Lapas attēli

the employer of such injured or deceased employee, but no compensation shall be paid on account of injuries occurring outside of the State of North Dakota, nor because of death due to an injury occurring outside of the State of North Dakota, unless the employer and the Bureau shall have previously contracted for insurance protection for employees while working outside of the State in the employment in which the injury occurred. Provided that no such contract shall be issued to any employer unless his principal plant and main or general office is located in North Dakota and at least two-thirds of whose entire payroll is used or expended for work performed in the State of North Dakota.

Approved March 8th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 151-Anderson, of Burleigh.)


An Act Relating to the insurance of employers with the Workmen's Compensation Fund providing for compensation for injuries or death of the employer himself, in cases where the employer has contracted for such protection with the Bureau also providing for the basis of premium for such protection.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. Any employer may by special contract with the Workmen's Compensation Bureau secure insurance protection against injuries to his own person or for his own death when such injury or death occurs in the course of his work in an industry in which he has insured his employees with the Workmen's Compensation Fund, and in case such contract is entered into, premium for such protection and compensation shall be based on a reasonable weekly wage for employees in the same class of industry, such reasonable wage to be determined by the Workmen's Compensation Bureau, and the injured employer, or, in case of his death, his dependents shall be entitled to the same compensation as is provided in Chapter 162 of the Session laws of 1919 and any amendments thereto for injuries or death of employees.

Approved February 27th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 148-V. L. Anderson.)


An Act providing for the Annual Reporting by County Auditor to the Workmen's Compensation Bureau of all elective Auditors and Clerks of Political Subdivisions of the County.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. Between the dates of July 1 and July 15 of each year the County Auditor shall furnish to the Workmen's Compensation Bureau of North Dakota, at Bismarck, a full report, giving the name and post office address of each and every city auditor, village clerk and township clerk at that time holding office in the various political subdivisions within his County, together with the name of such political subdivisions in which each of the officials mentioned are elected and serve.

Approved February 27th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 152-V. L. Anderson.)


An Act Requiring the County Superintendant of Schools of all counties to report names of School District Clerks to the Workmen's Compensation Bureau.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. Between the dates of July 1 and July 15 of each and every year, the county superintendent of schools shall report to the Workmen's Compensation Bureau of North Dakota at Bismarck, the name and address of all clerks of the school districts within said county, together with the name and number of the school district in which each one serves.

Approved February 27th, 1923.




Whereas, the problem of providing the necessary funds to efficiently maintain the public schools of the State, and not overburden the taxpayers, is a most serious one, and is yearly becoming more difficult to solve; and it is apparent that a crisis is impending in a large number of school districts in the State, unless this problem is shortly solved; and

Whereas, the whole problem of school finance and school administration is so comprehensive and complicated that it calls for extended study and analysis by a body of persons especially qualified for the task; and

Whereas, it is not possible for this Legislative Assembly to thoroughly investigate and consider such problems at this Session.

Now Therefore, Be it Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that the Governor be authorized and directed to appoint a Commission of Five persons, two of whom shall be members of the 18th Legislative Assembly, to be known as the "School Finance and Administration Commission." It shall be the duty of such commission to make as thorough and comprehensive a study, investigation and analysis of the whole problem of school finance, school taxation and school administration, as possible, with a view to eliminate any unnecessary course of study, and to the reduction of taxation for school purposes; to make a report to the Governor not later than September 1st, 1924, containing its findings ana recommendations; and it shall be the duty of the Governor to transmit such report to the next Legislative Assembly.

Approved March 5th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 76-Olafson.)


An Act Appropriating Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars to the Bovine Tuberculosis Fund for carrying out the provisions of Article 17Revised Code 1913 and Amendments thereto. Relating to the Reimbursement of Owners of Tuberculosis Cattle.


March 3, 1923

To the Honorable Secretary of State:

I file herewith House Bill No. 76, being an act appropriating ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars to the bovine tuberculosis fund for carrying out the provisions of Article 17, Revised Code 1913 and amendments thereto. Relating to the reimbursement of owners of tuberculosis cattle, without my approval for the reason that House Bill No. 113 makes an appropriation of $80,000 which should be sufficient to take care of the accumulating claims of the next few months as well as the needs of the coming biennium.

Therefore, I withhold my approval of this bill.
Very respectfully,



Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys of the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum or Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars for the Bovine Tuberculosis Fund.

Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) An emergency exists, whereas the Federal Government cooperates on an equal basis with the State Government in the payment of indemnity for cattle slaughtered for tuberculosis, and there remains $15,000 of the Federal Allotment and insufficient moneys available in the Bovine Tuberculosis Fund to correspond with said allotments; therefore, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Vetoed March 3rd, 1923.

(H. B. No. 51-Cart.)


An Act To Appropriate the Sum of Thirty-five Thousand ($35,000.00) Dollars for the Purpose of Aiding in the Construction of a Bridge and Approaches Across the Des Lacs Lake on the County Line Between Burke and Ward Counties in the State of North Dakota under the Provisions of Chapter 73 of the Session Laws of North Dakota for the year 1919 and that such Appropriation be Made from the State Highway Fund.


To the Honorable Secretary of State:

March 3, 1923.

I file herewith House Bill No. 51, being an act to appropriate the sum of thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) dollars for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a bridge and approaches across the Des Lacs Lake on the county line be tween Burke and Ward counties in the state of North Dakota under the provision of Chapter 73 of the Session Laws of North Dakota for the year 1919 and that such appropriation be made from the state highway fund, without my approval for the following reasons:

That, during the last couple days of the session there were passed by both houses of the legislature, appropriations for new bridge projects in Cass County, between Burke and Ward counties, and between McKenzie and Williams counties, which said appropriations were in the aggregate amount of $196,500, and that with the obligations already established against the fund from which these appropriations were made, there will remain an insufficient amount available during the coming biennium with which to meet these three bridge appropriations.

In the second place, I feel that the financial condition within our state and within the counties wherein these bridges are to be constructed, is such that we are not warranted at this time in entering upon the building of new bridge projects that in the aggregate will involve an expenditure of between one and two millions of dollars. It seems both wise and necessary to defer action thereon and for these reasons I withhold my approval of the above bill.

Very respectfully yours,



Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the State Highway Fund under Paragraph 2a of Section 11 of Chapter 44 of the Laws of the Special Session of the Sixteenth Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota for the year 1919, the sum of thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary between the date of the passage and approval of this Act and June 30th, 1925, inclusive, for the purpose of aid in the construction of the sub-structure, super-structure and approaches or embankment to a bridge across the Des Lacs Lake on or near the county line between Burke and Ward counties within the State of North Dakota, under the provisions of Chapter 73 of the Laws of North Dakota for the year 1919.

Sec. 2. Provided, however, that any money appropriated by this Act shall not be available or expended until the Coun ties of Burke and Ward in the State of North Dakota, shall have raised and appropriated a sum equal to the amount ap propriated by this Act, nor until the Federal Government

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