Pomeroy, Stephen C., a Senator from Kansas Continued. remarks on the motion for an evening session......... 4820 on the bill relating to agricultural col- Pond, Harriet W., bill (S. No. 501) granting ....4144 Pope, Major General John, letter of, to General Grant, October 1, 1867, in relation to R. M. Patton .766 Population, table showing, white and colored, and the totals in each State in 1860, the number of Representatives, &c...........852 Porter, Fitz John, letter from, to Senator Cameron in reference to bill forbidding restoration of cashiered officers to service......... 1500 Porter, James S., bill (H. R. No. 255) for the relief of the heirs of, late of Hancock county, West Virginia. received from House, 3770; referred, 3771; referred anew, 3983, Port of delivery, bill (S. No. 325) to constitute San Antonio, within the collection district of Saluria, Texas, a-[By Mr. Morton.] referred, 981, bill (H. R. No. 785) to revive the second section of an act to establish Hannibal, Missouri, and Peoria. Illinois. received from House, 1316; referred, 1330; reported, 1461; passed, 1789; enrolled, 1812. bill (H. R. No. 786) declaring St. George and Boothbay, in the State of Maine, and San Antonio, Texas, and authorizing the establishment of bonded warehouses at Bucksport and Vinal Haven, in the State of Maine. received from House, 1370; referred, 1371; reported, 1863; passed with amendments, 2595; concurred in by House, 2786; enrolled, 2786. bill (S. No. 525) to authorize the establishment of customs, on the Pacific coast of the United States-[By Mr. Corbett.] referred, 2922. bill 1 (S. No. 533) to establish Cambridge, in the State of Maryland, a-[By Mr. Chandler.] reported, 3051; passed, 3240. Ports of entry, bill (H. R. No. 1444) changing received from House, 4275; referred, 4275; passed, 4396; enrolled, 4443. Posey, Charlotte, bill (S. No. 318) for the relief of, widow of Sebastian R. Posey[By Mr. Van Winkle.] reported, 981; passed, 1840; passed House, 3902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3954. In House: received from Senate, 1859; referred, 1869; reported and passed, 3898. Postage, joint resolution (H. R. No. 104) authorizing the transmission through the mails free of, of certain certificates of the Legislature of New Hampshire. received from House, 652; referred, 674; reported, 880; passed with amendments, 1230; title amended, 1281; concurred in by House, 1481; enrolled, 1448. joint resolution (H. R. No. 99) to allow members of Congress to inspect papers in the. received from House, 119; referred, 123. joint resolution (H. R. No. 119) to authorize the Postmaster General to print five hundred extra copies of his report and accompanying documents. received from House, 119; referred, 122; reported, 163; passed with amendment, 164; enrolled, 244. bill (S. No. 239) to amend an act entitled "An act to change the organization of the, and to provide more effectually for the settlement of the accounts thereof," approved July 2, 1836-[By Mr. Harlan.] referred, 434. bill (H. R. No. 832) making appropriations for the service of the, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869. received from House, 1657; referred, 1658; reported, 1775; amendment, 1900; called up, 2010; passed with amendment, 2031; agreed to by House, 2075; enrolled, 2078. bill (S. No. 455) to reorganize the, and fix the pay of its officers-[By Mr. Ramsey.] referred, 2030. Post Offices and Post Roads, the Committee Post roads, bill (S. No. 181) to establish cer tain, in the State of Oregon and Washingtou Territory- [By Mr. Williams.] referred, 99. bill (H. R. No. 828) to establish certain. received from House, 281; referred, 282; reported, 1026; discussed, 1808; passed with amendment, 1809; agreed to by House with amendment, 2021; concurred in, 2030; enrolled, 2128. bill (H. R. No. 725) supplemental to an act approved July 14, 1862, entitled "An act to establish certain."" received from House, 1464; referred, 1486; reported, 1863. bill (S. No. 503) to establish certain, in Oregon-[By Mr. Corbett.] referred, 2689. bill (S. No. 589) to establish certain-[By Mr. Ramsey.] reported, 3708; passed, 3916. In House: received from Senate, 3967; passed with amendments, 4492. bill (II. R. No. 1427) to establish certain. received from House, 4031; referred, 4031; reported, 4146; discussed, 4264; passed with amendments, 4266; agreed to by House, 4321; enrolled, 4365. Post route, bill (S. No. 191) for the establishment of a, from Lawrence, Kansas, to an Galveston, Texas- [By Mr. Ross.] referred, 164. bill (S. No. 233) to establish a certain, in Oregon-[By Mr. Corbett.] referred, 404 bill (S. No. 557) for completing a direct and continuous line of railroad from Washington city to Mobile and other points South, creating a, from Washington city to Mobile and New Orleans-[By Mr. Pomeroy.] referred, 3240; referred anew, 3314. Post routes, bill (S. No. 278) to establish certain, in the State of Oregon and Washington Territory-[By Mr. Williams.] referred, 650. Potomac Navigation and Transportation Com pany of the District of Columbia, bill (S. No.. 192) to incorporate the [By Mr. Thayer.] referred, 164; reported, 3671. bill (S. No. 539) to incorporate the-[By Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire.] referred, 3074. Potter, Mrs. L. T., bill (S. No. 596) for the relief of [By Mr. Howe.] reported, 3767; discussed, 4039; passed, 4041. In House: received from Senate, 4080; 1 referred, 4492. remarks by agreed to, 999. joint resolution (S. R. No. 118) for the appointment of a commission to select suitable locations for- [By Mr. Frelinghuysen.] reported and passed, 1670; passed House, 2829; enrolled, 2488; approved, 2544. In House: received from Senate, 1693; referred, 2028; reported and passed, 2321; enrolled, 2475. Powers, William Grant, bill (H. R. No. 1453) for the relief of. received from House, 4445; referred, 4445. Pratt, Anna H., bill (H. R. No. 1229) grant ing a pension to received from House and referred, 3119; reparted, 3900: passed, 4365; enrolled, 4448. Preble, Captain George Henry, bill (S. No.301) for the relief of, a commander in the Navy of the United States [By Mr. Grimes.] reported, 1142; passed, 1644.8 In House: received from Senate, 1661; referred, 1791gel (660 Presentation of bills to the President, bill (S. No. 366) regulating the, and the return of the same-[By Mr. Edmunds.] reported, 1204; discussed, 1371,1404, 1406, 5/1834, 1840, 2076; passed, 2078.70 In House: received from Senate, 2083; called up, 2543, 4841; referred, 4342. remarks by- กลม อร Mr. Bayard.......... 1940, 1942 Mr. Buckalew.....1372, 2076 2077 Mr. Davis.... 1872, ation upon the.... 19, 98, 196, 219, 243, 384, 471, 504, 650, 678, 703, 765, 845, 950, 951, 981, 1204, 2176, 2297, 8629, 3954 10, 19, communications from 151, 268, 373, 404, 443, 472, 720, 815, 922, 1094, 1287, 1330, 1382, 1439, 1442, 1515, 1646, 1693, 1744, 1775, 1843, 1866, 1887, 2009, 2234, 2331, 2417, 2544, 2569, 2659, 2772, 2925, 2935, 3053, 3318, 3389, 3710, 3714, 3770, 3916, 3984, 4070, 4235, 4236, 4345, 4403, 4450, 4506, 4517 10 annnal message communicated... message suggesting some public recogaition of the conduct of General Hancock ....256 21, 23 38 Mr. Wilson..... yeas and nays on the..... concurrent resolution in relation to the annual-[By Mr. Drake, December 4, 1867.1 read, 19; discussed, 63, 100, 151. remarks by Mr. Buckalew. Mr. Doolittle........... 2 151 64 Mr. Drake, 19, 63, 64, 100, 101 -Logo Mr. Fessenden............... Mr. Grimes... 104 .. 104, 151 Mr. Johnson......................... Mr. Pomeroy.................... 104 104, 151 64 Mr. Sherman.. 63, 64, 104 ⚫ resolution for printing two thousand additional copies of the, of the 17th of December, 1867, relating to the interFeller national monetary conference at Paris in June and July last-[By Mr. Anthony, January 23, 1868.J referred, 703; reported and agreed to, 787. Printing, the joint Committee on.......10, 4227 instructions to.......318, 1977, 2009 reports from.. .20, 163, 242, 872, 484, 787, 816, 1230, 1461, 1621, 1976, 2068, 2293, 2435, 2687, 2727, 2958, 13051, 3074, 3115, 3628, 3817, 3954, 4146, 4230, 4346, 4397, 4467, 4501 discharged from subjects.....625, 4146, 4238 Private Land Claims, the Committee on......9 instructions to.... ....1026 Private Land Claims-Continued.esab olla. I bill (H. R. No. 1206) to restore to certain parties their rights under the laws and treaties of the United States. received from House, 8688; referred, 3688; referred anew, 8814; reported, 4197; discussed, 48610Bzda remarks by Mr. Conkling Mr. Conness ... Mr. Fessenden........ Mr. Frelinghuysen. Mr. Harlan................... 4362 4861, 4362 4362 4362 4861, 4362 Mr. Pomeroy..4301, 4362 Mr. Van Winkle. 4862 vice of final, in suits at la and decrees in United States in places out of their jurisdictional limits-[By Mr. Howard. referred, 472; reported adversely, 1257. Promulgation of the laws of the United States, bill (S. No. 237) in relation to the-[By Mr. Anthony referred, 404; reported, 816; discussed, 1125; passed, 1126; passed House, 1657; enrolied, 1693; approved, 1744. In House: received from Senate, 1141; passed, 1661; enrolled, 1681. Provisional governments see Reconstruction. Public accounts-see Accounts. Public Buildings and Grounds, the Committee reports from. 404, 703, 1095, 4197, 4452 resolution calling for information in refer adverse reports from .3566, 4346 discharged from subjects....1775, 2653, 4230 bill (S. No. 481) to confirm the title to cernattain lands in the State of Nebraska ΕΠΟΙΒΙΑ راده [By Mr. Thayer.] referred, 2488; substitute reported, 2759; motion to take up, 2759; passed, 2760; passed House with amendment, 4322; concurred in, 4345, 4346; enrolled, 4352; approved, 4450. In House: received from Senate, 2776; passed with amendment, 4342; agreed to by Senate, 4375; enrolled, 4380. bill (S. No. 482) to quiet the title to lands in and the town of Santa Clara, in the State of 10:23 California-[By Mr. Cole.] referred, 2488. bill (S. No. 485) providing for the examina-mortion of the claim of J. Marino Bonilla to nobo the rancho "La Cuesta," in the State of California-[By Mr. Cole.] referred, 2556.los (LIG bill (S. No. 513) concerning, in the State of ora Arkansas- [By Mr. Williams.] referred, 2857.tab bill (H. R. No. 1118) to confirm to J. M. Hutchings and J. C. Lamon their preemption claims in the Yosemite valley, California. erence to, in New Mexico - [By Mr. Public debt-see Bonds. bill (H. R. No. 1454) making certain regulations as to the. received from House, 4451; referred, 4453. Public documents, resolution instructing the Committee on Printing to report the cost of all, annually published for distribution, &c.-[By Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, January 6, 1868.] ive 10 76 Magreed to, 818. joint resolution (S. R. No. 79) to amend an act entitled "An act to expedite and regulate the printing of," approved bager June 25, 1864-[By Mr. Anthony.] referred, 242. 6618 resolution instructing the Committee on the Library to report some suitable measure for the disposition of the, and books in the custody of the Secretary of the Interior-[By Mr. Howe, January 21, 1868.1 agreed to, 650. joint r into t resolu resolution (S. R. No. 121) to carry effect the resolution, approved March 2, 1867, providing for the exchange of certain [By Mr. Morgan.] referred, 1804; reported and passed, 3074; received from House, 2857; referred, 2860; a passed House, 4400; enrolled, 4403; reported adversely, 4346. bill (S. No. 555) authorizing the allowance of the claim of the State of Minnesota to lands for the support of a State university-[By Mr. Hendricks.] reported, 3240; passed, 3721.1 80-approved, 4450. W { In House: received from Senate, 8107; discussed, 4391; passed, 4892; enrolled. joint resolution (S. R. No. 124) for the distribution of certain, abroad-[By Mr. In House: received from Senate, 3761; Anthony hat referred, 4490. referred, 1911.rés 40TH CONG. 2D SESS. K Public documents-Continued Ban nijoiut resolution (H. R. No. 278) to supply brabooks and, to the national asylums for received from House, 2627; referred, 2628; Tere passed with amendment, 2759; concurred in by House, 2857; enrolled, 2858. joint resolution (S. R. No. 153) authorizing the sale at public auction of certain sur_plus books and, now in the custody of the Secretary of the Interior-[By Mr. Morgan.] reported, 3607. Public grounds, bill (S. No. 54) to enlarge the, surrounding the Capitol-[By Mr. Patter 288 son, of New Hampshire.] bill (S. No. 167) granting, to the State of Oregon to aid in the construction of a military wagon-road from the navigable waters of Coos Bay to Roseburg-[By Mr. Williams.] referred, 38; reported, 845. joint resolution (H. R. No. 91) concerning certain, granted to railroad companies in the States of Michigan and Wisconsin. received from House, 119; referred, 123; reported, 163; discussed, 243, 922; passed with amendments, 999; concurred in by House with amendment, bom 2488: called up, 2488; discussed, 2507, 2509; concurred in by Senate, 2512; da enrolled, 2518.5 bill (S. No. 187) additional to an act granting, Mot to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget sound, on the Pacific coast, by the northern route-[ Mr. Howard.] na breferred, 120.) babill bill (S. No. 188) for the relief of towns in bever the State of Nevada- [By Mr. Nye.] referred, 120; reported, 271; discussed, 319; passed, 405; passed House with ed no anmendments, 2858; concurred in, 2860; THARA enrolled, 2001; approved, 2925. In House: received from Senate, 422; di tereferred. 991; reported and recommitted, 1682; reported and passed with amendment, 2835; agreed to by Senate, 2876; enrolled. 2886. : referred, 1515. joint resolution (H. R. No. 232) authorizing assignment of a lot of, in St. Augustine, Florida, to the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen for educational purposes. received from House, 1789; referred, 1789. joint resolution (H. K. No. 227) enabling actual settlers to purchase certain, obtained of the Great and Little Osage Indians. received from House, 1702; referred, 1702; reported, 2922. bill (H. R. No. 907) to provide for the sale of certain, and lots on the sea islands of Beaufort district, South Carolina. received from House, 1812; referred, 1812; reported, 4228. bill (S. No. 444) granting, to the State of Nevada to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pacific railroad to the Colorado river-[By Mr. Stewart.] referred, 1911; reported, 3767. bill (S. No. 489) to relinqu relinquish the interest of the United States in certain, to the city and county of San Francisco-[By Mr. Conness.] referred, 2596. joint resolution (S. R. No. 27) to authorize the leasing of certain real estate in San Francisco-[By Mr. Cole.] recommitted, 2690. bill (H. R. No. 938) to authorize the sale of twenty acres of the, of the military reservation at Fort Leavenworth, Kan sas. received from House, 2690; referred, 2701; reported, 3983; passed, 3984; enrolled, 3986. bill (S. No. 512) granting, to the Iowa and Missouri State Line Railroad Company[By Mr. Thayer.] referred, 2789. bill (H. R. No. 23) to protect the rights of actual settlers upon the, of the United States. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860; reported, 2922; passed, 4396; enrolled, 4443. bil (H. R. No. 554) making a grant of, to the State of Minnesota to aid in the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi river. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860; reported, 3146; discussed, 3710; passed with amendment, 3712; motion to reconsider, 3784; returned, 3748; motion withdrawn, 8857; conference, 3904; conference report, 4035; concurred in by Senate, 4035; new conference, 4238; conference report, 4271; concurred in by Senate, 4271; by House, 4276; enrolled, 4282. joint resolution (H. R. No. 286) relative to the, of the Cherokee and Great and Little Osage Indians. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860. Public lands-Continued. bill (H. R. No. 934) amendatory of the act entitled "An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the," approved May 20, 1862, and of the acts amendatory thereof, approved March 21, 1864, and January 21, 1866. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860. bill (H. R. No. 1156) authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue a patent to F. N. Blake for one hundred and sixty acres of, in Kansas. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860; reported, 2922; passed, 3815; enrolled, 3872. bill (H. R. No. 1157) to cede to the State of Ohio the unsold, in the Virginia military district in said State. received from House, 2857; referred, 2860; reported, 3146. bill (H. R. No. 1052) amendatory of an act entitled "An act granting, to the State of Wisconsin to aid in the construction of railroads in said State," approved June 3, 1856. received from House, 2904; referred, 2904; reported, 3983; passed, 4451, 4452; enrolled, 4501. bill (S. No. 556) to revive the grant of lands to aid in the construction of a railroad from Selma to Gadsden, in the State of Alabama, and to extend the time for the completion of said road-[By Mr. Pomeroy.] referred, 3240. bill (S. No. 558) to extend the limits of certain land grants in Iowa and Minnesota-[By Mr. Ramsey.] referred, 3240. bill (S. No. 570) for a grant of land and granting the right of way over the, to the Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company-[By Mr. Harlan.] referred, 3504; reported, 3733; discussed, 4435, 4440; passed 4442. In House: received from Senate, 4471. bill (H. R. No. 1342) for the relief of A. R. Thomas--[By Mr. Paine.] referred, 3614. bill (H. R. No. 1343) to confirm the title to certain, to the pueblo of Santa Anna, in the Territory of New Mexico. received from House, 3645; referred, 3645. bill (H. R. No. 1344) to confirm certain, in the Territory of New Mexico. received from House, 3645; referred, 3645. bill (H. R. No. 1345) to amend an act entitled "An act to confirm certain, in the Territory of New Mexico." received from House, 3671; referred, 3681. bill (S. No. 73) granting, to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the city of Lawrence, in the State of Kansas, to the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, in the direction of the city of Guaymas, on the Gulf of California-[By Mr. Pomeroy.] reported, 3708. bill (H. R. No. 550) providing for the sale of a portion of the Fort Gratiot military reservation, in St. Clair county, in the State of Michigan. received from House, 3714; referred, 3715; reported, 3814; passed, 3874. bill (S. No. 601) granting, to the Territory of Dakota in aid of the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Company, authorizing said company to extend said road through the Territory of Dakota-[By Mr. Howe.] referred, 3817. bill (S. No. 603) to aid in the construction of the International Pacific railroad from Cairo, Illinois, to the Rio Grande river, to authorize the consolidation of certain railroad companies, and to provide homesteads for the laborers on said roads-[By Mr. McDonald.] referred, 8818. Public lands-Continued. joint resolution (S. R. No. 159) authorizing the Commissioner of the Bureau of Ref ugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands to sell certain portions of, within the corporate limits of the city of Pensacola, Florida, for educational purposes-[By Mr. Osborn.] referred, 3984. joint resolution (H. R. No. 335) for the protection of settlers on the Cherokee neutral, in Kansas. received from House, 3984; referred, 3986. bill (S. No. 628) giving the right of way to certain railway companies over the military reservation at Fort Leavenworth[By Mr. Pomeroy.] bill (S. No. 631) granting, to aid in the construction of a railroad from Nebraska City, in the State of Nebraska, to intersect with the Union Pacific railroad[By Mr. Tipton.] referred, 4197; reported, 4264. bill (H. R. No. 1433) to amend an act entitled "An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the." received from House, 4403. joint resolution (S. R. No. 176) extending the benefits of an act donating, to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, approved July 2, 1862, as amended by act of July 23, 1866, to States lately in rebellion-[By Mr. Sawyer.] read, 4446; passed, 4447. In House: received from Senate, 4474; motion to take up, 4477. bill (H. R. No. 1276) for the sale of the Hot Springs reservation in Arkansas. received from House, 4501. Public money, resolution instructing Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of atfixing a penalty upon any officer of the Government who shall authorize the expenditure of, for any purpose not previously authorized by law-[By Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, January 8, 1868.] read, 372; adopted, 373. bill (S. No. 360) to prevent and punish the unlawful use of, and property-[By Mr. Frelinghuysen.] referred, 1163; indefinitely postponed, 2084. bill (H. R. No. 787) to prevent and punish the unlawful use of, and property. received from House, 1370; referred, 1871; reported, 2084. Public moneys, bill (H. R. No. 450) to regulate deposits of the. received from House, 818; referred, 845; reported adversely, 1230. bill (H. R. No. 836) for the better regulation of the custody and expenditures of the. received from House, 1497; referred, 1498. Public schools-see Schools. Public works, bill (S. No. 410) making appropriations for the repair, preservation, and construction of eertain, in the Territory of Idaho-[By Mr. Cole.] referred, 1621; referred anew, 8146. bill (H. R. No. 1046) making appropriations for the repair, preservation, and completion of certain. received from House, 8630; referred, 3682; amendment, 8767. : Quartermaster's stores-see Court of Claims. Quince, Parker, bill (S. No. 452) for the relief of-[By Mr. Howe.] reported and printed, 2009; passed, 2278; passed House, 3551; approved, 3770. In House: received from Senate, 2289; referred, 2544; reported and passed, 3553; enrolled, 3563, Quorum, bill (S. No. 163) declaring what shall constitute a, of the Supreme Court-[By Mr. Trumbull.] reported and passed, 19; passed House with amendment, 490; referred, 503. In House: referred, 96; reported, 477, 478; discussed, 478; passed, 489; vote explained, 506. resolution requesting the House to inform the Senate whether a, of the House are present-[By Mr. Buckalew, September 21, 1868.]. read, 4518. R. bill- (S. No. 400) granting a pension to, widow of Patrick Raftery, corporal company H, thirty-third Massachusetts_infantry volunteers-[By Mr. Wilson.] referred, 1487; committee discharged, 2067. Mr. Fessenden. ...3680 1488, ..1462 1489, 3075, 3674, 3681 8076, 8077, 3673, 8675, 8676, 3677 Mr. Frelinghuysen...... 3678, 3679, 3680 Mr. Grimes............... Mr. Harlan....3674, 3675, 3680 Mr. Hendricks. ...1463, 1489, 3675, 8676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3680, 3681 .......1488, 1489, 3075, 3077, 8678, 3674, 78.3674 3676, 3677, 3678, 3679, 8681 Mr. Howe......1489, 8675, 8676, 3680 Mr. Johnson...8674, 3677 Mr. Morrill, of Maine... 1488,3674 Mr. Morrill, of Vermont............8075, 3076, 3672 8673, Mr. Howard....... Mr. Morton...mod 3674, 3675, 3676, 3677, 8679, 3680 Mr. Nye......... 8076, 3672, 3673, 8674, 8677, 3678, 3680 Mr. Pomeroy.. Mr. Sherman........ Mr. Stewart.. 1489, 3678 1462, 1463 1468, 3675, 3676, 3679, 3680 1489 Mr. Sumner........... yeas and nays on the 36793681 bill (S. No. 187) additional to an act granting lands to aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget sound, on the Pacific coast, by the northern route-[By Mr. Howard.] referred, 120. Railroad-Continued. bill (S. No. 210) to amend an act entitled "An act granting land to aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from the Central Pacific railroad, in California, to Portland, in Oregon-[By Mr. Williams.] referred, 318; reported, 1095; discussed, 1095, 2594; passed, passed. 2995; 2994 passéd House with amendments, 3889; concurred in, 3889; enrolled, 3389; approved, 3714. In House: received from Senate, 2614; passed with amendment, 3876, 3377; concurred in by Senate, 3413; enrolled, 3411; approved, 3761. bill (H. R. No. 208) extending the time for the completion of the Dubuque and Sioux City. received from House, 565; referred, 565, reported, 721; referred anew, 788; reported, 1070; discussed, 1257; passed with amendments, 1260; concurred in by House, 1442; enrolled, 1443. remarks by Mr. Anthony Mr. Conkling. Mr. Conness.. Mr. Edmuuds 1257 1259, 1260 1259 788, 1070 1257, 1258, 1259 Mr: Harlan, 788, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260 788, 1258 721 Mr. Morrill, of Vermont.. .......... 788 Mr. Morton....... ..1259 Mr. Pomeroy..1257, 1258, 1259 bill (H. R. No. 296) to declare the, and bridges of the New Orleans, Mobile, and Chattanooga Railroad Company a post route. received from House, 674; referred, 699; reported, 845; passed with amendments, 1148; concurred in by House, 1431; enrolled, 1443. bill (S. No. 289) granting lands to aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from Fort Scott, Kansas, in the direction of Santa Fé, New Mexico-[By Mr. Ross.] referred, 765. bill (S. No. 298) granting lands to aid in the construction of a, from Brownsville, in the State of Nebraska, to intersect the Union Pacific railroad at or near the one hundredth meridian west longitude[By Mr. Tipton.] Railroad-Continued. cars of the Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown, and what legislation is necessary to protect the rights of passengers on said road-[By Mr. Moi rill, of Maine, February 10, 1868.] laid over, 1071; discussed, 1121; agreed to, 1125. resolution instructing the Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire whether any additional legislation is needed in order to secure the rights of colored persons in the, from Washington to Alexandria-[By Mr. Sumner, February 10, 1868.] laid over, 1071. bill (S. No. 349) granting lands to the State of California to aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from the town of Vallejo, to Humboldt Bay, in the State of California-[By Mr. Conness.] referred, 1117; reported, 2259; recommitted, 3688; reported, 3857; called up, 3916; passed and title amended, 4039. In House: received from Senate, 4080; referred, 4492. resolution instructing the Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire into the treatment of colored persons on the, from Washington to Baltimore, and what additional legislation is needed to prevent abuses on that road-[By Mr. Sumner, February 17, 1868.] laid over, 1204; withdrawn, 3314. bill (S. No. 872) granting lands to aid in the construction of a, from Brownsville, Nebraska, and for aiding other rail roads in the State of Nebraska to intersect the Union Pacific railroad-[By Mr. Tipton.] referred, 1257; reported, 2856. bill (S. No. 374) to amend an act entitled "An act for a grant of lands to the State of Iowa in alternate sections to aid in the construction of a, in said State," approved May 12, 1864-[By Mr. Grimes.] bill (S. No. 444) granting lands to the State of Nevada aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from the Central Pacific railroad to the Colorade river-[By Mr. Stewart.] referred, 1911; reported, 3767. joint resolution (H. R. No. 168) to amend an act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a, and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean," approved July 1, 1862. received from House, 2483; referred, 2440. bill (S. No. 484) to aid the San Francisco and Humboldt Bay Railroad Company in the construction of a, from the city of San Francisco to the town of Humboldt Bay, in the State of California[By Mr. Cole.] |