to the energy component of the downstream power benefits...
780. lappuse - When you get into that, you get into a cubic-feet problem. I would like to furnish that for the record ; I do not have the figure in mind. Mr. HORAN. I also want ties, poles, posts, and any other use of the national forest resources. Mr. WATTS. Of the national forests or the Nation's forests? Mr. HORAN. Of the Nation's forests, because that work has a direct bearing not only on the national forests, but on the proper...
23. lappuse - Army determines such action to be in the public interest, and for such periods of time and upon such conditions as he may find advisable: And provided further. That in any such lease or license to a Federal, State, or local governmental agency which involves lands to be utilized for the development and conservation of fish and wildlife, forests...
327. lappuse - WHEREAS the treaty between the United States and Canada relating to cooperative development of the water resources of the Columbia River Basin...
23. lappuse - War is authorized to grant leases of lands, including structures or facilities thereon, in reservoir areas for such periods and upon such terms as he may deem reasonable: Provided, That...

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