Capitol Buildings Salaries and Expenses Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Estimate CAPITAL BUDGET In fiscal year 2001 the budget request for the Architect of the Capitol is presented again as an Operating Budget and a Capital CB.43 Study (5) = conceptual development Design (Di working drawings specification and estimate development Priority: 1- Critical, 2- Highly Desirable, 3- Desirable (A- highest in Category) Study (5)-conceptual development; Design (D) working drawings, specification, and estimate development 88,927,000 38,317,000 62,725,000 33,330,000 39,110,000 278,159,000 35,319,000 313,478,000 CB.45 Capitol Buildings Salaries and Expenses CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECTS FUNDED IN THE BASE Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Estimate For the fiscal year 2001 budget justifications, detailed narrative descriptions and other information are provided for all ongoing CB.46 |