AEC Authorizing Legislation: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Legislation. 84th- Congress, 1-2. daļas

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803. lappuse - Shelf to 10 million acres beginning in 1975, more than tripling what had originally been planned. In later years, the amount of acreage to be leased will be based on market needs and on industry's record of performance in exploring and developing leases. In contracting for leases, the Secretary of the Interior is also to ensure that the proper competitive bidding procedures are followed and that environmental safeguards are observed. He will, in addition, set up an interagency program for monitoring...
72. lappuse - SAFETY RESEARCH Operating costs for the reactor safety research program are estimated at $52.9 million in 1975, compared with costs of $40.7 million in 1974. The program includes experimental and analytical studies to provide improved capability to predict detailed aspects of the safety of nuclear reactors, and large experiments designed to proof test the ability to synthesize data into overall predictions of reactor safety.
796. lappuse - Most of this data, however, can and will be made available to the public. To provide a focus for the collection and analysis of this data, I have directed the Federal Energy Office to establish an Energy Information Center. This center will coordinate energy data within the Government and provide the information to the public, the Congress and other Federal agencies. 5. Federal Energy Administration: FEA would bring together and significantly expand programs to deal with the current energy emergency....
75. lappuse - AEC and its contractors, collateral funds, and goods and services on order under contract. The appropriation requirements for these items are based on the changes in balances from the previous fiscal year. Selected resources at the end of fiscal year...
64. lappuse - ... $10,000. 2. For all other programs, the maximum currently estimated cost of any project shall be $500,000 and the maximum currently estimated cost of any building included in such a project shall be $100,000.
1255. lappuse - ... parameters that affect the design in an interrelated way. It is a text for design-oriented courses for nuclear engineering students who have already had an introduction to the field but require additional perspective of interacting engineering areas important to reactor design. Emphasis is given to such areas as engineering economics, thermal-hydraulics, safety analysis, and fuel systems, which in an introductory course are often not covered with sufficient breadth to enable a student to participate...
73. lappuse - ... development of advanced reactor fuels and materials. Construction of the FFTF will continue in 1975 and will involve considerable site activity in installation and check out of key critical components and systems. We are also carrying out programmatic efforts with longer term objectives, particularly development of a new energy source based on the nuclear fusion process in our controlled thermonuclear research and laser fusion programs. Achievement of this goal will be of major significance because...
129. lappuse - This project is the continuation of the program initiated in FY 1971 to incorporate the most recent advances in gaseous diffusion technology into the existing process equipment in gaseous diffusion plants at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Paducah, Kentucky; and Portsmouth, Ohio.
802. lappuse - This latter action will permit auto manufacturers to concentrate greater attention on improving fuel economy while retaining a fixed target for lower emissions. These changes can be made without significantly adverse effect on our progress in improving air quality. The Congress has also been advised by the Environmental Protection Agency of evidence demonstrating that the reductions of nitrogen oxides from automobiles as required by the Clean Air Act are unnecessarily stringent and that technology...
800. lappuse - US companies that produce oil overseas have been granted the same 22 percent depletion allowance abroad that is granted to US companies producing oil in the United States. Both allowances provide an incentive for oil production. As we move toward US self-sufficiency in energy, however, we want to encourage greater development of US energy resources rather than foreign resources. I am therefore asking the Congress to eliminate these foreign depletion allowances, while retaining the depletion allowance...

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