Education and haber. Subcommittee on Labor- Mn agen COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR RETIRED EMPLOYEES TO AMEND THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT TO PROVIDE HEARING HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C., ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 35-031 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1978 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, JR., New Jersey EDWARD BEARD, Rhode Island MICHAEL O. MYERS, Pennsylvania CEC HEFTEL, Hawaii BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan ALBERT H. QUIE, Minnesota ыт 8m79 bc14 Baker, George, member, UE Local 107 Retirees' Association....... Block, Boris H., general secretary-treasurer, United Electrical Radio & Machine Workers of America and Representative of UE Local 107 Coxson, Harold P., Jr., director of labor law, Chamber of Commerce Dulski, Marie, president, Retail Clerks Union, Local 770 Retirees' Club Edgar, Hon. Robert W., a Representative in Congress from the State Ellis, John, assistant executive director, Associated General Contrac- tors of America, accompanied by Dale Witcraft, secretary, Collective King, Edward C., directing attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Myers, Hon. Gary A., a Representative in Congress from the State of Palmer, Robert, director, labor relations, National Association of Rodgers, Leo A., a representative of locals 254 and 255, Retired Mem- Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, et cetera- Baker, George, member, UE Local 107 Retirees Association, pension 14 Bernstein, Merton C., and Walter D. Coles, professor of law, Wash- 57 Block, Boris H., general secretary-treasurer, United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America and representative of UE Local 107 Statement submitted to Subcommittee on Investigations, House Tower, Jay W., staff attorney, Pension Rights Center, statement of.. 29 (III) |