Lapas attēli


(H. B. No. 279-Peters)


An Act Making an Appropriation to provide for the Payment of a Deficit Incurred in the State Fire Marshal's Department.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) There is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $500.00 for the purpose of paying the deficit in the accounts of the State Fire Marshal's Department, viz: Traveling Fund


Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) This Act is hereby declared an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 7th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 109-Committee on Appropriations)


An Act Making an appropriation for the use and benefit of the North Dakota Firemen's Association for the purpose of promoting the efficiency and growth of its different Departments, and the holding of an Annual Tournament, according to the Rules and Regulations of Such Associations.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) That there is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the use and benefit of the North Dakota Firemen's Association for the purpose of promoting the efficiency and growth of its different departments, and for the holding of an annual tournament, according to the rules and regulations of such association, as provided by Section 1839 and 1842 inclusive of the Compiled Laws of North Dakota for the year 1913.

Approved February 27th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 255-Committee on Appropriations.)


An Act to Repeal Section 1839 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 of North Dakota, Relating to North Dakota Firemen's Association.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. REPEAL.) That Section 1839 of the Compiled Laws

of North Dakota for 1913 be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved February 27th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 95-Committee on Appropriations.)


An Act Making an Appropriation for the Florence Crittendon Home at Fargo, North Dakota.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) That there is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to the Florence Crittendon Home, a Corporation, of Fargo, North Dakota, provided that the money hereby appropriated shall be payable to such home at the rate of $15.00 per month, or major fraction thereof, for the care, support and maintenance of each poor and indigent girl and each poor and indigent infant and inmate of such Home, and who is a resident of this State; such sums to be payable out of the State Treasury upon mon thly vouchers duly verified by the Superintendent of such Home, provided, further that such Home shall make to the State Auditor an annual statement showing the disposition of such funds in detail and such further facts as the Auditor may require, and such Home shall be subject to inspection by the Board of Administration.

[blocks in formation]


An Act Making an Appropriation to Provide for the Payment of an
Existing Deficit Incurred by the Flood Control Commission.
Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) There is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $3,000.00, for the purpose of paying an existing deficit incurred by the flood control commission.

Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) This Act is hereby declared an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved March 2nd, 1923.


(H. B. No. 83-Committee on Appropriations.)


An Act Making an Appropriation for the current and contingent expenses of the Forestry State Normal School, at Bottineau, and Making Permanent Improvements and Additions thereto.


To the Honorable Secretary of State:

March 3, 1923.

I file herewith House Bill No. 83, being an act making an appropriation for the current and contingent expenses of the Forestry State Normal School at Bottineau, and making permanent improvements and additions thereto, with my approval as to three items only, to-wit:

Maintenance of grounds $150 in subdivision one (1).
General repairs-$400 in subdivison two (2).

Dormitory maintenance-$400 in subdivision four (4), or an approval of the total amount of nine hundred and fifty dollars ($950.00), and that my approval is withheld on the balance of the appropriation and all of the items thereof, the total amount of which so disapproved is seventy-two thousand, three hundred and fifty dollars ($72,350.00) for the reason that the appropriations of the legislature exceed the available income and that the school at Bottineau was established as a School of Forestry which it has ceased to be, and I do not feel that in view of the financial conditions of our state that we are warranted in maintaining the institution as a normal school, and for that reason I withhold my approval of all of the appropriation save and except the three items aggregating nine hundred and fifty dollars ($950.00), being the only items that could be made available for taking care of the property of the institution after the institution is closed.

Very respectfully,



Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated


the sum of $73,300.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of providing for the current and contingent expenses of the Forestry State Normal School at Bottineau and making permanent improvements and additions thereto:

[blocks in formation]


(S. B. No. 104-Committee on Appropriations.)


An Act Making an Appropriation of the Sum of $5,000.00, for the Biennium, to Pay the Expenses and Per Diem of Agents in the Arrest and Return of Fugitives from Justice as prescribed by Section 11162 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 of North Dakota.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the biennium, the sum of $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the expenses and per diem of agents in the arrest and return of fugitives from justice as provided for under Section 11162 of the Compiled Laws of 1913 for North Dakota.

Approved: March 2nd, 1923.


(S. B. No. 126-Appropriations Committee.)


An Act Making an Appropriation to Provide for the Payment of an Existing Deficit in the Arrest and Return of Fugitives from Justice Fund.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. APPROPRIATION.) There is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,100.00 for the purpose of paying the existing deficit in the Arrest and Return of Fugitives from Justice Fund.

Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) This Act is hereby declared an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved February 19th, 1923.


(H. B. No. 80-Committee on Appropriations.)


An Act to Make Appropriation for Postage, Office Supplies, Furniture and Fixtures, Printing, Miscellaneous Expenses, Traveling Expense, Maintenance of Game Farms, Salary and Expenses of Fish Commissioner and Deputy Fish Commissioner, and Expenses and Maintenance of Fish Hatchery.

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