Journal of the Senate of VirginiaCommonwealth of Virginia, 1901 |
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act approved February act approved March act entitled act to amend act to authorize act to incorporate amend and re-enact BARKSDALE bill to amend bill to authorize bill to incorporate bill was taken board of supervisors Byars charter City and Town Claytor Clerk Code of Virginia Cogbill Committee for Courts Committee on County Committee on Finance Committee on Roads Donohoe Elizabeth City county engrossed and read entitled an act February 15 Finance and Banks forthwith engrossed further motion two-thirds House of Delegates incorporate the town James river Keezell LeCato Lyle Lynchburg MCILWAINE motion the rules Mount Rogers Norfolk Northampton county Opie passed presented Railroad Company Railway Company re-enact an act re-enact section read a second read a third read the second read the third referred relief reported Richmond Roads and Internal rules being suspended Senators who voted Shands suspended therefor Town Organization twice read Warwick county Wise county YEAS-Messrs
Populāri fragmenti
187. lappuse - States, two by the President of the. Senate, and three by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
10. lappuse - ... but no motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be in order after a bill, resolution, message, report, amendment, or motion upon which the vote was taken shall have gone out of the possession of the Senate...
18. lappuse - That a Committee of two on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the House...
9. lappuse - When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the House, he shall rise from his seat, and respectfully address himself to "Mr. Speaker," and shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid personality.
10. lappuse - No petition of a private nature, having been once rejected, shall be acted on a second time, unless it be supported by new evidence; nor shall any such petition, after a third disallowance, be again acted on. The several clerks of committees shall keep alphabetical lists of all such petitions, specifying the...
396. lappuse - February the twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled "an act to provide for the settlement of the public debt of Virginia not funded under the provisions of an act entitled an act to ascertain and declare Virginia's equitable share of the debt created before, and actually existing at the time of the partition of her territory and resources, and to provide for the issuance of bonds covering the same, and the regular and prompt payment...
111. lappuse - There shall be a joint committee on the library, to consist of three members on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the...
7. lappuse - The county clerk, immediately after making the abstracts of votes given in his county, shall make a copy of each of said abstracts and transmit it by mail to the secretary of state at the seat of government; and it shall be the duty of the secretary of state, in the presence of the governor...
403. lappuse - ... entitled an act providing for the appointment of a State Board of Health and of local boards of health, defining the duties and powers and compensation thereof, and of their members, officers and agents in connection with the preservation of public health; and prescribing penalties against witnesses...
10. lappuse - ... documents so withdrawn shall be preserved by the Clerk. All petitions not finally acted on may, with the accompanying documents, be in like manner withdrawn after the expiration of the session at which th'ey were presented.