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FY 2001 Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C



For salaries and expenses of the Offices of the Chief Administrative Officer, $64,180,000. This is an increase of $6,891,000 over the amount enacted in fiscal 2000.



Personnel Compensation (All CAO Offices) $1,655,000

Personnel increases are attributed to the annualization of the FY 2000 Cost of
Living Adjustment, FY 2000 Base Adjustment, FY 2001 Prorated COLA, FY 2000
Overtime, and FY 2000 Temporary positions. The FY 2001 plan is to absorb all
reclassifications, longevities and meritorious increases within the budget.

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The CAO is requesting an increase in its Transit Benefits to cover an anticipated increase in enrollment. The Transit Benefits program began in FY 1999.

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Price level changes are attributed to increased costs of goods and services. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has instructed agencies to use a 3.1% inflation factor. In some cases, a different amount was used based on vendor input.

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The total program changes for the CAO are $4,098,000. This net increase is comprised of the following items:

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The requested decrease in staff travel is attributable to the movement to more

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The increase in costs is for the maintenance and specialized support for the email system that was funded through FY 1999 reprogramming.

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Costs for the support of Ceridian/GDIS, which provides database access to Federal budget data for the House Appropriations Committee. Database access support is a new budget item in FY 2001.

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Additional funding is requested for National Journal service, a new newswire service requested by Members and staff in FY 2001.

Correspondence Management System (CMS) (HIR)


New CMS validation and testing project includes funding for communications circuit expenses for district offices.

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HIR is requesting an increase of $428,000 for equipment purchases and maintenance.

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The decrease is attributed to a scale-back in areas of Internet access lines and expected inflation costs for telephone rates and maintenance costs. Telephony (PBX) maintenance requirements are projected to have a saving from efficiencies and technology advancements (such as DSL communication lines) which may help fund higher access speeds as the amount of electronic correspondence increases with constituents.

Wiring/Move Installation Costs (Net Telecom)


Transfer of funds for wiring moves/installation requests from Rent,
Communication and Utilities to Other Services.

Monies (Net Telecom) (-$57,000)

Transfer of expenses for Monies (billing system for telecom local and long distance phone charges) from Rent, Communications and Utilities to Equipment.

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The increase in costs for the Office of First Call are due to additional lines in the call center and additional long distance calls made during the change of Congress

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Transition support based on an estimated 50 new Members. Support includes new/departing Member service center phone service, voice mail, jacks, and data circuit service.

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This amount represents a decrease in the amount of reimbursements anticipated by HIR for computer services provided to external federal government agencies. In FY 1999, a ceiling adjusted of $700,000 was needed due to external customers remaining on the mainframe longer than forecasted. The FY 2000 appropriation bill authorizes reimbursements of $878,000. The FY 2001 reimbursement estimate is $100,000. The FY'99 reimbursement was $1,908,000. The FY '98 reimbursement amount was $2,725,000.

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Included is funding for temporary contract assistance for moving furniture, asset management, inventory contract service, and installation and removal of drapes and carpet.

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Included is funding for contract employees to assist with the estimated 300-400 office moves. Funding will allow full time employees to continue servicing House office requests, purchase orders and payments for the duration of the change of congress.

Refinishing of Furniture (MSS) +$36,000
Funding to refinish older desks.

Furniture & Furnishings (MSS) (-$50,000)

The $50,000 reduction represents the removal of the FY 2000 furniture study from
MSS's baseline.

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