INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE EIGHTY-FIFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1488 A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR THE NATIONAL DEFENSE, PROTECT NECESSITY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, AND PROMOTE THE UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE APRIL 9, 10, AUGUST 20, AND 21, 1957 Printed for the use of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce CONTENTS 13 2512 Gamble, M. G., president, Esso Shipping Co., 60 West 49th Street, New York 20, N. Y., April 9, 1957- Haddock, Hoyt, executive secretary, AFL-CIO maritime committee, 132 Third Street SE., Washington, D. C., August 21, 1957-- Kihn, Alfred E., president, California Shipping Co., 225 Bush Street, Morse, Hon. Clarence G., Maritime Administrator, Department of Commerce and Maritime Administration, Washington, D. C., Au- Shapiro, Alvin, vice president, American Merchant Marine Institute, Teitsworth, C. S., vice president and director, Socony Mobil Oil Co., Anderson, James C., executive secretary, American Tramp Ship- Collins, Rear Adm. Howard L., United States Navy, Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Logistics, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Department of the Navy, Washington, D. C... Malcolmson, J. V. C., general manager, marine department, the Texas 116 141 121 6 103 229 O'Reilly, Harry E., executive secretary-treasurer, maritime trades department, AFL-CIO, 815 16th Street NW., Washington 6, D. C__ Collins, John J., adviser, Independent Tanker Association, New York, New York, N. Y., dated August 20, 1957....... Kennedy, Miles D., director, the American Legion national legislative commission, 1608 K Street NW., Washington 6, D. C., dated August 19, 1957, enclosing resolution of the 1956 National Convention of |