Explanation of Changes Shown On Schedule C STATEMENTS OF APPROPRIATIONS This Fiscal 2001 funding request is $30,000, the same amount originally enacted in Fiscal Year 2000. OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE December 14, 1999 The Honorable Charles H. Taylor Chairman, Subcommittee on Legislative Committee on Appropriations Dear Mr. Chairman: The Office of Compliance hereby transmits its budget request of $2,095,000 for fiscal year 2001 operations, for the Salaries and Expenses appropriation. Included is a budget justification with an overview of our authority and responsibilities, descriptions of the primary functions of the Office of Compliance, our major accomplishments of FY 1999, and plans for the remainder of FY 2000 and FY 2001. As you are aware, in previous fiscal years the Office has requested that the legislative branch appropriations act include language authorizing an appropriation that was established by section 415 of the Congressional Accountability Act. This appropriation has been authorized in sections 312, 305, 309, 305 and 305 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Acts of 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. These sections appropriate “such sums as may be necessary" for awards and settlements under the CAA. I am requesting that this section also be included in the FY 2001 appropriations bill. Included with this submission for your information is a copy of the Office's Three Year Report, published in May of 1999. In light of the importance of the mission of the Office of Compliance and our continuing efforts to minimize both staffing and non-personal services costs, I respectfully request your favorable consideration of the Office of Compliance's budget submission for FY 2001. ROOM LA 200, JOHN ADANS BUILDING 110 SECOND STREET S.E. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540-1999 OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW OF FISCAL YEAR 2001 BUDGET REQUEST The Office of Compliance is requesting $2,095,000 for fiscal year 2001 operations, a 4.75 percent increase from the agency's fiscal year 2000 appropriation, with a decrease of two FTE positions. The increase includes: funding for 15 full-time equivalent positions (FTEs); funding for a 3.7 percent cost of living increase for Office staff; and an increase in the cost of services of hearing officers and mediators. ROOM LA 200, JOHN ADAMS BUILDING 110 SECOND STREET S.E. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540-1999 |