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60. lappuse - Total freight revenue Average amount received for each ton of freight Average receipts per ton per mile...
107. lappuse - Freight traffic — Number of tons carried of freight earning revenue Number of tons carried one mile Average distance haul of one ton (miles) Total freight revenue Average amount received for each ton of freight Average receipts per ton...
72. lappuse - TOTAL, Maintenance of equipment : Repairs and renewals of locomotives, . Repairs and renewals of passenger cars, Repairs and renewals of freight cars, . Repairs and renewals of shop machinery and tools...
4. lappuse - Superintendence, ........ Repairs and Renewals of Locomotives, . . . . Repairs and Renewals of Passenger Cars, Repairs and Renewals of Freight Cars, . . . . Repairs and Renewals of Work Cars, . . . . Repairs and Renewals of Shop Machinery and Tools, Stationery and Printing, ...... Other Expenses, ........ Total.
115. lappuse - THE YEAR. Gross earnings from operation .... Less operating expenses Income from operation ..... Miscellaneous income, less expenses Total income Deductions from income: Interest on funded debt accrued...
208. lappuse - Dollars gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness," with interest from date at the rate of four per cent.
118. lappuse - Number of passengers carried earning revenue Number of passengers carried one mile Average of distance carried, miles Total passenger revenue Average amount received from each passenger Average receipts per passenger per mile...
60. lappuse - Total passenger revenue Average amount received from each passenger Average receipts per passenger per mile Total passenger earnings Pass, earnings per mile of road.
30. lappuse - Number of crossings on highways under railroad . Number of highway bridges 18 feet above track . Number of highway bridges less...
4. lappuse - EXPENSES. Maintenance of way and structures : Repairs of roadway ....... Renewals of rails ........ Renewals of ties ........ Repairs of bridges and culverts...

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