Senate Office Buildings Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Estimate SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGS MISSION STATEMENT The Architect of the Capitol is charged by law with the structural, mechanical, and domestic care of the Senate Office Buildings (Russell, Dirksen, Hart, leased space at Postal Square, Capitol Police Headquarters, Webster Hall, Senate Employees Child Care Center, and the Senate Garage), including operation of the mechanical equipment. The Architect is also responsible for the care, repair, and purchase of furniture and furnishings. (Furniture and furnishings for the Senate side of the Capitol are under the jurisdiction of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.) The Architect is responsible for the heating, air conditioning, and lighting of the Senate Office Buildings as well as for all construction, structural improvements, and changes. The Architect is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of the subway transportation systems between the Senate Office Buildings and the Capitol, and for the garages in Dirksen, and Hart, plus the Senate Garage. The Superintendent of the Senate Office Buildings, under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, is responsible for the day-to-day structural, mechanical, and domestic care of the Senate Office Buildings complex, including the operation of the following divisions: Air Conditioning, Cleaning (Night), Day Labor, Night Labor, Electrical, Elevator, Furniture, Garage, Inventory Management, Masonry, Painting and Finishing, Pipefitting-Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Subway, Upholstery, and Wood Crafting. The Superintendent is also responsible for the operation of the Senate Gymnasium. pengues, eg with scope The Russell Senate Office Building contains approximately 425 offices and committee rooms, together with storage rooms, shops, electrical transformer stations, and subway, and was occupied March 5, 1909, with the exception of the First Street Wing which was added SB.1 Senate Office Buildings Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Estimate and occupied in 1931-33. The Dirksen Senate Office Building contains approximately 500 offices and committee rooms, together with storage rooms, shops, cafeteria, auditorium and telephone exchange, and was accepted for beneficial occupancy October 15, 1958. The "Old Building" was designated as the "Richard Brevard Russell Office Building" and the "New Building" as the "Everett The Architect performs his duties in connection with the Russell Senate Office Building under authority of the Act of June 8, 1942 SB.2 |