MILITARY RESERVE POSTURE HEARINGS [No. 66] HEARINGS BEFORE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 3 OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION APRIL 16, 17, 19, 30, MAY 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 85066 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1962 COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES 87TH CONGRESS, 2D SESSION CARL VINSON, Georgia, Chairman L. MENDEL RIVERS, South Carolina O. C. FISHER, Texas CHARLES E. BENNETT, Florida A. PAUL KITCHIN, North Carolina J. T. RUTHERFORD, Texas A. FERNÓS-ISERN, Puerto Rico LESLIE C. ARENDS, Illinois LEON H. GAVIN, Pennsylvania BOB WILSON, California ROBERT T. STAFFORD, Vermont WITNESS INDEX Page Ailes, Hon. Stephen (Under Secretary of the Army) 5866, 6346, 6384 Anderson, Maj. Gen. LeRoy H. (Senior Reserve Commanders Association, Army of the United States) 6248 Angelo, Col. Frank J. (Arkansas National Guard) 6102 Anderson, Hon. John, Jr. (Governor of Kansas). 6052 Avery, Congressman William H. (Kansas) 6019 Bacon, Comdr. Charles L., U.S. Naval Reserve (national commander, American Legion) 6087 Barden, Lawrence C. (president, Philadelphia chapter, Reserve Officers Association) 6029 Bartimo, Frank (Assistant General Counsel for Manpower, Department of Defense) 5496 Billado, Maj. Gen. Francis W. (adjutant general of Vermont) 6040 Blasingame, Dr. F. J. L. (American Medical Association). 6121 Boyer, Col. C. M. (consultant, Reserve Officers Association) 6080 affairs, Reserve Officers Association) 6085 Bryant, Hon. Farris (Governor of Florida). 6052 Cantwell, Maj. Gen. James F., U.S. Army Reserve (Chairman, General 6251 Carlton, Col. Jake, U.S. Army Reserve (executive director, Reserve Officers Association) 6057 Clinger, Maj. Gen. Sherman T. (adjutant general of Arkansas) _6109 Logistics, Department of the Army) 5756 Cooper, Maj. Gen. Ralph C. (Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army)... 5804 Darnell, Maj. Gen. Carl, Jr., U.S. Army (Assistant Chief of Staff for Reserve Components, Department of the Army). 5791 Davis, Congressman James C. (Georgia) 6175 Army)... Decker, Gen. George H., U.S. Army (Chief of Staff, Department of the 5881 of the Army).. 5762 Erbe, Hon. Norman A. (Governor of Iowa) 6053 Corps) 5588 Fields, Major W., U.S. Air Force (Air Reserve Records Center, Depart ment of the Air Force) 5665 Fitt, Alfred B. (Deputy for Manpower, Department of the Army) 5695 ciation) .. 6094 Fridge, Benjamin W. (special assistant (manpower, personnel and Reserve Forces), Department of the Air Force) 5651 Garner, Comdr. George I., U.S. Coast Guard (Chief, Regulations Branch, Hamlett, Gen. Barksdale, U.S. Army (Vice Chief of Staff, Department of the Army). 5697 Harlin, Rear Adm. John E. (national president, Reserve Officers Associa tion) 6083 III |