Fiscal 1999 Actual Fiscal 2000 Budget Fiscal 2001 Estimate Amount FTE Amount B. Annualization of 2000 pay raises This increase is necessary to provide for annualization of the 2000 pay raise of 4.94 percent effective in January $ 2,339,044 MANDATORY ITEMS Mandatory Incressés (continued) C. pay raise effective January 2001 TE Amount FTE Fiscal 2001 Estimate Amount Amount This increase is necessary to provide for a 3.7 percent pay increase effective January 2001. increase includes the most current OMB estimate for both the ECI and locality pay increases. $3.857.396 The 3.7 percent for the .06 percent personnel benefits increase effective in fiscal 2001. estimate for benefits increases. This Fiscal 1999 Actual Fiscal 2000 Budget Fiscal 2001 Estimate FTE Amount FTE FTE Amount Amount FTE C. Pay raise effective January 2001 This increase is necessary to provide for a 3.7 percent pay increase effective January 2001. The 3.7 percent increase includes the most current OMB estimate for both the ECI and locality pay increases. This increase is necessary to provide for the .06 percent personnel benefits increase effective in fiscal 2001. This increase represents the most current OMB estimate for benefits increases. Personnel benefits $853.139 E. Accident compensation - reimbursement to Employees' Compensation Fund The Library's reimbursement to the Bureau of Employee's Compensation for benefits and other payments for fiscal 1999 is less than the amount budgeted for those purposes, as follows.. Fiscal 1999 cost = $852,212 | Amount available = $996,763 Page 15 |