being no one in charge of such property, and there being danger of such property depreciating in value unless placed under a proper custodian, therefore this Act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 2nd, 1923. BOARD OF AUDITORS CHAPTER 143. (H. B. No. 310-Watt.) EXAMINATIONS BY BOARD OF AUDITORS. An Act Directing and Empowering the State Board of Auditors to Annually Examine and Audit the Accounts, Books and Vouchers of the State Hail Insurance Department, State Highway Department, and Workmen's Compensation Bureau, to take account of the amount and condition of the assets and liabilities of each Department so examined and audited, and make reports thereof to the Governor. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Auditors, in addition to the other duties now enjoined by law, at least once each year, to cause an examination and audit to be made of the accounts, books, and vouchers of the State Hail Insurance Department, the State Highway Department, and the Workmen's Compensation Bureau, and to take an account of the amount and condition of the assets and liabilities of each Department so examined and audited, and to make and file a report thereof with the Governor, on or before the 15th day of November of each year. The Board is hereby authorized and empowered to employ such expert accountants as it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved February 27th, 1923. BOUNTIES CHAPTER 144. (S. B. No. 337-Whitmer.) MAGPIE BOUNTY. An Act Providing for a Bounty for the Destruction of Magpies. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. For the purpose of encouraging the destruction of magpies, a bounty of fifteen cents shall be paid by the State of North Dakota for each magpie killed. See. 2. Any person killing any magpie to obtain the bounty thereon shall within sixty days from the date of killing exhibit or cause to be exhibited the wings of such bird to the county auditor of the county in which the said bird was killed and shall at the same time file with the county auditor an affidavit setting forth that he killed or caused to be killed the birds from which the wings were taken, that the same were killed within the limits of the county to whose county auditor the same were presented. Sec. 3. The county auditor shall before issuing the certificates herein provided for, require statements of two resident taxpayers of the county that they are acquainted with the person presenting the wing or wings and that to the best of their knowledge and belief the birds from which said wing or wings were taken were killed within the limits of said county. Sec. 4. The county auditor shall in the presence of and with the assistance of the county treasurer or the clerk of the District Court count and minutely examine the wings so presented and if he finds that the same are the wings of magpies, he shall issue a certificate to the person presenting such wings. Such certificate shall show the number and kinds of wings, the name of the person presenting them, also the fact that the affidavits have been filed and the examination required herein has been made. Such certificate shall be signed by the county auditor in his official capacity and attested by the officer acting with him. The county auditor shall keep a record in a bound book of all wings presented, showing the date, number and kind of wings, the names of the persons presenting them, together with the names of the witnesses, which book shall be kept as an official record. Sec. 5. Should any county auditor or officer acting with him have reason to believe that any person presenting a wing or wings as provided, has evaded the provisions of this article to obtain the bounty unlawfully, such officer shall require satisfactory evidence of the time, place and manner of the killing of said bird or birds. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the State Auditor upon the certificate of the county auditor to give the person presenting said certificate a warrant upon the State Wolf Bounty Fund, hereinafter provided for, in the amount required to compensate at the bounty prices by this article provided for the number of birds mentioned in the order, taking the receipt on the back of the order of the person presenting, for the full amount received; and the State Auditor and the State Treasurer shall keep an account of all warrants so issued and paid and list them in their annual report to the Governor. Sec. 7. The Secretary of State shall provide each county auditor with the necessary blanks for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this article. Sec. 8. Any person who shall falsely make, alter, forge or counterfeit any of said certificates shall be deemed guilty of forgery, and any person who shall swear falsely to any affidavit provided herein, or procure the same to be done by another, with the intent of obtaining any one of the said certificates, shall be guilty of perjury; and any person convicted of any of the offenses declared in this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term of not less than one year nor more than five years. Any person or persons who shali patch up any wing or who shall present any punched wing, with the intent to defraud the state, or any officer who shall sign any certificate herein provided for without first counting the wings, or shall intentionally evade any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 9. The bounties provided for in this Act shall be paid from the State Wolf Bounty Fund. Approved March 8th, 1923. CHAPTER 145. (S. B. No. 311-Whitmer.) WOLF BOUNTY. An Act to Amend and Re-enact Section 1, of Chapter 242, Session Laws of North Dakota for the year 1919, Relating to State Bounty on Wolves and Coyotes. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) That Section 1 of Chapter 242 of the Session Laws of North Dakota for the year 1919 be amended and re-enacted to read as follows: Sec. 1. STATE BOUNTY FOR WOLVES AND COYOTES.) For the purpose of encouraging the destruction of wolves and coyotes, a bounty shall be paid by the State of North Dakota for each wolf and coyote killed as follows: Five dollars for each mature wolf or coyote killed, and two dollars for each wolf or coyote pup killed prior to September 1st of the year of the whelping of such wolf or coyote pup. Provided further, that no bounty shall be paid on wolves or coyotes killed by the Extension Division of the North Dakota Agricultural College, through the directors thereof co-operating with the Bureau of the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture. Sec. 2. EMERGENCY.) This Act is hereby declared to be an emergency measure; Provided, however that the provisions of this Act shall not apply to any wolves or coyotes killed prior to May 1, 1923. Approved March 8th, 1923. BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS CHAPTER 146. (H. B. No. 68-Burk.) BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS. An Act to Amend and Re-enact Chapter 86 of the Session Laws for the year 1921, Relating to the application of the Tuberculin Test and Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in Townships in Counties in North Dakota under direction of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board by Petition of a Majority of Freeholders in such Townships. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) Chapter 86 of the Session Laws for the year 1921 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: Sec. 2. Upon receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the freeholders of any township in any county in this State petitioning for the application of the tuberculin test to all breeding and dairying cattle within such township, the State Live Stock Sanitary Board is authorized and empowered to enforce the tuberculin testing of all such breeding and dairying cattle in such township, in accordance with the laws providing for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis and reimbursement of owners of cattle destroyed for tuberculosis and the rules and regulations of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board. Provided that in any circumscribed area as established by the State Live Stock Sanitary Board where all the cattle in said area have been tuberculin tested no other cattle shall enter said area unless tuberculin tested under the direction of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board and are accompanied by the proper tuberculin test health certificate. Sec. 3. PENALTY.) Any person who refuses to assist or endeavors to prevent the State Live Stock Sanitary Board or its agents in carrying out the purposes of, or violates any of the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. EMERGENCY.) This is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Approved February 27th, 1923. BUDGET BOARD CHAPTER 147. (H. B. No. 201-Larkin.) BUDGET BOARD, MEETS WHEN. An Act to Amend and Re-enact Section 4 of Chapter 61 of the Session Laws of North Dakota for 1915. Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: Sec. 1. AMENDMENT.) Section 4 of Chapter 61 of the Session Laws of North Dakota for the year 1915 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows: |