Lapas attēli
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Mines, bill (S. No. 156) to establish a national

school of [By Mr. Stewart.]
read, 1; referred, 10; motion to discharge
committee, 553, 554; discussed, 556; mo-
tion withdrawn, 561; reported, 1287.

Minnesota, bill (H. R. No. 554) making a grant
of land to the State of, to to aid in the im-
BOur provement of the navigation of the Mis-

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Mr. Howard

Mr. Sumner..


2241, 2242




Morgan, Edwin D., a Senator from New Morrill, Justin S., a Senator from Vermont, 1 York-Continued.

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on the bill to regulate the carriage of passengers in vessels4397, 4398,4399 on the bill for therelief of O. N. Cutler, 4411 on the bill granting the right of way to the Denver Pacific Railroad Company, 4441, 4442 Morley, John, bill (H. R. No. 1231) granting a pension to. received from House and referred, 3119; reported, 3900; passed, 4365; enrolled,

Morrill, Justin S., a Senator from VermontContinued.

remarks on the bill for the relief of Israel S. Diehl.. 1095

on the Central Pacific railroad bill....1096 on the bill for the relief of the heirs of General Richardson. 1120

on the bill in relation to Nevada land grants 1465

on the bill for funding the national debt, 1464, 1624, 1654, 8990, 3995, 3996, 3998, 4048, 4049, 4050

on the bill to facilitate the settlement of paymasters' accounts........ 1695, 1696 on the invalid pension bill........1723, 1724 on the consular and diplomatic bill...1747, 1752, 1758, 1783, 1944




on resolution for a recessuntil May 26, 2480 on the joint resolution donating captured ordnance to the Lincoln Monument Association 2562

on the bill to regulate the coasting trade, 2655, 2790, 2791 on the resolution for printing the report of J. Ross Browne.. 2687, 2727 on the bill to admit North Carolina, &c... 2969, 3029 on the bill regulating the conveyance of printed mail matter.....2996, 2997, 2998 on the Western Pacific railroad bill...3075, 3076, 3672 on the supplementary bill concerning national banks... ....3082, 183084, 3087, 3088, 3152, 3154, 8162, 3163, 3185, 3218, 3220, 3221, 3223 on the resolution to inquire into cost of printing report of Paris Exposition, 3115 on the bill to relieve certain citizens of North Carolina from disabilities.... 3180 on the bill relating to the sale of ships to belligerents...




on the bill for the relief of the Mount
Vernon Association...
3784, 3735

on the tax bill (H. R. No. 1284).....3739, do 3740, 3741, 3742, 3743.3750, 3751, 3753, 3754, 8755, 3777, 3783, 3822, 3831, 3834, 3836, 3838, 3860, 3864, 3866, 3868 on the bill in relation to the Navy and Marine corps....

3986 on the bill to provide for an American steam line to Europe....... .4072, 8 4073, 4074, 4847, 4348 on the bill for the relief of John A. Neufore staedter Ton the Ohio river bridge bill...4199, 4268



- Jathem

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instructing Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire into the facts connected with the forcible ejectment of one of the employés of the Senate, on acscount of race, from the cars of the Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown heum railroad, and what legislation is necessary to protect the rights of passengers auton said road-[February 10, 1868], 1071 making certain inquiries in regard to the number of military districts o or headquarters established established in the District of 108. Columbia [February 17, 1868]....1204 2.08 directing the funeral expenses and three months' pay of Noah Smith, deceased, to be paid out of the contingent fund of the Senate-[February 25, 1868]...1404 reference to the issuing of new bonds by 10 the Secretary of the Treasury, upon afsatisfactory proof of the destruction of To add any of the bonds of the United States in 0818. the hands of bona fide holders-[July of aqil 23, 1868]

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625,703,880, 959, 1098, 1442, 1497, 1669, 1701, 1719, 1725, 1864, 2031, 2043, 2068, 11082088, 2259, 2267, 2298, 2329, 2497, 2623, 5-2726, 2736, 2770, 2970, 3051, 3506, 3645, 11084148, 4160, 4210, 4238, 4361, 4451, 4466 incidental remarks by. 296, 1587, 1069, 1211, 1489, 1497, 1669, 1702, 11744, 1746, 1782, 2010, 2021, 2085, 2161, 2192, 2242, 2417, 2438, 2595, 2659, 2749, null 2770, 3149, 3423, 3505, 3506, 3552, 8570, 4818 3571,8608, 8628, 3681, 8840, 4033, 4075, 8664146, 4149, 4160, 4161, 4211, 4264, 4453 remarks on the resolution relating to the cost of the Freedmen's Bureau, 219, 220 on the bill to repeal the cotton tax....225, boa Ηλείος, 248, 249 Beton deficiency bill (H. R. No. 318)......271, πάριτος τα τοι σειτοτα 02-712792802818580,13608, 3609, 3610, 3611, 8612, 3632, 8633, 3634, 3635, 3636, 8637,

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No. 78-authorizing and directing the Second Auditor of the Treasury ary to allow certain credits in the adjustment and settlement of the accounts of a mustering and disbursing officer therein named....... 219 No. 82-for the prosecution of frauds upon the internal revenue.


resolutions submitted by-
calling for information in regard to the
taxes collected from national banks-
[December 3, 1867]

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instructing Committee on the Judiciary to report a bill abrogating the illegal State governments now existing in the late rebel States, and providing provisional governments for the said States-[Jannary 8, 1868]..........


Mon the order of business. 081555,1782, 1865, 1992, 1993, 2021, on the Indian appropriation bill......3552, bell calling for the result of the survey of the 80110011-2048, 2259, 2297, 3569, 3570, 36072059884108,4148

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calling for the correspondence- between the British Government and the Government of the United States in relation to the Alabama claims- [May 27, 1868],

.50, 51

2597 reports made by....... 2759, 3074 motions made by.........281, 565, 1069, 1316, 2440, 3274, 3278, 3570, 4096, 4199, 4351 incidental remarks by 282, 471, 1069, 2007, 2417, 2509, 2548, 8116, 3314, 3608, 4266, 4283 remarks on the bill for the further security of equal rights in the District of Columbia... on adjournment for the holidays, 165, 167 on the bill to repeal the cotton tax, 203, 222, 255, 300, 306, 350, 351, 852, 354, 355, 358, 676 on deficiency bill (H. R. No. 313)......275 on the order of business...... 281, 282, 565, 1288, 2007, 2008, 2657, 2904, 4231 on the case of Philip F. Thomas...327, 330, 654, 655, 1147, 1172, 1209, 1210, 1268 on the bill to suspend the further reduction of the currency........ 884, 414, 416, 437, 488, 439, 440, 472, 523, 528, 529 on the resolution relating to southern State governments 384, 405, 405, 406 on the petition of the colored workingmen of the District of Columbia.... .......518 on deficiency bill (H. R. No. 320)......564 on supplementary reconstruction bill (H. R. No. 439), 704, 707, 711, 728, 724, 955 on the bill concerning Michigan and Wisconsin land grants...

923, 999, 2508, 2509, 2511 on the bill for the relief of the heirs of General Richardson.1119, 1120 on the resolution relating to the rights of colored persons in the cars...........1124 on the Dubuque and Sioux City railroad bill......


on supplementary reconstruction bill (H. R. No. 214)...1290, 1816 on the bill for the surrender of criminals... .....1429, 1430, 1431 on the rules for the court of impeachment...1519, 1521, 1570, 1575, 1578, 1579 on the bill for funding the national debt, 1649, 3990, 3993, 3994, 3997

on the organization of the Senate as a court of impeachment. 1674, 1680 on the joint resolution concerning the default of States in paying interest, cinterest. 1695, 13567, 3570 on the consular and diplomatic bill...1747 on the resolution providing tickets to the impeachment trial...... 1780, 1781 on the bill relating to the central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad Company.. 1894, 1895 on the bill to exempt certain manufactures from tax...1946, 1947, 2179, 2223, 2224 on the resolution relating to Department expenditures....... ....1976

on the bill regulating the presentation of bills to the President. 2077

on the bill to amend the judiciary act, 2126, 2127 on the bill for the relief of W. H. Otis, 2281 on the resolution for printing report of

the impeachment trial .......2296, 2297 on the bill to admit Arkansas to representation in Congress 2489, 2517, 2561, 2602, 2603, 2628, 2629, 2661, 2662, 2665, 2667, 2694, 2740, 2741, 2642, 2743 on the resolution for a recess until May 26, 2489, 2493. 2495, 2496, 2497, 2519 on the Paducah bridge bill.....2509, 2545, 2546, 2547, 2548, 2556, 2657, 2558

Morton, Oliver P., a Senator from IndianaContinued. remarks on the bill to incorporate the National Life Insurance Company......2515 on the resolution concerning District of Columbia business.......... 2583, 2584 on the resolution of thanks to Edwin M. Stanton .......2728, 2785



on the joint resolution to supply documents for national asylums....... on the bill to provide a temporary govern. ment for the Territory of Wyoming, 2794, 2800 on the bill to admit North Carolina, &c., 2866, 2904, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2966, 2967, 2969, 2970, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, 3015, 3017, 3019, 3020, 3023 on the bill for the relief of certain con"tractors for vessels.....2962, 2963 on the supplementary bill concerning national banks.. .........3079, 3080, 3084, 3086, 3087, 3150, 3157, 3158, 3159, 3160, 3161, 3189, 3191 on the bill relating to contested elections in Washington city. on the bill for the relief of Israel T. Canby's sureties. 3314


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Mr. Conkling.

Mr. Edmunds............

Mr. Frelinghuysen............

Mr. Harlan.........

Mr. Hendricks.......

Mr. Johnson...







3734, 3735, 3736, 3869

Mr. Morrill, of Vermont......3734, 3735 Mr. Sherman................. .......3735 Mr. Sumner.....3736, 3869 Mr. Trumbull.............


Mulligan, Colonel James A., bill (H. R. No. 1129) for the relief of the widow and children of the late, deceased.

received from House, 2690; referred, 2701; referred anew, 2759; reported, 3463; passed, 3646; enrolled, 3688.

on the Western Pacific railroad bill, 3673, Murphy, Miss Sue, bill (S. No. 625) for the


8674, 3675, 3676, 8677, 8679, 3680 on the bill to incorporate the Connecticut Avenue and Park Railroad Company, on the bill to incorporate the Washington Target Shooting Association, 3713, 3714 on the bill regulating the rights of property of married women in the District of Columbia.......... ........ 8715, 4161

on the bill to incorporate the National Hotel Company of Washington city, 3716 on the bill regulating corporations in the || District of Columbia ........8717 on the bill to incorporate the Potomac Navigation and Transportation Com


•pany.... on the order providing for evening sessions......


relief of, of Decatur, Alabama-[By Mr. Howe.]

reported, 4146; called up, 4149. Murphy, William H., bill (S. No. 253) for the relief of, of Farmington, Missouri-[By Mr. Harlan.]

reported, 553; passed, 1210. In House: received from Senate, 1229; referred, 1772.


Names of persons, bill (S. No. 143) to provide for changing of, in the District of Columbia-[By Mr. Harlan.]

passed House with amendments, 119; concurred in with amendment, 122; concurred in by House, 164; enrolled, 196; approved,


In House: reported and passed with amendment, 107; agreed to by Senate with amendment, 134; with new title, 134; agreed to by House, 162; enrolled, 195.

on the tax bill (H. R. No. 1284)......3774, 3775, 3776, 8777, 3822, 8825, 3826, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3830, 3831, 3860, 3863,3864 on the Rock Island bridge resolution, 3815 on the Electoral College resolution, 3871, || National Academy of Sciences, resolution for

3872, 3878, 3911 - on the bill concerning the rights of American citizens abroad.... 3901,

4231, 4238, 4234, 4350, 4354 1 con the bill for the further issue of tempo

rary loan certificates....

.3903, 4027, 4028, 4030 ....3956

on the bill for the relief of Edward H. A Hen.........

on the St. Louis bridge bill..............3985 on the bill to provide for an American steam line to Europe.4072 on the bill extending commercial laws to Alaska


printing report of, for the year 1867-[By Mr. Sumner, July 8, 1868.]

referred, 3818; reported and passed, 3954. National Asylum for Disabled Soldiers-see


National banks-see Banks.
National debt-see Bonds.
National forces-see Army.
National Hotel Company, bill (H. R. No. 366)

to incorporate the, of Washington city. received from House, 3053; referred, 3058; reported and passed, 3716; enrolled, 3770. National Life Insurance Company-see Insurance Company.

won the bill for the relief of the Choctaw | National Safe Deposit Company of Washingand Chickasaw Indians...


[blocks in formation]

ton in the District of Columbia, bill (S. No. 194) supplementary to an act to incorporate the, approved January 22, 1867[By Mr. Morrill, of Maine.]

referred, 164.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, bill (S. No. 399) to incorporate the [By Mr. Wilson.]

referred, 1487.

National Union Manufacturing and Publishing Company of Washington city, District of Columbia, bill (S. No. 258) to incorporate the-[By Mr. Ferry.]

referred, 625.

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Mr. Wilson


268, 269, 270

271 .....269 270, 271 269 268, 269 269,270 ..270

Naval Academy, joint resolution (S. R. No. 154) to admit certain persons to the-[By Mr. Frelinghuysen.]

reported and passed, 3671; passed House, 4451; enrolled, 4459; approved, 4506. In House: received from Senate, 3705; passed, 4479; enrolled, 4492.

Naval Affairs, the Committee on ......9 instructions to................ ....38, 999 reports from 120,518, 703, 880, 1117, 1142, 1163, 1515, 1669, 1670, 1977, 2922, 3074, 8146, 3539, 3671, 3856, 4098, 4197 adverse reports from 1669, 1834, 2856 discharged from subjects.

1142, 2856, 3051, 3589

Naval life insurance-see Insurance.
Naval service, bill (H. R. No. 601) making
appropriations for the, for the year ending
June 30, 1869.

received from House, 1431; referred, 1442; reported, 20883; discussed, 2149, 2244, 2267; passed with amendments, 2274; conference, 2348, 2736; conference report, 2998; concurred in by Senate, 2998; concurred in by House, 3053; enrolled, 3077. remarks by

Mr. Anthony.


Mr. Buckalew...2158, 2270, 2348 Mr. Conkling. 2154,

2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2249, 2250, 2257, 2267, 2270, 2271, 2272, 2348

Mr. Cole...

Mr. Conness..



2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2252, 2268

Mr. Corbett.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Dixon.


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Drake, 2250, 2251, 2254, 2256, 2267 Mr. Edmunds...

2150, 2152, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2160, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2253, 2254, 2256 Mr. Fessenden, 2149, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2155, 2156, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2256 Mr. Frelinghuysen...... 2152, 2157, 2159 Mr. Grimes...... 2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2257, 2268, 2270, 2271, 2272

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[blocks in formation]

Navy-yard, joint resolution (H. R. No. 332) authorizing the appointment of examiners to examine and report upon the expedieney of discontinuing the, at Charlestown, Massachusetts, and uniting the same with the yard at Kittery, Maine.

received from House, 3984; referred, 4024 reported, 4093.

Navy-yards, resolution instructing the Committee on Naval Affairs to make certain inquiries in relation to the changes that bave been made in the organization of the several, in the various civil departments thereof [By Mr. Wilson, December 5, 1867.]

agreed to, 38.

Naylor, Benjamin B., bill (H. R. No. 516) granting a pension to the widow and minor children of, late a pilot on the gunboat Patapsco.

received from House, 781; referred, 764; reported, 1404; passed, 3318, 3319; enrolled, 3359.

resolution inquiring the number of persons employed yed in the, January 1, 1868, and July ly 1, 1868, &c.- [By Mr. Wilson, July 8, 1868.] agreed to, 3818.

Nelson, William F., bill (H. R. No. 1171)

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Nevada, bill (S. No. 190) to further provide for giving effect to the various grants of public lands to the State of- [By Mr. Stewart. referred, 164; reported, 999; discussed, 1038, 1097, 1443, 1464; recommitted, 1466; reported, 1567, 1568; passed. 1646; passed House with amendments, 2858; concurred in, 2860; enrolled, 2901; approved, 2925. In House: received from Senate, 1667; ferred, 1769; reported and recommitted, 2461; reported and passed with amendment, 2835; agreed to by Senate, 2876; enrolled, 2886.

[blocks in formation]

Newman, Z. T., bill (H. R. No. 991) for relief of. received from House and referred, 3917; reported, 4145; passed, 4367; enrolled,


New Mexico, resolution instructing Committee on Territories to inquire into the expediency of making certain amendments to the organic act of [By Mr. Tipton, December 3, 1867.]

agreed to, 10.

bill (S. No. 417) to amend an act proposing to the State of Texas the establishment of her northern and western boundaries, &c., and to establish a territorial government for-[By Mr. Yates.]

reported, 1669; discussed, 3738; passed, 3784; passed House, 4454; enrolled, 4501; approved, 4517.

In House: received from Senate, 3762; passed, 4490; enrolled, 4496.

remarks by

Mr. Harlan........

Mr. Hendricks.........

Mr. Pomeroy..........

Mr. Ramsey

Mr. Trumbull..................

Mr. Yates.....






3733, 3734

Newsboys' Home, bill (S. No. 507) supplementary to an act to incorporate a-[By Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire.]

referred, 2760.

New York Associated Press, resolution authorizing the Presiding Officer to admit to a seat on the floor the reporter of the, during the trial of the impeachment-[By Mr. Anthony, March 25, 1868.]

laid over, 2084; discussed, 2234.

Nobles, H., bill (S. No. 232) granting a pension to-[By Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee.] referred, 404; reported, 2067: passed, 3823; passed House, 3902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3984.

In House: received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported and passed, 8897.


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