VAGRANCY CHAPTER 336. (S. B. No. 114-Atkins.) VAGRANCY. An Act to Amend Sections 9658 and 9659 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 relating to the Crime of Vagrancy. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) That Section 9658 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9658. VAGRANCY DEFINED.). All persons who are idle and dissolute, and who go about begging; all persons who use any juggling or other unlawful games or plays; all persons participating in any game of chance upon which money or property usually wagered in or upon premises not owned nor kept by them; runaways, pilferers; confidence men; common drunkards, common night walkers, lewd, wanton and lascivious persons, in speech or behavior; common railers and brawlers, persons who are habitually neglectful of their employment or their calling and do not lawfully provide for themselves, or for the support of their families, and all persons who are idle or dissolute and who neglect all lawful business, and who habitually misspend their time by frequenting houses of ill-fame, gambling houses or tippling shops; all persons not giving a good account of themselves, who are found lodging in, or found in the night time, in any out-houses, sheds, barns or unoccupied building, or found lodging in the open air; and all persons trespassing in or upon property, land or premises not owned nor kept by them, and all persons who are known to be thieves, burglars or pickpockets, either by their own confession or otherwise, or by having been convicted of larceny, burglary or other crime against the laws of the state, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, or in any house of correction of any city, and having no lawful means of support, are habitually found prowling around any steamboat landing, railroad depot, banking institution, broker's office, place of public amusement, auction room, store, shop, or crowded thoroughfare, car or omnibus, or at any public gather ing or assembly or lounging about any court room, private dwelling house or out houses, or are found in any house of ill-fame, gambling house or tippling shop, shall be deemed to be and they are declared vagrants. Sec. 2. AMENDMENT.) That Section 9659 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9659. PENALTIES.) Every person convicted of vagrancy, under Section 9658, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail, not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, or by being compelled to work upon the streets or public highways not to exceed twenty days. Sec. 3. TRESPASS DEFINED.) Trespass as used in this Act is the wilful intrusion by one person upon or into the property, land or premises of another. Approved February 7th, 1923. VALIDATING ACTS CHAPTER 337. (S. B. No. 75-Steel.) VALIDATING CITY WARRANTS. An Act Legalizing and Validating Certain Acts of City Officials with Reference to Electric Light or Distribution Systems. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. CERTAIN ACTS LEGALIZED.) Where the officers of an incorporated city of this state, prior to the passage of this act, shall have incurred indebtedness and issued warrants or orders for the erection, purchase, installation, construction or extension of a municipally owned lighting system for the purpose of lighting the streets and public places of the city and furnishing lights to the inhabitants thereof, and distributing the same and said warrants or orders are outstanding or held in a general revenue or other funds of said city, the same are hereby legalized and declared to be the valid indebtedness of such city, and where in any such case there shall have been defective notice, or lack of notice, as required by law, or irregularity in the proceedings of said officers, the said defects or irregularities are hereby validated. Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) This act is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved February 3rd, 1923. CHAPTER 338. (H. B. No. 128-Harrington.) VALIDATING MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS. An Act Legalizing Certain Acts of City and Village Officials. Sec. 1. ACTS LEGALIZED.) Where the officers of any incorporated city or village of this state shall have incurred indebtedness and issued warrants or orders for the erection, purchase, repair or maintenance, within and for said city or village, of water works, gas electric light plants, public wells, cisterns, fire apparatus or legitimate corporate purposes for said city or village or to pay for or to raise money for any such purpose, and said warrants or orders are outstanding, or held in general revenue or other funds of said city or village in any or all such cases where said warrants or orders are within the debt limit, the same are hereby legalized and are declared to be valid indebtedness of such city or village, and in every case where the city council or city commissioners or village board of trustees, shall have heretofore or shall hereafter determine by resolution or ordinance issue its negotiable bonds in the name of the city or village for the sole purpose of funding such indebtedness and shall have been or shall be authorized to issue such bonds, by a majority vote of the qualified electors of such city or village voting thereon at any regular or special election legally called and held after public notice thereof as required by law, and if such bond shall have been or shall be executed, sold or delivered for value, and the proceeds arising from such sale shall have been or shall be applied exclusively to the express purpose of funding such warrants or orders, then in every caso such bonds whether engraved, lithographed or printed on bond paper shall, when executed, sold and delivered as provided by law, be deemed and hereby are declared to be valid and subsisting indebtedness of the city or village issuing the same. Sec. 2. PENDING ACTIONS NOT AFFECTED. DEBT LIMIT.) This act shall not affect any actions now pending in which the validity of such warrants or orders of indebtedness is called in question; providing, however, that the issue of such bonds shall not be construed to be an increase of the indebtedness of the municipality and the proceeds from sales of such bonds shall be applied exclusively toward the discharge of the indebtedness of such city or village referred to in Section 2 of this act. Sec. 3. EMERGENCY.) This act shall be declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Approved March 9, 1923. VILLAGES CHAPTER 339. (S. B. No. 212-McLachlin, by Request.) PUBLICATION OF VILLAGE TREASURER'S REPORT. An Act To Amend and Re-enact Section 3890 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 Relating to Publishing of Village Treasurer's Reports and Prescribing the Form Thereof. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) Section 3890 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: Sec. 3890. DUTIES OF TRUSTEES TO PUBLISH STATEMENT. FORM OF REPORT.) It shall be the duty of the board of trustees immediately after the annual settlement with the treasurer of said corporation to publish in a newspaper if one is published therein, or if there is no newspaper then by posting in three or more public places, an exhibit of the receipts and expenditures specifying the sources of such receipts, what appropriations were made, for what objects, and the specific amount of each. The treasurer's report shall be published provided such report shall be set in single column of figures and that all officers' titles shall be set in abbreviated form and on the same line with the officers' names, when possible, and such report shall be paid for at the legal rate, or posted on or before the tenth day of March of each year, and shall be substantially in the following form: Village Treasurer's Report. The amount on hand at the beginning of the year (date) The amount received from the collection of general, road and bridge taxes The amount received from the collection of special taxes (if any) The amount received from license fees (if any) The amount received from fines (if any) The amount received from all other sources (if any) Total Receipts. Expenditures. The amount paid for lighting public streets and alleys (if any) The amount paid for improvement and care of streets, roads, bridges and cross walks The amount paid for the equipment and maintenance of fire department (if any) The amount paid for the erection of village halls, bandstands and other public buildings (if any) The amount paid for heating, lighting and care of public buildings (if any) The amount paid for charity (if any) The amount paid for publication of official proceedings and legal notices (if any) The amount paid for election expenses The amount paid for salaries The amount paid for incidental expenses (if any) The amount paid on outstanding warrants (if any) The amount paid for interest on bonds and outstanding war rants (if any) The amount transferred to sinking fund (if any) Total Expenditures. Balance on hand at the close of the year ending Relating to Sinking Funds. The amount on hand in sinking fund beginning of year............ (if any) The amount transferred to sinking fund during the year (if any) Total Amount. The amount paid out of sinking fund (if any) out by me during the year Total amount of warrants outstanding (if any) date |