Lapas attēli

imprisonment for not less than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 11. DEALERS TO BE LICENSED.) Whoever, without being licensed as hereinafter provided, sells, or otherwise transfers, advertises, or exposes for sale, or transfers or has in his possession with intent to sell, or otherwise transfer, pistols or revolvers, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years.

Sec. 12. DEALERS' LICENSES: BY WHOM GRANTED, AND CONDITIONS THEREOF.) The duly constituted licensing authorities of any city, town or subdivision of this state, may grant licenses in form prescribed by the Secretary of State, effective for not more than one year from date of issue, permitting the licensee to sell at retail within the said city or town or political subdivision, pistols and revolvers, subject to the following conditions, for breach of any of which the license shall be subject to forfeiture:

1. The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license.

2. The license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority, shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be read.

3. No pistol or revolver shall be delivered

(a) On the day of the application for the purchase, and when delivered shall be unloaded and securely wrapped; nor

(b) Unless the purchaser either is personally known to the seller or shall present clear evidence of his identity; nor

(c) If the seller has reasonable cause to believe that the purchaser either is an unnaturalized foreign born person or has been convicted of a felony against the person or property of another, or against the Government of the United States or any State or subdivision thereof.

4. A true record, in triplicate, shall be made of every pistol or revolver sold, said record to be made in a book kept for the purpose, the form of which may be prescribed by the Secretary of State, and shall be personally signed by the purchaser and by the person affecting the sale, each in the presence of the other, and shall include the date of sale, the caliber, make, model, and manufacturer's number of the weapon, the name, address, occupation, and nationality of the purchaser. One copy of said record shall, within seven days, be forwarded by registered mail to the Secretary of State and one copy thereof to the chief of police of the city or town or the sheriff of the county of which the seller is a resident, and the other copy retained for six years. 5. No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in any part of said premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.

Sec. 13. PENALTY FOR FALSE INFORMATION.) If any person in purchasing or otherwise securing delivery of a pistol or revolver or in applying for a permit to carry the same, shall give false information or offer false evidence of his identity he shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than ten years.

Sec. 14. ALTERATION OF IDENTIFYING MARKS PROHIBITED.) No person shall change, alter, remove, or obliterate the name of the maker, model, manufacturer's number, or other mark of identification on any pistol or revolver. Possession of any such firearm upon which the same shall have been changed, altered, removed, or obliterated, shall be presumptive evidence that such possessor has changed, altered, removed, or obliterated the same. Violations of this section shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than five years.

Sec. 15. EXISTING LICENSES REVOKED.) All Licenses heretofore issued within this State permitting the carrying of pistols or revolvers concealed upon the person shall expire at midnight of June 30th, 1923.

Sec. 16. EXCEPTIONS.) This Act shall not apply to antique pistols or revolvers incapable of use as such.

Sec. 17. CERTAIN ACTS REPEALED.) All laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved March 7th, 1923.



(H. B. No. 177-Cole.)


An Act to Amend and Re-enact Section 6790 of the Compiled Laws of North Dakota for 1913.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) Section 6790 of the Compiled Laws of the State of North Dakota for 1913 is amended and re-enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 6790. EVIDENCE OF DEBT.) A pledgee may collect when due any evidence of debt pledged to him; he may also sell any evidence of debt pledged to him to secure the performance of an original obligation, if at the time of making such original obligation the pledgor shall have authorized in writing such sale. Before such evidence of debt can be sold and after the maturity of the original obligation, the pledgee must demand, in writing, the performance thereof from the debtor if he can be found. No. tice of the sale of such evidence of debt must be given by publication once, and at least ten days prior to such sale, in a newspaper published at the place of sale, if there is one, otherwise in a newspaper in the county in which such sale is to be made, and by service of such notice upon the pledgor and the makers of the securities, by registered mail addressed to them at their postoffice address as shown upon the securities to be sold, and if not so shown, at their last known postoffice address, and if there is no newspaper in the county, or upon the written request of the pledgor, notice shall be given by posting the same in five public places in such county for at least ten days prior to such sale. The notice of sale must specify the names of the pledgor and pledgee and the assignee, if any, the date, maturity and amount of the original obligation and the amount claimed to be due thereon, a description of the evidence of debt to be sold, which shall contain the names of the makers, the date and maturity of such obligation to be sold, and the time and place of sale. Such sale may be made by the pledgee, his agent or attorney. A report of such sale must be made and filed, substantially as required by Section 8128 in chattel mortgage foreclosures, and when so filed shall have the same force and effect.

Sec. 2. Any pledgor of personal property, or his assignee. may redeem the same from a sale upon foreclosure of any pledge within ten days after such sale, exclusive of the day of sale, by paying or tendering to the owner of the pledge at the time of sale, his agent or attorney, or the person making the sale, the amount for which said property was sold with the cost of sale and interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the date of sale. The pledger or his assignee desiring to redeem such property shall at the time of sale give written notice to the person making the sale of his desire to make such redemption; otherwise he shall be deemed to have waived his right to do so. In case such notice is served, the person making such sale shall retain the possession of the property sold until the expiration of said ten days and shall be entitled to his reasonable expenses in caring for the same. In case a part only of the property sold is redeemed the redemptioner shall pay or tender in addition to the price for which such part was sold such proportion of the costs of sale as said price bears to the entire price of all the property sold and also the reasonable expense of caring for the property redeemed and interest.

Approved February 27th 1923.



(H. B. No. 50-Miller and Halcrow.)


An Act to Amend and Re-enact Sections 1, 2, 9 and 13 of Chapter 97, Session Laws, 1921, Relating to Legislation to Prohibit Intoxicating Liquors and Beverages and Property Intended for the Manufacture of Same; Prohibiting the Transportation of Liquor and Providing for the Forfeiture of Property Used for the Transportation of Same; to Provide for its Enforcement and Penalty and defining the crime of engaging in liquor traffic.

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) Section 1 of Chapter 97, Session Laws, 1921, is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

Sec. 1. INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND CRIME OF ENGAGING IN LIQUOR TRAFFIC DEFINED.) The following liquors are hereby declared to be intoxicating and their intoxicating quality shall, by the Courts, be presumed, viz: alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, beer, ale, porter and wine and in addition thereto any spirituous, vinous, malt or fermented liquor, liquids and compounds, whether medicated, proprietary, patented or not, and by whatever name called, containing one-half of 1 per centum or more of alcohol by volume which are fit for use for beverage purposes; Provided, that the foregoing definition shall not extend to sweet fruit juices or dealcoholized wine nor to any beverage or liquid produced by the process by which beer, ale, porter or wine is produced if it contains less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol by volume and is otherwise denominated than as beer, ale, or porter and is pasteurized and contained and sold in or from hermetically sealed and labeled bottles.

Sec. 1A. The word person shall mean and include natural persons, associations, copartnerships, corporations and their clerks, agents and abettors.

Sec. 1B. CRIME OF ENGAGING IN LIQUOR TRAFFIC, DEFINED.) Any person who shall within this State, manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, furnish or possess any intoxicating liquor, shall be guilty of the crime of engaging in the liquor Traffic.

Sec. 2. AMENDMENT.) Section 2 of Chapter 97, Session Laws of 1921 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 2. PROHIBITING INTOXICATING BEVERAGES.) No person shall within this State manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver furnish or possess any intoxicating liquor, except as provided in this chapter. All provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed to the end that the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage may be prevented. Provided that pure grain or ethyl alcohol for nonbeverage purposes and wine for sacramental purposes may in good faith only be used, transported, pur chased and possessed as provided in this Chapter. It is further provided, that denatured alcohol or denatured rum; medical preparations that are unfit for beverage purposes; patented, patent and proprietary medicines that are unfit for beverage purposes; toilet, medical and antiseptic preparations and solutions that are unfit for beverage purposes; vinegar; flavoring extracts and syrups that are unfit for use as a beverage, or for intoxicating beverage purposes; together with those United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary and American Institute of Homeopathy preparations fit for beverage purposes, which can only be used by physicians and druggists for compounding purposes as hereinafter provided, may be manufactured, sold, purchased, transported, imported, exported, delivered, furnished and possessed only to be used for any legitimate nonbeverage purpose and such preparations and other alcoholic compounds and solutions shall not be sold or used for beverage purposes or sold under circumstances from which the seller may reasonably deduce an intention on the part of the purchaser to use the same for beverage purposes.

Sec. 2A. SACRAMENTAL WINE.) Wine for sacramental purposes may be purchased, transported, delivered and possessed by the heads of ecclesiastical jurisdictions, or by some minister, priest or other officer holding a federal permit to transport such wine and the same may be used in good faith only for sacramental purposes.

Sec. 2B. USE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS BY PHYSICIANS.) No physician shall issue any prescription for Intoxicating Liquors as such, but a physician holding a federal permit therefor, may personally or under his supervision administer Intoxicating Liquors to his patients, where the immediate use of such Intoxicating Liquors is believed necessary to afford relief from some disease. Provided, that not more than one pint of such Intoxi

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