Explanation of Changes Shown On Schedule C SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES For salaries and expenses of the Offices of the House Child Care Center, $545,000. This is a decrease of $53,000 or 8.9% under the amount provided in fiscal 2000. There are no House appropriated funds, which contribute to the sustaining activities of the House Child Care Center (HCCC). The HCCC pays for personnel and non-personnel expenses with funds received from tuition and application fees. The House does, however, budget for and use appropriated funds for the government contributions of HCCC employees. Mandatory Pay and Related Changes: Personnel increases are attributed to the annualization of the FY'00 Cost of Living Adjustment, prorated FY'01 Cost of Living Adjustment and FY'01 meritorious increases which have been offset by a base adjustment. Price Level Changes: Price Level Changes are attributed to inflation. |