Lapas attēli

Seventh. If it be an imitation of another article and it be not marked with the word "imitation" equally conspicuous with and immediately adjoining the name of the imitated article.

Eight. If it be a compound for which no standard of purity or quality has been established and it be not marked with the word "compound" equally conspicuous with and immediately adjoining the name of the article: Provided, however, That im itations, compounds, blends, mixtures or products sold under their own distinctive names shall, where necessary to prevent fraud or deception or to convey to the purchaser the true nature of the product, bear on the label a plain statement of the ingredients. If such statement of the ingredients alone be insufficient for the purpose herein designated the percentage of each ingredient shall in addition be required.

Sec. 7. LARD, HOW SOLD.) Every lot of lard, or of lard compounds, or of lard substitutes, unless sold in bulk, shall be sold in pails or other containers holding one, three or five pounds net weight, or some whole multiple of these numbers and not any fractions thereof.

Sec. 8. BREAD, HOW SOLD.) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale or to have with intent to sell or transport any bread, the loaf of which is not one of the following weights: sixteen ounces; twenty-four ounces avoirdupois or any whole multiple of sixteen ounces avoirdupois. The weights shall apply alike to each unit of twin or multiple loaves. Any loaf shall be of the required weight at any period from the time of baking until twelve hours thereafter. The above required weight standards shall apply alike to wheat bread, white bread, milk bread, rye bread, raisin bread, currant bread, brown bread. graham or whole wheat bread and other similar kinds of farinaceous substances baked in loaves and known and designated by the trade as bread. The average weight of loaves shall be as often above as below any permissible weights; Provided, That the weight standards defined in this section shall not be construed to apply to cake, buns, biscuits and similar small unit products.

Sec. 9. SPECIAL WEIGHTS AND SIZES.) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manufacture, sell or expose for sale, any article of food or drug in any package or container, the size or shape of which may deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser of such product as to the contents of said package or container, and that for the purpose of preventing fraud and deception, the State Food Commissioner and Chemist shall hereby be authorized to establish, publish and enforce rules and regulations relative to the size, weight or style of package or other specific food or drug commodities than those specifically named in Section 7 and Section 8 of this Act, and such rules and regulations shall have the force and effect of law.

Sec. 10. MEATS.) The meat of an animal shall not be sold for human consumption unless it be the product of a healthy animal, and no meat of any animal slaughtered during the period of heat, advance pregnancy or immediately preceding or following parturition shall be sold for human food. The meat of no calf less than four weeks old shall be sold as food. Hogs or other animals to be slaughtered for food shall not be permitted to eat filthy, diseased or decomposed food, nor shall they be kept in a filthy or unsanitary place; Provided, Nothing in this section shall be construed to conflict with the law relating to the sale of affected meat or the rules and regulations issued pur. suant thereto by the State Livestock Sanitary Board.

Sec. 11. DAIRY PRODUCTS.) Butter, dairy butter, creamery butter, oleomargarine, butterine, renovated butter or compounds of or substitutes for any of these, whether compounded or prepared from animal or vegetable fats or oils, and homogenized, reconstructed, filled or manufactured products from which the natural butter fat has been abstracted in whole or in part and other animal or vegetable fats or oils substituted therefor, or compounds of or products prepared from any of these shall be appropriately labeled so as to clearly advise the purchaser of the true nature of the product.


Sec. 12. STORAGE. COLD STORAGE PRODUCTS.) For the purpose of this Act a cold storage shall be defined as a place artificially cooled to a temperature of forty degrees Fahrenheit or below, but shall not include such a place within a private home, hotel, restaurant or a refrigerator car. No food shall be sold as fresh when held in storage or cold storage for longer period than has been shown by good practice to improve the quality of the particular food, or when there is any deteriora tion in such article, or when the storage product is not as desirable as the fresh. If storage or cold storage or other than fresh products are sold they must be labeled so as to fully advise the purchaser of the nature of the product entering into the transaction. All storage or cold storage products shall be stamped, labeled or tagged with the date when they were received in storage and removed therefrom. Said stamp, tag or label shall not be removed by any subsequent seller.

Sec. 13. SANITATION OF FOOD.) Every building or other structure or vehicle of transportation in which any food or drug or product to be used in the preparation of either of these is manufactured, prepared, held, sold, used or transported, shall at all times be kept and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Food at all times shall be kept covered or enclosed or by other means fully protected from avoidable contamination by any agencies that might serve to bring about or hasten its decomposition or that might render it infectious, poisonous, deleterious, injurious to health or filthy.

All buildings, shelves, counters, storage bins, floors, walls, ceilings, scales, stoves, machines, refrigerators and other facilities used therein for storing, handling, displaying or preparing of food products shall be designed and well adapted for the purpose with strict regard for the principles of sanitation.

The person and clothing of all employes in or about any food establishment shall be clean and when possible the personnel of such places shall be provided with special outer garments, aprons, white coats or other apparel for use during the hours of their employment.

No person shall be employed in or permitted to remain as an employee in any food establishment who is affected with any contagious or infectious disease in a communicable form. For the proper enforcement of this provision any inspector or agent of the State Food Commissioner and Chemist may require a medical examination and certificate of health from any employer for any employee whom he may have reason to suspect is so affected. Such examination shall be made by a physician approved by the State Food Commissioner and Chemist or his agent and the cost thereof shall be borne by the employer of said person. When notified to do so any employer who fails to provide such a health certificate for himself or employee within a reasonable time thereafter, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

The provisions for ventilation and lighting, toilet and washroom facilities, such as towels, washbowls and soap, cuspidors and other facilities for the convenience, health and safety of employees and patrons of such places as herein defined shall be ample therefor and subject to the approval of the State Food Commissioner and Chemist or his agent as to their sufficiency, location and condition.

All doors and windows that may be opened or closed at will shall, during the fly season, be kept properly screened and fly proof. All foods kept. displayed, prepared or offered for sale in any such place shall at all times be protected from contact with flies, roaches, ants, mice, rats and other vermin or household pests, the presence of any of which in any food establishment shall be deemed to render the same unsanitary and the proprietor thereof liable to prosecution under this Act.

No room or rooms used for the storage, display, preparation, use or sale of food shall be used as a sleeping, dressing or living room, nor shall any sleeping, dressing or living room be adjacent to and open into any such place, nor shall dogs, cats or other domestic animals be permitted to occupy such rooms.

Sec. 14. RIGHT OF INSPECTION.) For obtaining information regarding suspected violations of this Act, the State Food Commissioner and Chemist, his assistants, inspectors or agents shall have free access, ingress and egress to all places where articles of food, drug or beverage or other articles designated in this Act are manufactured, sold, exposed for sale or transported or held in possession with intent to use, sell or transport, or where food is prepared, gooked or held in any capacity whatever, except in a private home; and that agents, bookkeepers, transportation officers and other employees shall render all assistance and aid within their power to inspectors to effectuate the provisions of this Act; that said inspectors or agents upon paying or offering to pay to the person entitled thereto the full value thereof, may open any package, receptacle or container containing any article coming under the provisions of this Act and may take a sample therefrom, sufficient for inspection and analysis. Any person obstructing such entry or inspection or failing upon request to assist therein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

Sec. 15. SEIZURE. SEARCH WARRANT.) The State Food Commissioner and Chemist may seize any article of food or drug, the manufacture, transportation, sale or use of which is prohibited by this Act or which is manufactured, sold, used, transported, kept or offered for sale, use or transportation or had in possession with intent to use, sell or transport in violation of any provision of this Act or in violation of any rule, regulation, standard or definition issued pursuant thereto, and for this purpose he and his several assistants, inspectors, agents and employees shall have the powers of a constable. Such seizure may be made without a warrant but in such case as soon as practicable, he shall cause the person suspected of such violation of law to be arrested and prosecuted therefor. When necessary a search warrant may be issued by any magistrate of the State, Justice of the Peace or Police Magistrate whenever probable cause is shown by testimony under oath by way of affidavit or deposition, that any article of food or drug which is adulterated, misbranded, insufficiently or improperly labeled or otherwise in violation of any provisions of this Act or any rule, regulation, standard or definition issued pursuant thereto, or any food which is unwholesome, poisonous, deleterious or detrimental to health, is being kept or is present upon certain premises, particularly describing such premises, or in the possession of any person, naming or describing the person, the said magistrate shall issue a search warrant, signed by him with the name of his office, directed to any Peace Officer in his County, or to the State Food Commissioner and Chemist, or any of his duly authorized agents, commanding him or them to forthwith search the person or place named and to seize all and any articles of food or drug which may be held in violation of any provision of this Act and to bring such articles of food or drug before the Magistrate. The search warrant issued shall be substantially the form prescribed in Section 11134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,. Compiled Laws of North Dakota. 1913.

The provisions of Article 11 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Compiled Laws of North Dakota, 1913, as to service of search warrant, return of warrant, hearing, and return to District Court, shall govern in cases of search warrant issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act, except that the testimony of the witnesses need not be reduced to writing, and where the magistrate finds that the property seized is property of the kind described in the search warrant, and that there is probable cause to believe that the grounds on which the search warrant was issued existed, he shall send said property so seized under the search warrant to the District Court, together with his return. In case he shall find there is not probable cause to believe that the grounds on which the search warrant was issued existed, he shall order the property returned to the person from whom it was taken.

Sec. 16. DISPOSITION OF SEIZED ARTICLES.) Any article of food or drug which is adulterated, misbranded, insufficiently or improperly labeled, or any article of food which is poisonous, deleterious or detrimental to health or is held, used or transported in violation of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule, regulation, standard or definition issued pursuant thereto, is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the Attorney General, any of his assistants, the State's Attorney of any County or the State Food Commissioner and Chemist may maintain an equitable action in the name of the State for the abatement of any such nuisance. In said action any person in whose possession any such nuisance as herein described may be found or the occupant, tenant, owner, manager or person in charge of any building, vehicle of transportation or other property in which any such nuisance may have been found, shall each or all be made defendant. Said action shall be instituted and tried in the same manner in which other civil, equitable actions are tried. In case judgment is rendered in favor of the plaintiff in an action brought under the provisions of this section, the Court in rendering judgment shall provide for the destruction of such adulterated, misbranded, insufficiently or improperly labeled article of food or drug or article of food which is unwholesome, poisonous, deleterious, or detrimental to health, or make such other judgment and decree with reference to the same as shall be proper in the premises, and such as shall prevent said articles from being used, sold or transported in violation of this Act. In case of perishable food or drugs, the Court may at any time on the motion of any party upon ten days notice to the other parties to the action, in his discretion order the destruction

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