Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and Military Establishments, 66. izdevums

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5652. lappuse - Reserves, the Air National Guard of the United States, and the Air Force Reserve...
6110. lappuse - American Association for the Advancement of Science American Astronomical Society American Chemical Society American Geological Institute American Institute of Biological Sciences American Institute of Chemists American Institute of Physics American Psychological Association...
6112. lappuse - Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, a member of the Standby Reserve who has not completed his required period of service in the Ready Reserve may be transferred to the Ready Reserve when the reason for his transfer to the Standby Reserve no longer exists.
5612. lappuse - Stat. 807). or under section 262 of the Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended...
6055. lappuse - ... examinations have not been conducted by specialists, and all unnecessary technicalities have been thown out. The normal schools give much specific instruction and actual practice in teaching under competent teachers. Prin. Hutton, of Eau Claire, thinks that a mistake is made in not discerning that the trouble is in the administration of the law, and not in the law itself. Let the law be administered. A man who takes a course in a normal school, makes a sacrifice, as he leaves everything out of...
5498. lappuse - If, within a time to be fixed by the President, a State does not comply with or enforce a requirement of, or regulation prescribed under, this title its National Guard is barred, wholly or partly as the President may prescribe, from receiving money or any other aid, benefit, or privilege authorized by law. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 2, 70A Stat. 600.) HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES The words "does not comply" are substituted for the words "shall • • • have failed or refused to comply".
5998. lappuse - ... Army with the new equipment developed since the war, and filling critical shortages and replacing worn-out equipment. ADVISABILITY OF DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN ESTIMATE FOR 1951 Mr. MAHON. General, while we are looking at this chart, at this stage I will interrupt for a very few questions. We were told by the Secretary of Defense and the Chief of Staff of the Army that you are trying to get the Army in a position to perform its mission; that is, you are trying to have men equipped with weapons that...
6003. lappuse - President authority to order units and members of the Ready Reserve to active duty if, in his judgment, it became necessary to do so.
5433. lappuse - ... produce themselves. Others they will import. In any case, there is a wonderful opportunity, we believe, to expand our export sales abroad, provided we are willing to compete. Mr. SHORT. That is all, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. I believe Mr. Gathings has a statement which he would like to make at this time. Mr. GATHINGS. Mr. Chairman, I just want to say even at this late hour of the day that I wish to commend Mr. Shuman and his organization for its splendid cooperation with our Subcommittee on...
5486. lappuse - Board. (c) The Board, acting through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs is the principal policy adviser to the Secretary of Defense on matters relating to the reserve components.

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