INTERCOASTAL WATER CARRIERS HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE, RADIO, AND FISHERIES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEVENTY-SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 4491 AN ACT AMENDING THE SHIPPING ACT, 1916, AS AMENDED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURTHER REGULATING COMMON CARRIERS BY WATER IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES ENGAGED IN TRANSPORTATION BY WAY OF THE PANAMA CANAL JANUARY 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, AND 20, 1933 CONTENTS B. C. Allin, director of the port of Stockton, Calif. W. G. Stone, manager, transportation department, Sacramento Chamber of Commerce, Sacramento, Calif_ George W. Edmonds, manager of the port of Philadelphia Ocean T. H. Madigan, legislative counsel, United States Shipping Board-- Charles O. Arthur, director, bureau of regulation and traffic, United A. G. T. Moore, traffic manager of the Southern Pine Association, with headquarters at New Orleans-- John McAuliffe, president, Isthmian Steamship Co., New York 101-131- James A. Farrell, jr., vice president, Argonaut Steamship Co., New Capt. W. J. Petersen, Washington, D. C., representing the Pacific American Steamship Association and the Shipowners Association Hon. Philip D. Swing, Representative in Congress from the eleventh district of the State of California_. Letters, telegrams, and resolutions filed with the chairman of the com- mittee by the chambers of commerce, associations, companies, and indi- T. T. Craven, Chief Coordinator, Federal Coordinating Service..___ Letters, telegrams, and resolutions filed with the chairman of the com- mittee by the chambers of commerce, associations, companies, and indi- viduals named below are incorporated in the hearings-Continued. Mississippi Valley Association, Lachlan Macleay, executive vice presi- N. O. Pedrick, general manager, Mississippi Shipping Co.. E. G. Siedle, Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.. Dried Fruit Association of California, W. S. Follett, assistant secre- Traffic department, representing the American Cotton Manufactur- ers' Association, Carl R. Cunningham, manager, Atlanta, Ga--- 444-445 Proximity Manufacturing Co., Charles W. Strickland, traffic man- Shepard Steamship Co., Otis N. Shepard, vice president, New York, Shepard Steamship Co., T. H. Shepard, treasurer, Boston, Mass- Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co., H. Hofmann, traffic manager, San Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., H. W. Browne, Stamford, Conn.. Chamber of Commerce, P. W. Reed, secretary-manager, Pensacola, New Orleans Association of Commerce, H. Van R. Chase, general REGULATION OF INTERCOASTAL WATER CARRIERS THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1933 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON THE MERCHANT MARINE, RADIO, AND FISHERIES, The committee met at 10 o'clock a. m., Hon. Ewin L. Davis (chairman) presiding. Chairman DAVIS. As the members of the committee are aware, this hearing was called some time ago for the purpose of considering and holding hearings on Senate bill 4491, which you have before you. Quite a number of organizations and citizens have indicated a desire to be heard in favor of the bill and against it and, in so far as is feasible, it is customary first to hear from the proponents of a measure. I do not know whether anyone has been selected to take the lead in favor of this bill or not. Mr. FARLEY. I will be glad to speak for some of the lines. Chairman DAVIS. Well, first, is there some one here representing the Shipping Board? Mr. MADIGAN. Yes, sir. Chairman DAVIS. Do you desire to make a statement for the Shipping Board, Mr. Madigan? Mr. MADIGAN. Just a few words. Chairman DAVIS. Well, if it is brief, it is customary to hear from the Government officials who are interested, first. On the other hand, where there are witnesses from a distance who wish to be heard, in order that they may leave, we frequently accommodate them and are always glad to do so, in so far as is possible. However, if your statement is to be brief, I think it would be very well to hear from you first, and I will have inserted at this point a copy of the bill and report of the Senate committee. [S. 4491, Seventy-second Congress, first session] A BILL Amending the shipping act, 1916, as amended, for the purpose of further regulating common carriers by water in interstate commerce of the United States engaged in transportation by way of the Panama Canal Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when used in this act The term common carrier by water in intercoastal commerce" for the purposes of this act means a common carrier by water engaged mainly in the transportation for hire of passengers or property between one State of the United States and any other State of the United States by way of the Panama Canal. SEC. 2. That every common carrier by water in intercoastal commerce shall file with the United States Shipping Board and keep open to public inspection schedules showing all the rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with transportation between points on its own route; and, if a through route has been established, all the rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with transporta |